Operations Research Center
Seminars & Events

Fall 2014

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Seminar Series


Retsef Levi

Retsef Levi is the J. Spencer Standish (1945) Professor of Management, Professor of Operations Management at the Sloan School of Management, MIT. He is a member of the Operations Management Group at Sloan and affiliated with the Operations Research Center and the Computational for Design and Optimization Program. Before coming to MIT, he spent a year in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center as the holder of the Goldstine Postdoctoral Fellowship. He received a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Tel-Aviv University (Israel) in 2001, and a PhD in Operations Research from Cornell University in 2005. Levi spent more than 11 years in the Israeli Defense Forces as an Officer in the Intelligence Wing. After leaving the Military, Levi joined and emerging new Israeli hi-tech company as a Business Development Consultant.


Levi's current research is focused on the design and the performance analysis of efficient algorithms for fundamental stochastic and deterministic optimization models, arising in the context of supply chains and inventory, revenue management, logistics and healthcare management. In addition, he is interested in stochastic and combinatorial optimization and mathematical programming in their broad definition, and especially in their intersection with problems that arise in the context of real-life applications. Levi is leading several collaborative research efforts with some of the major academic hospitals in the Boston area, such as Mass General Hospital (MGH) and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC). He is the lead PI on an MIT-FDA contract to develop systematic risk management approach to address risk related to economically motivated adulterations of food and drug products. He has also been involved in developing operational risk management methodologies for various organizations, in the healthcare, pharmaceutical and oil industries.


Levi received the NSF Faculty Early Career Development award, the 2008 INFORMS Optimization Prize for Young Researchers and the 2013 Daniel H. Wagner Prize. He was also awarded several teaching awards.