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Operations Research Center
Seminars & Events

Fall 2005 Seminar Series


Irvin Lustig

Dr. Irvin Lustig is the Manager of Technical Services for ILOG Direct, ILOG's direct sales division. Prior to this position, he was the product manager for the ILOG CPLEX and ILOG OPL Studio products. He was one of the lead developers of CPLEX, including the CPLEX Barrier Solver. Prior to joining ILOG, Dr. Lustig was a professor at Princeton University during which time he was awarded the 1991 Beale-Orchard Hayes Prize for Excellence in Computational Mathematical Programming from the Mathematical Programming Society, and the 1992 Operations Research Society Computer Technical Section Prize. Dr. Lustig received his PhD in Operations Research from Stanford University and a ScB in Applied Mathematics/Computer Science from Brown University. He is the author of over 30 scientific research papers. He is currently a candidate for Vice President of Marketing and Outreach for INFORMS.

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