XFIG Users Manual

Bugs Fixed in xfig 3.2.3b

(Released Jul 19, 2000)

If the BSD symbol is defined but has no value, the "#if" condition #if ( !(defined(BSD) && (BSD >= 199306)) && ...

Importing 24-bit PCX files works now with the new PCX reader from Russell Marks (public domain).

Importing PPM images with more than 256 colors failed because it was first converted to 24-bit PCX, which xfig couldn't read before now.

Importing TIFF files (which is first converted to PPM them to PCX) works now with new PCX reader to handle 24-bit images.

Bug where updating an arrowhead used the line thickness from the current settings instead of the line being updated to set the arrowhead thickness.

"=" instead of "==" in checking if picture type is XBM to allow updating pen color from update button

xfig would stop reading objects from a file when it encountered one bad object unless it had already read one or more good objects

If a polygon was created with ALL coincident points (i.e. zero width/ height, xfig would remove ALL points when reading the file and would subsequently crash. Objects with zero width/height are now removed when reading the file.

If a box with fewer than four points or a polygon with fewer than three points is read from a file, xfig removes it

Could still move point of object even if its depth was not active

References to "make" in Imakefile changed to "$(MAKE)"

When vertex number display was turned on, canvas wasn't refreshed to show them

When the page border was turned off, the zero-crossing lines weren't redrawn

User colors defined in the current session weren't saved with the figure.

User could click on text in disabled layer when in text mode

Bug which allowed only 511 user colors instead of 512

Background color of RGB slider lock buttons changed to random color when lock turned off

User colors in current figure would be lost if user previewed more than one file before cancelling file popup

"Transparent" color menu button for GIF export wasn't updated after export panel was created when loading new figure

Spurious comments would appear in spline after editing control point

If editing spline point for curvature and spline line had zero thickness, the spline would dissappear during edit

Incorrect declaration for put_msg()

Prepended $(DESTDIR) to $(XFIGLIBDIR) directory variable in Imakefile to be portable

Changed w_menuentryP.h and w_menuentry.c to explicitely use X11/Xaw3d/... path for menu entry when user has XAW3D set in Imakefile to use 3D Athena Widget set

xfig now uses gunzip instead of uncompress to uncompress .Z files to be more portable for Cygwin environment

Current directory for loading/saving figures was overwritten when changing export or picture browse directory

Loading a .fig file or importing a picture from an MSDOS filesystem failed because xfig tried to see if the file existed with a suffix of .Z, .gz, or .z, all of which were reported by stat() to exist because it apparently truncates any suffixes after the first

Bounding box of objects in negative region weren't calculated correctly when positioning grid was on

If "allow negative coordinates" was turned off, one could still pan into negative region by dragging mouse on side ruler with middle button pressed

Bug which prevented dragging rulers (with middle mouse button) into negative region unless it had been moved into the positive region first

If user specified a -geometry on the command-line and then switched to Portrait mode, the geometry requested was overridden

Various bugs in export commands when calling fig2dev

Inconsistent prototypes declared for pw_arcbox() and curve()

One of the header values for TIFF files was incorrect (was "DD", should be "II")

When scaling a box and the point positioning grid is more coarse than the points in the box, and you try to grab a corner of the box, xfig thought you want to scale either horizontally or vertically only.

Excessive updating of layer buttons when reading Fig file fixed

Problem when exporting to GIF with transparent = background

Certain files are now opened in binary mode ("wb" or "rb") for DOS compatibility

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