Spring 2009
Seminar Series
Georgia Perakis
Georgia Perakis is currently an Associate Professor at the Sloan School of Management at MIT. She joined the school in 1998. She received an M.S. Degree and a PhD in Applied Mathematics from Brown University. In the Spring of 2006 she visited for her sabbatical Columbia University.
Georgia Perakis' research interests include applications of optimization and equilibrium in revenue management, pricing, competitive supply chain management and transportation. She has widely published in journals such as Operations Research, Management Science, Mathematics of Operations Research and Mathematical Programming among others. She has received the CAREER award From the National Science Foundation and subsequently the PECASE award from the office of the President on Science and Technology. She has also received an honorable mention in the TSL Best Paper Award, the Graduate Student Council Teaching Award for excellence in teaching, the Sloan Career Development Chair and subsequently the J. Spencer Standish Career Development Chair. Perakis has passion supervising her students and builds lifelong relationships with them. So far she has graduated nine PhD and eleven Masters students.
Perakis is an Associate Editor for the journals Management Science, Operations Research and Naval Logistics Research. She is a Senior Editor in the journal of Flexible Services and Manufacturing, an Area Editor in the area of Supply Chain Management and Services for the journal Networks and Spatial Economics and America's editor for the journal of Pricing and Revenue Management. In 2008, Perakis served as the chair of the George Nicholson Best Student Paper in Operations Research and Management Science Competition by INFORMS. Perakis Has served as a member of the INFORMS Council and served as the chair of the Pricing and Revenue Management Section of INFORMS for two years. She has Been the co-chair and co-organizer of the Annual Conference of the INFORMS Section on Pricing and Revenue Management for several years and the chair of the cluster on the same topics for the annual INFORMS conference for several years.
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