Operations Research Center
Seminars & Events

Spring 2014

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Seminar Series


Abba Krieger

Abba Krieger is the Robert Steinberg Professor of Statistics at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he served as chair for six years. Prof. Krieger has secondary appointments in the Departments of Operation and Information Management and Marketing. He has published over 125 scholarly articles and is a Fellow of the two leading statistical societies, American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. He has received many teaching awards at the University of Pennsylvania: the university-wide Lindback Award, the Anvil Award for teaching in the MBA program, and the Hauck Award for teaching undergraduates. He has chaired the committee to evaluate the Department of Statistics at Harvard as well as the committee to evaluate all academic statistics programs in Israel. He has consulted many of the Fortune 500 companies over the years, including currently American Express and Comcast.


Professor Krieger earned his SB in Pure Mathematics, SB in Management Science, and SM in Management Science from MIT. He earned his SM and PhD in Mathematical Statistics from Harvard. He has been faculty at the Wharton School since 1974.