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Volcanic Features quiz

  1. Which of the following are characteristic of Aa lava?
  2. Which of the following are characteristic of pahoehoe lava?
  3. Which best describes the viscosity of aa lava?
  4. Which best describes the viscosity of pahoehoe lava??
  5. Slowly cooled intrusive igneous rocks USUALLY exhibit:
  6. Which of the following are true about basalt?
  7. Which of the following is true of basaltic lavas?
  8. Which of the following are true about pumice?
  9. Which of the following are true of granite?
  10. Which of the following are true of rhyolite?
  11. Which of the following are true of scoria?
  12. Laccoliths:
  13. Sills:
  14. Dikes:
  15. A dike swarm is:
  16. Batholiths:
  17. Which of the following are true about shield volcanoes?
  18. Which of the following are true about stratovolcanoes?
  19. Which of the following are true about stratovolcanoes?
  20. Which of the following are true of cinder cones?
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