Operations Research Center
Seminars & Events

Spring 2009

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Seminar Series


John Hooker

John Hooker is Professor of Operations Research and Holleran Professor of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility at Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests include operations research, business ethics, and cross-cultural issues. He has published over 130 articles and seven books in these fields. He is an INFORMS Fellow, founding editor-in-chief of the /Journal of Business Ethics Education, /and an area editor for /INFORMS Journal on Computing/. He has been a pioneer in the integration of operations research and constraint programming, recently surveyed in his book / Integrated Methods for Optimization/. He developed the ethics curriculum and materials used in CMU's Tepper School of Business and has co-organized four conferences on international corporate responsibility. His book /Working across Cultures /is used as a text at several universities. He has lived and worked in Australia, China, Denmark, India, Qatar, Turkey, the United States, and Zimbabwe, and has extensive experience in Germany, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. He was head of the Carnegie Mellon Undergraduate Business Program 1996-2001. He reorganized the program, led the design of its curriculum, and received a distinguished service award from the Tepper School for his contributions to the program.

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