A 5/8 Approximation Algorithm for the Asymmetric Maximum TSP


Professor Maxim Svirdenko


The Asymmetric Maximum Traveling Salesperson problem, also known as the Taxicab Ripoff problem, is the problem of finding a maximally weighted tour in a complete asymmetric graph with non-negative weights.


We propose a polynomial time approximation algorithm for the problem with a 5/8 approximation guarantee. This improves upon a chain of previous results with approximation guarantees ½ <4/7 <38/63 <8/13. These algorithms all use a combinatorial algorithm to find a cycle cover, which is used to approximate the tour. Our solution uses an LP instead, allowing additional constraints helping to achieve the 5/8 approximation guarantee. We also make use of the LP in a novel manner and strengthen the Path-Coloring Lemma originally proposed by Kosaraju, Park and Stein (1996).