Operations Research Center
Seminars & Events

Spring 2010

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Seminar Series


Peter Kolesar

Peter. Kolesar is Professor Emeritus at the Columbia University and the Research Director of Columbia's Deming Center for Quality Management. He has been on the on technical staffs of Procter and Gamble, the RAND Corporation and Bell Labs and on the faculties of the Imperial College of Technology, London, the Université de Montréal, and the City University of New York. He has won numerous awards for his path breaking research on the deployment of police and fire fighting forces. Professor Kolesar is the author of some 50 technical papers spanning many areas of operations management and management science. Over the last decade, Peter Kolesar's dominant interest has been to increase the effectiveness of quality and productivity management in US industry. He is an active consultant to industry and government, currently working with the Pentagon on counter IED warfare. Peter Kolesar is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science. He has been the Chairman of the Board of the Montana Fly Company, a Director of the Juran Institute and President of the Montgomery Lake Association. He is a dedicated classical and flamenco guitarist and an avid fly fisherman. While an undergraduate, he captained the Columbia University water polo team.

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