The OS/2 WWW Homepage
Welcome to the original OS/2 WWW Homepage. Be sure to check
out our page of User Information (which includes
the HTML Edition of Timothy Sipples' Frequently Asked Questions
List, links to the Warp Pharmacy, links to shareware, a
comparison of Windows 98 and OS/2 and much, much more).
There are many other IBM WWW Sites and OS/2
Homepages out there. We also maintain lists of Web Surfing and Web Serving Software Options for
OS/2, FTP Sites, Gopher Holes, and Internet
BBSes, UseNet Newsgroups of interest to OS/2
Users, OS/2 Software Vendors and Other Operating
Systems, and Other Computer Related
Sites (corporations and magazines).
OS/2 User Groups are essential to the success of OS/2. Everybody should
have a local user group, that they attend regularly, to share and obtain
new ideas and information. That's why we keep a list of User Group
Homepages here on the top-level page. If your User Group isn't here, please include it.
OS/2 User Group Homepages
Team OS/2
This OS/2 World Wide Web Homepage was brought to
you by the letters "O" and "S", the number "2", and the MIT OS/2 Users Group. This page is served by
WWW.MIT.EDU, courtesy of the MIT Student Information Processing
Board. OS/2 is a registered trademark of IBM Corp and is used
without permission. Special thanks to everyone who's ever sent us link
info. Send your comments, suggestions, and flames to or use the nifty (optionally anonymous)
comment gateway.
Explore the web! Let us know if you find anything not included here.
OS/2 Webmasters