Operations Research Center
Seminars & Events

Spring 2016

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Seminar Series


Dimitris Bertsimas

Dimitris Bertsimas is currently the Boeing Professor of  Operations Research and the co-director of the Operations Research Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has  received a BS in  Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece in 1985, a MS  in Operations Research at MIT  in 1987, and a Ph.D in Applied Mathematics and Operations Research at MIT in 1988. Since 1988, he has been with the MIT faculty. Since the 1990s he has started several successful companies in the areas of financial services, asset management, health care, publishing, analytics and aviation.

His research interests include analytics, optimization and their applications in a variety of industries. He has co-authored more than 170 scientific papers  and four textbooks, including the book ``The Analytics Edge’’  published in 2016. He is former area editor in Operations Research in Financial Engineering and in Management Science in Optimization. He has supervised 57 doctoral students and he is currently supervising 16 others.    

He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, and an INFORMS fellow. He  has received several research awards including the Philip Morse lectureship award (2013), the William  Peirskalla award for best paper in health care (2013), the best paper award in Transportation Science (2013),  the Farkas prize (2008), the Erlang prize (1996),  the SIAM prize in optimization (1996), the Bodossaki prize (1998) and  the Presidential Young Investigator award (1991-1996).