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13. Filters

This section gives an overview of how LPRng uses filter programs, and gives a detailed discussion of how the printcap options and filters interact.

13.1 What are filters?

Print filters are one of the most powerful tools in BSD-style printer systems.

In general UNIX terms, a filter is a program that takes its input file(s), does something with it, and sends the result to its standard output. Most UNIX utilities are designed as filters. (But since you are a system manager, you should already know that :))

In the context of a BSD-style print spooler (and also LPRng), the term filter refers to a program that processes file while it is being transferred to a printer.

The filter is executed with STDIN reading from the file to be printed STDOUT to the printer device or a temporary file. STDERR (file handle 2) is redirected to a log file, and file handle 3 to an accounting file.

A filter can be as simple as a LF to CR/LF translator, or it can incorporate a complete accounting system, automatic file type translations, or even redirect the job to another printing system.

As part of the LPRng project, the following filters are supported. The are many others available for use, but are currently not supported.

The supported filters and other facilities are available from

13.2 What are print formats?

Options used:

LPRng has inherited a set of so-called `print formats' from its BSD ancestor. The format was used to specify the type of file that was being printed. The lpd server used the print format to select the filter for processing the file. The default format is f.

The user can specify the format (i.e., the file type) by giving the appropriate option to lpr:

Alternatively, one can also use -Fx, where x is the format specifier. (E.g., -Fc instead of -c.) This last form also allows you to use other (non-standard) format specifiers.

The filter for format X is the value for the Xf printcap option, with some minor exceptions. The following Xf options have a pre-defined meaning.

13.3 OF Filter

The of filter is used to process banners and job separators. The of filter is responsible for performing appropriate processing of this information and sending to the printer for action.

While the various file filters are invoked on a once per print file basis, the of filter is invoked on a once per print job basis.

This filter is the first one to be started, and should perform whatever specialized device initialization is needed. It should also do whatever accounting procedure is desired for start of job accounting.

The of filter will be given any banner printing or job separation information for a job. As part of its operation, it can detect a specific string, corresponding to a banner print request, and generate a banner. (See the Job Processing Steps and Printcap Options for details.)

During operation, the lpd server will send the special stop sequence of \031\001 to the of filter. The filter must then suspend itself using a kill -STOP operation. The lpd server will detect that the of filter has suspended itself and then will perform other printing operations.

After the other printing operations have been completed, the of will then be sent a kill -CONT signal.

This sequence will continue until all information has been printed, and then the of filter's STDIN will be closed. The filter will then perform whatever cleanup operations are needed, update accounting or other information, and exit.

13.4 LPR -p format

Options used:

The -p format is requires filtering the the input files by the pr utility and then passing the result through the if filter.

This is widely regarded as a kludge and may not be supported on your print spooler.

13.5 LPR binary (-l) format

The binary (or literal) format is -l. The if filter is used to process the file, and is invoked with the -c (cancel processing?) flag.

The filter will not modify the file when sending it to the printer, but may apply various setups to the printer.

13.6 Filter Command Line Flags

Options used:

A filter (or program) specification in the LPRng printcap database usually has the form:

:option=| [flags] /path [arguments]
:option=[flags] /path [arguments]

The first case is used where the option value can be a string or filter, and the second where a program is always expected. The following procedure is used to run a filter program.

The sequence of operations to run a filter is as follows:

  1. The program must be specified with an absolute path name.
  2. By default, the program is run as the user if invoked from a client program such as lpr, lpc, etc. If invoked from lpd, it is run as the server_user user (default daemon) configuration entry.
  3. The flags control how the program is to be run. The following flags are supported:
  4. If the -$ flag is not specified, the arguments determined by the value of the bkf (Berkeley LPD filter compatible flag) flag are added to the filter command line. If bkf is false the filter_options are added for OF filters and of_filter_options are added for non-OF filters; if it is true, then the bk_filter_options and bk_of_filter_options are added for OF and non-OF filters respectively.

    filter_options$C $F $H $J $L $P $Q $R $Z $a $c $d $e $f $h $i $j $k $l $n $p$r $s $w $x $y $-a
    of_filter_options(same as filter_options)
    bk_filter_options$P $w $l $x $y $F $c $L $i $J $C $0n $0h $-a
    bk_of_filter_options$w $l $x $y

  5. By default, for programs that are not being invoked as print job file filters, the filter_options arguments are added. For print job filters, if the bkf flag is set, then the bk_filter_options and bk_of_filter_options entries are used. The default bk filter options are the same as originally used with the BSD LPR filters. For the of filter, either the of_filter_options or bk_of_filter_options arguments will be added.
  6. The program arguments will then be scanned and interpreted. Arguments of the form $letter will be translated into values from the print job control file and/or printcap entry. The letters have the following meaning:

    a printcap af (accounting file name)
    b job size (in K bytes)
    c binary file (l format for print file)
    d printcap cd or sd entry
    e print job data file name (currently being processed)
    f print job original name when spooled for printing (N info from control file)
    h print job originating host (H info from control file)
    i indent request (I info from control file)
    j job number in spool queue
    k print job control file name
    l printcap pl (page length)
    m printcap co
    n user name (L info from control file)
    p remote printer (when processing for bounce queue)
    r remote host (when processing for bounce queue)
    s printcap sf (status file)
    t time in common UNIX format
    w printcap pw (page width)
    x printcap px (page x dimension)
    y printcap py (page y dimension)
    F print file format
    P printer name
    S printcap cm (comment field)
    Capital letterCorresponding line from control file
    {key}printcap value for key
  7. If there is no value for the specified argument, then the argument is removed from the list. If there is a value, the actual form of the substitution is controlled by additional flags as follows.

