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The organization of this document is based on the IEEE Guide to Software
Requirements Specifications (Std 830-1984). The overall organization is
that section 1 introduces the document, section 2 introduces the
requirements and gives an overview of them, and section 3 lists the
specific requirements of the product. In this case, the product is a
document describing a formal development process, together with an
implementation plan for the new process.
In particular,
- Section 2.1, Product Perspective, explains how the product fits in
with related products, i.e. when does the new process begin and end?
How does it fit into the big picture of delivering software?
- Section 2.2, Product Functions, provides a summary of the functions
that the product performs.
- Section 2.3, User Characteristics, describes characteristics of
the users of the product that affect the specific requirements.
- Section 2.4, General Constraints, provides a general description
of limitations on the requirements, e.g. regulatory policies.
- Section 2.5, Assumptions and Dependencies, lists factors whose
change would necessitate a change in the specific requirements.
- Section 3 lists specific requirements for the new development
process and its implementation plan.
Biciunas, Delgado, Fields, Lewis