Adrian Lewis is a Professor at Cornell University in the School
of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering. Following his
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from Cambridge, and Research Fellowships
at Queens' College, Cambridge and Dalhousie University, Canada,
he worked in Canada at the University of Waterloo (1989-2001) and
Simon Fraser University (2001-2004). He is an Associate Editor
of the SIAM Journal on Optimization, Mathematics of Operations
Research, and the SIAM/MPS Book Series on Optimization, and is
a Co-Editor for Mathematical Programming. He received the 1995
Aisenstadt Prize, from the Canadian Centre de Recherches Mathematiques,
the 2003 Lagrange Prize for Continuous Optimization from SIAM and
the Mathematical Programming Society, and an Outstanding Paper
Award from SIAM in 2005. He co-authored "Convex Analysis and
Nonlinear Optimization" with J.M. Borwein.
Lewis' research
concerns variational analysis and nonsmooth optimization, with
a particular interest in optimization problems involving eigenvalues.