Computational Methods for Congestion Toll Pricing Models

Professor Donald W. Hearn

Co-Director, Center for Applied Optimization

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

University of Florida


Donald W. Hearn is Professor and Chair of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Co-Director of the Center for Applied Optimization at the University of Florida. He received an undergraduate degree in physics at the University of North Carolina as a Morehead Scholar and received Masters and Ph.D. degrees from John Hopkins University in management science and operations research. His teaching includes decision modeling and methods, nonlinear optimization and large-scale optimization. In addition to the University of Florida, he has taught at M.I.T. and has given short courses in Rome and Stockholm. His research interests include applied optimization and transportation science. Recent work has concerned the development of efficient algorithms for models that arise in production planning, urban traffic assignment and water management. He is founding editor of OPTIMA, the newsletter of the Mathematical Programming Society and an associate editor of the journals 'Operations Research' and 'Computational Optimization and Application'. He is author/co-author of over 50 refereed articles, co-editor of the recent books 'Large-Scale Optimization: State of the Art' and 'Network Optimization', and co-editor of the Kluwer book series 'Applied Optimization'.


Co-Arthurs:Li Hui Bai, Mehmet Bayram Yildirim