Roman Kapuscinski is an Associate Professor of Operations and Management Science at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and Business School Co-director of Tauber Institute for Global Operations.
Roman’s research includes topics such as the value of information in coordinating the elements of supply chains, optimal design of production-inventory systems with capacity constraints, efficiency as a function of ownership within value chain analysis, and lead-time quotation. Recently his work extends also to pricing in energy markets and operations-marketing interface.
He is an Associate Editor for Management Science, Operations Research, and Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. Five papers written by him and his students were finalists/winners of MSOM student paper competitions and one a winner of ENRE student competition. He has cooperated in research with several companies, including advising over 50 MBA/Engineering projects.
Roman holds an undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Economics from Nicholas Copernicus University and Masters and PhD degrees in Operations Management from Carnegie Mellon University.