    $x '-xvalue'
    $-x 'value'
    $0x -x 'value'
    $'x -x value

    Each entry in quotes is treated as a single value, as in /bin/sh. The $'x does not quote the value. Combinations of the various flags are allowed. For example, $-x would simply substitute the value for x, and then pass the whitespace separated components as individual arguments. This last form is useful for adding in additional flags on the command line.

  8. The command line is parsed, metacharacters are ruthlessly stripped from all arguments and pathnames and replaced by _ (underscores), and an argument list suitable for the execve system call is formed.
  9. A sanitized environment is set up for the program execution, with the following environment variables.

    User name (client only)
    LOGNAME L control file info
    HOME Home directory (client only)
    LOGDIR Home directory (client only)
    PATH filter_path configuration information
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH filter_ld_path configuration information
    SHELL /bin/sh
    IFS " \t"
    TZ Time zone
    SPOOL_DIR sd printcap info
    CONTROL_DIR cd printcap info
    PRINTCAP_ENTRY printcap info
    CONTROL control file

  10. If the filter is to be run by a client program such as lpr, then the environment variables specified by the pass_env configuration or printcap option will be extracted from the environment, have any metacharacters removed, and then placed in the environment variable list. Commonly, the PGPPASS, PGPPASSFD, and PGPPATH are specified.
  11. The program is started, with STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR attached to the appropriate files or file descriptors. If none is specified, then they are attached to /dev/null.

13.7 LPRng Supported Filters

There already exists a large library of ready-to-use filters. Some of them have LPRng-specific versions, which can be found at the LPRng ftp mirror sites.

Filter Distribution Conventions

By convention, most filters are either totally standalone (very rare), or require a set of support files. There are two types of support files: per print queue configuration information and global support information.

Since a print filter will execute with the current directory set to the spool queue directory, most filters expect that per print queue configuration information should be kept in the spool directory. Most vintage filters insist on having these files hidden with names such as .setup. This can make it difficult for administrators to determine where the configuration files are.

It is strongly recommended that filters and information be placed in commonly accessible directories such as /usr/local/lib/filters, and the executables in subdirectories. This allows the LPRng administrator to set the privileges on these directories such that only the lpd process can access them.

Most of the LPRng supported filters can either be used as a if or of filter. The filter will examine the format type passed by the -FX command line argument, and if it is o it will perform as an of filter.

Alternatively, the filter will check the filename in the pathname by which is was invoked. If the name has the substring of in the filename, then it assumes it is to act as an of filter. This allows symbolic links to be made to a common filter executable, each of which corresponds to the filter name by which it is to be invoked.

When a filter is invoked, it is passed a large number of options, many of which are totally ignored in filter operation. However, for many purposes it is necessary to provide options to the filters to tailor their operation to the particular spool queue needs.

By convention, all LPRng supported filters use the


convention for specifying filter configuration option values.

13.8 lpf

Source code: LPRng Distribution

This filter is distributed as part of the LPRng source code, and has a very limited functionality. By default, it only translates \n to \r\n sequences, and detects the OF Filter Stop sequence when invoked as an OF filter.

13.9 IFHP Filter

Source code: LPRng Distribution, ifhp-<em>version</em>.tgz

This filter supports a wide variety of smart printers, or to be more specific, printers which support PostScript, PCL or PJL languages.

Printer Capabilities

As explained in Setting Up Your Printer, you can have a parallel (unidirectional), serial (bidirectional), or network (bidirectional) connection. When using a bidirectional connection, you can sometime obtain or gratuitously receive error and/or status information from the printer.

Some printers will spontaneously generate error messages when printing a job on a bidirectional interface. Usually, though, it it necessary to force the printer to provide status in a reasonable format.

Some printers have the capability of printing either PCL or PostScript; some require special setup commands and some will autosense which type of job is being printed.

If you are printing text, and not using a Page Description Language like PostScript or PCL, then you may want to download a font to the printer. This is especially the case when you are trying to print text files in a non-English font.

Some printers will provide a hardware page counter value when requested; however, the means of requesting differ from model to model.

Sometimes you want to generate a special banner for a particular printer, and need to put in some dynamic information. While this can be done by the lpd server using the bp program specification, it turns out that non-LPRng systems which want to use the ifhp want to have the same facilities. Thus, you need to have some way to get the same effect as the bp option, but at the filter level.

Having done lpd banner generation and printing, why not have the filter run an accounting script as well?

At this point, I suspect that the reader is beginning to suspect that making a general purpose filter to support all of these possibilities is difficult. That is incorrect. It is extremely difficult.

However, the ifhp filter greatly simplifies this, as it uses a simple database together with some printer configuration options. For details, see the ifhp documentation for details on using the filter. For the terminally impatient, the following is a quick cookbook:

# network connection to jet direct box,
#   no banners, HP compatible
# banner added
# for a parallel port printer or when you want VERY fast
#  throughput, no pagecounts, error messages, etc.  The
  :/usr/local/lib/filters/ifhp -Tstatus@

13.10 Using your own filters

If you already have a working setup, with its own specific filter programs, you might want to keep them. Or, you might want to write a set of your own.

See the source code in the LPRng Distribution, FILTERS_LPRng-<version>.tgz files for examples.

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