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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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OEIT - Office of Educational Innovation and Technology

This is what we do:

OEIT channels its energies into three broad areas to reify educational opportunities enabled by technology.

Bridging research and learning - leveraging innovative tools to bring the practise of research to the process of learning.

Linking content to the curriculum - providing leadership and coordination of activites that address how digital content is integrated into teaching and learning.

Fostering communities of innovation and practise - supporting communities of common interest centered around specific technology solutions, such as visualization, active learning, emerging pedagogies, etc.

The following stories of technology adoption from our faculty illuminate OEIT's engagement with advancing educational innovation.

Tell us how we can help you:

The Office of Educational Innovation and Technology engages with the MIT community to develop, disseminate and advance the sustainability of educational innovations through the strategic use of technology. Tell us how we can help you with your next educational project!

(OEIT staff portrait)

News and Announcements:

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