Promote Good Communications Formal-Conscious-Explicit Methodologies aid by making the way(s) that we work together--the goals, steps, etc.--explicit so that everyone knows about the work being done. This means that the decisions are visible and deliberate, rather than hidden and implicit. It also means that an appropriate level of formal process is used, with clearly marked beginnings, endings, stages, responsibilities, etc. Iterative The next step in a process almost always provides insights, definition, and other information about earlier steps. We believe that the methodology must recognize this and provide good support for revision and iteration through the various steps. Incentive/Reward The major benefits of using a methodology must derive from the methodology itself, not from external "payoffs." While management support for using the methodology is expected, the team and individual commitment to using the methodology are the most important. Further, since most benefits from using a methodology are "long-term" or "large-scale" ones, the benefits must be carefully promoted in comparison to apparent short-term "wins" from not using the methodology.