Yannis Paschalidis is an Associate Professor in the College of
Engineering at Boston University, a Co-Director of the Center for
Information and Systems Engineering (CISE), and the Academic Director
of the Sensor Network Consortium (SNC) - an industry consortium
he spearheaded which currently consists of 14 companies focusing
in sensor networks.
Prof. Paschalidis completed his graduate education
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) receiving an
M.S. (1993) and a Ph.D. (1996) degree, both in Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science. In September 1996 he joined Boston University
where he has been ever since. He has held visiting appointments
with MIT, and the Columbia University Business School. His current
research interests lie in the fields of systems and control, optimization,
networking, operations research, and computational biology.
Paschalidis' work has been recognized with a CAREER award (2000)
from the National Science Foundation and the second prize in the
1997 George E. Nicholson paper competition by INFORMS. He was an
invited participant at the 2002 Frontiers of Engineering Symposium,
organized by the National Academy of Engineering. He has served
in the program committees of many conferences and is an associate
editor of Operations Research Letters, Automatica, and IEEE Transactions
on Automatic Control.