Fall 2010
Seminar Series
Foster Provost
Foster Provost is Professor, NEC Faculty Fellow, and Paduano Fellow of Business Ethics (Emeritus) at the NYU Stern School of Business. He just retired as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Machine Learning, and in 2001 he co-chaired the program of the ACM KDD conference. He is Chief Scientist for Coriolis Ventures, a NYC-based early stage venture and incubation firm. His publications include many papers on the focused intervention of human resources for data mining. He was an organizer of the First and Second Workshops on Human Computation (HCOMP), which focused on various variations of crowdsourcing and micro-outsourcing. His other main research interest these days is predictive modeling with social network data, for which he won the 2009 INFORMS Design Science Award. Foster has applied these ideas in practice to applications including on-line advertising, fraud detection, network diagnosis, targeted marketing, counterterrorism, and others.
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