Dr. Smith is Chief Scientist and Corporate Officer for Sabre Holdings.
Sabre is the world’s largest distributor of travel through
traditional travel agencies as well as its on-line agency Travelocity.
Sabre is also a leading supplier of airline reservation services
and decision support software. Dr. Smith leads the Sabre Research
Group and is responsible for developing new decision support applications
for Sabre’s travel distribution, retailing and software lines
of business. Dr. Smith is an internationally recognized expert
in revenue management and reservation system design. He developed
many of the revenue management techniques used throughout the airline
industry and pioneered the application of revenue management techniques
in other industries. Dr. Smith’s team was awarded the 1991
Franz Edelman prize for airline yield management; the paper describing
this work was awarded the 2005 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing
Section Prize for its impact in this area. He served as president
of AGIFORS (Airline Group of the International Operational Research
Societies); in 2004 he was named AGIFORS Fellow for significant
contributions to the airline industry. Dr. Smith holds a PhD. in
Industrial and Systems Engineering from Georgia Tech, a Master
of Science in Operations Research from MIT and a Bachelor of Aerospace
Engineering from Georgia Tech.