Professor Rolf Moehring



Rolf H. Möhring obtained his M.S. (1973) and P.h.D (1975) in Mathematics at the RWTH Aachen and is since 1987 Professor for Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at Berlin University of Technology, where he heads the research group Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms. He has held earlier positions as associate and assistant professor at the University of Bonn, the University of Hildesheim, and the RWTH Aachen. He is a member of INFORMS and the Mathematical Programming Society and has been Chair of the German Society for Mathematics, Economics, and Operations Research (GMÖOR). He currently is the Area Editor Optimization of Operations Research and serves in the Editorial Board of Discrete Applied Mathematics, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, and the Journal on Scheduling. His research interests center around graph algorithms, combinatorial optimization, scheduling, and industrial applications. He has edited about 10 conference volumes and special journal issues and published more than 70 research papers.