@1 a \'a_-\ n, often cap : the 1st letter of the English alphabet 2 a \*, (')a_-\ indefinite article : ONE, SOME -- used to indicate an unspecified or unidentified individual @aard.vark \'a_:rd-.va_:rk\ n : a large burrowing ant-eating African mammal @aback \*-'bak\ adv : by surprise @ab.a.cus \'ab-*-k*s\ n, pl -ci \-.si_-, -.ke_-\ or -cus.es : an instrument for performing calculations by sliding counters along rods or grooves @1 abaft \*-'baft\ adv : toward or at the stern : AFT 2 abaft prep : to the rear of @ab.a.lo.ne \.ab-*-'lo_--ne_-\ n : a large edible sea mollusk with an ear-shaped shell @1 aban.don \*-'ban-d*n\ vb : to give up : FORSAKE, DESERT -- aban.don.ment n 2 abandon n 1: a thorough yielding to natural impulses 2: ENTHUSIASM, EXUBERANCE @aban.doned adj 1: FORSAKEN 2: morally unrestrained SYN: profligate, dissolute @abase \*-'ba_-s\ vb : HUMBLE, DEGRADE -- abase.ment n @abash \*-'bash\ vb : to destroy the composure of : EMBARRASS -- abash.ment n @abate \*-'ba_-t\ vb 1: to put an end to 2: to decrease in amount, number, or degree @abate.ment n 1: DECREASE 2: an amount abated; esp : a deduction from the full amount of a tax @ab.a.tis \'ab-*-.te_-, 'ab-*t-*s\ n, pl -tis \-.te_-z\ or -tis.es \-*s-*z\ : a defensive barrier of felled trees with sharpened branches turned outward @ab.at.toir \'ab-*-.twa_:r\ n : SLAUGHTERHOUSE @ab.ba.cy \'ab-*-se_-\ n : the office or term of office of an abbot or abbess @ab.be \a-'ba_-, 'ab-.a_-\ n : a member of the French secular clergy -- used as a title @ab.bess \'ab-*s\ n : the superior of an abbey for women @ab.bey \'ab-e_-\ n 1: MONASTERY, CONVENT 2: an abbey church @ab.bot \'ab-*t\ n : the superior of an abbey for men @ab.bre.vi.ate \*-'bre_--ve_--.a_-t\ vb : SHORTEN, CURTAIL; esp : to reduce to an abbreviation @ab.bre.vi.a.tion \*-.bre_--ve_--'a_--sh*n\ n 1: the act or result of abbreviating 2: a shortened form of a word or phrase used for brevity esp. in writing @ab.di.cate \'ab-di-.ka_-t\ vb : to give up (as a throne) formally -- ab.di.ca.tion \.ab-di-'ka_--sh*n\ n @ab.do.men \'ab-d*-m*n, ab-'do_--m*n\ n : the cavity in or area of the body between the chest and the pelvis -- ab.dom.i.nal \ab-'da_:m-*n- *l\ adj @ab.duct \ab-'d*kt\ vb : to take away (a person) by force : KIDNAP -- ab.duc.tion \-'d*k-sh*n\ n -- ab.duc.tor \-'d*k-t*r\ n @abeam \*-'be_-m\ adv : on a line at right angles to a ship's keel @abe.ce.dar.i.an \.a_--be_--se_--'der-e_--*n\ n : one learning the rudiments of something (as the alphabet) @abed \*-'bed\ adv (or adj) : in bed @ab.er.ra.tion \.ab-*-'ra_--sh*n\ n 1: deviation from normal or usual : DERANGEMENT 2: failure of a mirror or lens to produce exact point-to-point correspondence between an object and its image -- ab.er.rant \a-'ber-*nt\ adj @abet \*-'bet\ vb abet.ted; abet.ting 1: INCITE, ENCOURAGE 2: ASSIST -- abet.tor or abet.ter n @abey.ance \*-'ba_--*ns\ n : a condition of suspended activity @ab.hor \ab-'ho_.r, *b-\ vb -horred; -hor.ring : LOATHE, DETEST -- ab.hor.rence \-'ho_.r-*ns\ n @ab.hor.rent \-'ho_.r-*nt\ adj : LOATHSOME, DETESTABLE @abide \*-'bi_-d\ vb abode \-'bo_-d\ or abid.ed; abid.ing 1: DWELL, REMAIN, LAST 2: BEAR, ENDURE, TOLERATE @abil.i.ty \*-'bil-*t-e_-\ n : the quality of being able : POWER, SKILL @ab.ject \'ab-.jekt, ab-'jekt\ adj : low in spirit or hope : CRINGING -- ab.jec.tion \ab-'jek-sh*n\ n -- ab.ject.ly \'ab-jekt-le_-, ab-'jekt-\ adv -- ab.ject.ness n @ab.jure \ab-'ju_.r\ vb 1: to renounce solemnly : RECANT 2: to abstain from -- ab.ju.ra.tion \.ab-j*-'ra_--sh*n\ n @ab.late \a-'bla_-t\ vb : to remove or become removed by cutting, erosion, melting, or vaporization -- ab.la.tion \-'bla_--sh*n\ n @ab.la.tive \'ab-l*t-*v\ adj : of, relating to, or constituting a grammatical case (as in Latin) expressing typically the relating of separation and source -- ablative n @ablaze \*-'bla_-z\ adj : being on fire : BLAZING @able \'a_--b*l\ adj 1: having sufficient power, skill, or resources to accomplish an object 2: marked by skill or efficiency -- ably \-ble_-\ adv @-able also -ible \*-b*l\ adj suffix 1: capable of, fit for, or worthy of (being so acted upon or toward) 2: tending, given, or liable to -- -ably also -ibly \*-ble_-\ adv suffix @able-bod.ied \.a_--b*l-'ba_:d-e_-d\ adj : having a sound strong body @abloom \*-'blu_:m\ adj : BLOOMING @ab.lu.tion \a-'blu_:-sh*n\ n : a washing or cleansing of the body @ab.ne.gate \'ab-ni-.ga_-t\ vb 1: SURRENDER, RELINQUISH 2: DENY, RENOUNCE -- ab.ne.ga.tion \.ab-ni-'ga_--sh*n\ n @ab.nor.mal \ab-'no_.r-m*l\ adj : deviating from the normal or average -- ab.nor.mal.i.ty \.ab-no_.r-'mal-*t-e_-\ n -- ab.nor.mal.ly \ab-'no_.r-m*-le_-\ adv @1 aboard \*-'bo_-rd\ adv 1: on, onto, or within a conveyance (as a ship) 2: ALONGSIDE 2 aboard prep : ON, ONTO, WITHIN @abode \*-'bo_-d\ n 1: STAY, RESIDENCE 2: the place where one abides : HOME @abol.ish \*-'ba_-l-ish\ vb : to do away with : ANNUL -- ab.o.li.tion \.ab-*-'lish-*n\ n @ab.o.li.tion.ist \.ab-*-'lish-(*-)n*st\ n : one in favor of the abolition of slavery @A-Bomb \'a_--.ba_:m\ n : ATOM BOMB -- a-bomb vb @abom.i.na.ble \*-'ba_:m-(*-)n*-b*l\ adj : ODIOUS, LOATHSOME, DETESTABLE @abom.i.nate \*-'ba_:m-*-.na_-t\ vb : LOATHE, DETEST, ABHOR @abom.i.na.tion \-.ba_:m-*-'na_--sh*n\ n 1: something abominable 2: DISGUST, LOATHING @ab.orig.i.nal \.ab-*-'rij-(*-)n*l\ adj : ORIGINAL, INDIGENOUS, PRIMITIVE @ab.orig.i.ne \.ab-*-'rij-*-ne_-\ n : a member of the original race of inhabitants of a region : NATIVE @aborn.ing \*-'bo_.r-nin_e\ adv : while being born or produced @abor.tion \*-'bo_.r-sh*n\ n : a premature birth occurring before the fetus can survive; also : an induced expulsion of a fetus -- abort \-'bo_.rt\ vb -- abor.tive \-'bo_.rt-iv\ adj @abor.tion.ist n : a producer of illegal abortions @abound \*-'bau_.nd\ vb 1: to be plentiful : TEEM 2: to be fully supplied @1 about \*-'bau_.t\ adv 1: on all sides 2: AROUND 3: NEARBY 2 about prep 1: on every side of 2: near to 3: on the verge of beginning : GOING 4: CONCERNING @about-face \-'fa_-s\ n : a reversal of direction or attitude -- about-face vb @1 above \*-'b*v\ adv 1: in the sky; also : in or to heaven 2: in or to a higher place; also : higher on the same page or on a preceding page 2 above prep 1: in or to a higher place than : OVER 2: superior to 3: more than : EXCEEDING @above.board \-.bo_-rd\ adv (or adj) : without concealment or deception : OPENLY @ab.ra.ca.dab.ra \.ab-r*-k*-'dab-r*\ n 1: a magical charm incantation against calamity 2: JARGON @abrade \*-'bra_-d\ vb : to wear away by rubbing -- abra.sion \-'bra_--zh*n\ n @abra.sive \*-'bra_--siv\ n : a substance (as emery, pumice, or fine sand) for grinding, smoothing, or polishing @abreast \*-'brest\ adv (or adj) 1: side by side 2: up to a standard or level esp of knowledge @abridge \*-brij\ vb [MF abregier, fr. LL abbreviare, fr. L ad to + brevis brief] : to lessen in length or extent : SHORTEN -- abridgm.ent or abridge.ment n @abroad \*-'bro_.d\ adv (or adj) 1: over a wide area 2: out of doors 3: outside one's country @ab.ro.gate \'ab-r*-.ga_-t\ vb : ANNUL, REVOKE -- ab.ro.ga.tion \.ab-r*-'ga_--sh*n\ n @abrupt \*-'br*pt\ adj 1: broken or as if broken off 2: SUDDEN, HASTY 3: so quick as to seem rude 4: DISCONNECTED 5: STEEP -- abrupt.ly adv @ab.scess \'ab-.ses\ n : a collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue @ab.scound \ab-'ska_:nd\ vb : to depart secretly and hide oneself @ab.sence \'ab-s*ns\ n 1: failure to be present 2: WANT, LACK 3: lack of attention @1 ab.sent \'ab-s*nt\ adj 1: not present 2: LACKING 3: INATTENTIVE 2 ab.sent \ab-'sent\ vb : to keep (oneself) away @ab.sen.tee \.ab-s*n-'te_-\ n : one that is absent or absents himself @ab.sen.tee.ism \-.iz-*m\ n : chronic absence from work @ab.sent.mind.ed \.ab-s*nt-'mi_-n-d*d\ adj : unaware of one's surroundings or action : INATTENTIVE -- ab.sent.mind.ed.ly adv @ab.sinthe \'ab-.sinth\ n : a liqueur flavored esp. with wormwood and anise @ab.so.lute \'ab-s*-.lu_:t\ adj 1: free from imperfection 2: free from mixture 3: free from control, restriction, or qualification 4: lacking grammatical connection with any other word in a sentence 5: POSITIVE 6: FUNDAMENTAL, ULTIMATE -- ab.so.lute.ly \'ab-s*-.lu_:t-le_-, .ab-s*-'lu_:t-\ adv @ab.so.lu.tion \.ab-s*-'lu_:-sh*n\ n : the act of absolving; esp : a remission of sins pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance @ab.so.lut.ism \'ab-s*-.lu_:t-.iz-*m\ n 1: the theory that a sovereign should have unlimited power 2: government by an absolute ruler @ab.solve \*b-'sa_:lv, -'za_:lv\ vb 1: to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt 2: ACQUIT SYN: pardon, confess, shrive @ab.sorb \*b-'so_.rb, -'zo_.rb\ vb 1: ASSIMILATE, INCORPORATE 2: to suck up or take in in the manner of a sponge 3: to engage (one's attention) : ENGROSS 4: to receive without recoil or echo -- ab.sorb.ing adj -- ab.sorb.ing.ly adv @ab.sor.bent \-'so_.r-b*nt, -'zo_.r-\ adj : able to absorb -- absorbent n @ab.sorp.tion \-'so_.rp-sh*n, -'zo_.rp-\ n 1: a process of absorbing or being absorbed 2: concentration of attention -- ab.sorp.tive \-'so_.rp-tiv, -'zo_.rp-\ adj @ab.stain \*b-'sta_-n\ vb : to restrain oneself : leave off SYN: refrain, forbear -- ab.sten.tion \-'sten-ch*n\ n @ab.ste.mi.ous \ab-'ste_--me_--*s\ adj : sparing in use of food or drink : TEMPERATE -- ab.ste.mi.ous.ly adv @ab.sti.nence \'ab-st*-n*ns\ n : voluntary refraining esp. from eating certain foods or drinking liquor @1 ab.stract \ab-'strakt, 'ab-.strakt\ adj 1: considered apart from any specific embodiment 2: expressing a quality apart from an object 3: having only intrinsic form with little or no pictorial representation -- ab.stract.ly adv -- ab.stract.ness n 2 ab.stract \'ab-.strakt\ n 1: SUMMARY, EPITOME 2: an abstract thing, state, or word 3 ab.stract \ab-'strakt, esp for 2 'ab-.strakt\ vb 1: REMOVE, SEPARATE; also : STEAL 2: to make an abstract of : SUMMARIZE 3: to draw away the attention of @ab.strac.tion \ab-'strak-sh*n\ n 1: the act of abstracting : the state of being abstracted 2: an abstract idea 3: an abstract work of art @ab.struse \*b-'stru_:s, ab-\ adj : hard to understand : RECONDITE -- ab.struse.ly adv -- ab.struse.ness n @ab.surd \*b-'s*rd, -'z*rd\ adj : RIDICULOUS, UNREASONABLE -- ab.sur.di.ty \-*t-e_-\ n -- ab.surd.ly adv @abun.dant \*-'b*n-d*nt\ adj : more than enough : amply sufficient SYN: copious, plentiful -- abun.dance \-d*ns\ n -- abun.dant.ly adv @1 abuse \*-'byu_:z\ vb 1: to put to a wrong use : MISUSE 2: MISTREAT 3: to blame or scold rudely : REVILE -- abu.sive \-'byu_:-siv\ adj -- abu.sive.ly adv 2 abuse \-'byu_:s\ n 1: MISUSE 2: MISTREATMENT 3: a corrupt practice 4: coarse and insulting speech @abut \*-'b*t\ vb abut.ted; abut.ting : to touch along a border : border on @abut.ment n : a structure that supports weight or withstands lateral pressure (as at either end of a bridge or arch) @abut.tals \*-'b*t- *lz\ n, pl : the boundaries of lands with respect to other contiguous lands or highways by which they are bounded @abysm \*-'biz-*m\ n : ABYSS @abys.mal \*-'biz-m*l\ adj : immeasurably deep : BOTTOMLESS -- abys.mal.ly adv @abyss \*-'bis\ n 1: the bottomless pit of old accounts of the universe 2: an immeasurable depth @aca.cia \*-'ka_--sh*\ n : any of numerous leguminous trees or shrubs with round white or yellow flower clusters @ac.a.deme \'ak-*-.de_-m\ n : SCHOOL; also : academic environment @ac.a.dem.ic \.ak-*-'dem-ik\ adj 1: of or relating to schools or colleges 2: literary or general rather than technical 3: theoretical rather than practical -- ac.a.dem.i.cal.ly adv @ac.a.de.mi.cian \.ak-*d-*-'mish-*n, *-.kad-*-\ n : a member of a society of scholars or artists @ac.a.dem.i.cism \.ak-*-'dem-*-.siz-*m\ n : manner, style, or content conforming to the traditions or rules of a school or an official academy @acad.e.my \*-'kad-*-me_-\ n [Gk Akade_-meia, school of philosophy founded by Plato, fr. Akade_-meia, gymnasium where Plato taught, fr. Akade_-mos Academus, Greek mythological hero] 1: a school above the elementary level; esp : a private secondary school 2: a society of scholars, artists, or learned men @acan.thus \*-'kan-th*s\ n : an ornamentation (as on a column) representing the leaves of a prickly herb of the Mediterranean region @a cap.pel.la \.a_:k-*-'pel-*\ adv (or adj) : without instrumental accompaniment @ac.cede \ak-'se_-d\ vb 1: to adhere to an agreement 2: to express approval 3: to enter upon an office SYN: acquiesce, assent, consent, subscribe @ac.ce.le.ran.do \a_:-.chel-*-'ra_:n-do_-\ adv (or adj) : gradually faster -- used as a direction in music @ac.cel.er.ate \ik-'sel-*-.ra_-t, ak-\ vb 1: to bring about earlier 2: to speed up : QUICKEN -- ac.cel.er.a.tion \-.sel-*-'ra_--sh*n\ n -- ac.cel.er.a.tor \-'sel-*-.ra_-t-*r\ n @1 ac.cent \'ak-.sent\ n 1: a distinctive manner of pronunciation 2: prominence given to one syllable of a word esp. by stress 3: a mark (as ', `, ^) over a vowel in writing or printing used usu. to indicate a difference in pronunciation (as stress) from a vowel not so marked -- ac.cen.tu.al \ak-'sench-(*-)w*l\ adj 2 ac.cent \'ak-.sent, ak-'sent\ vb : STRESS, EMPHASIZE @ac.cen.tu.ate \ak-'sen-ch*-.wa_-t\ vb : ACCENT -- ac.cen.tu.a.tion \-.sen-ch*-'wa_--sh*n\ n @ac.cept \ik-'sept, ak-\ vb 1: to receive or take willingly 2: to agree to 3: to acknowledge as binding and promise to pay -- ac.cept.abil.i.ty \-.sep-t*-'bil-*t-e_-\ n -- ac.cept.able \-'sep-t*-b*l\ adj @ac.cep.tance \ik-'sep-t*ns, ak-\ n 1: the act of accepting 2: the state of being accepted or acceptable 3: an accepted bill of exchange @ac.cep.ta.tion \.ak-.sep-'ta_--sh*n\ n : the meaning in which a word is generally understood @ac.cess \'ak-.s*s\ n 1: ATTACK, FIT 2: APPROACH, ADMITTANCE 3: a way of approach : ENTRANCE @ac.ces.si.ble \ik-'ses-*-b*l, ak-\ adj : easy to approach -- ac.ces.si.bil.i.ty \-.ses-*-'bil-*t-e_-\ n @ac.ces.sion \ik-'sesh-*n, ak-\ n 1: something added 2: increase by something added 3: the act of acceding (as to a throne) @ac.ces.so.ry \ik-'ses-(*-)re_-, ak-\ n 1: something helpful but not essential 2: a person who though not present abets or assists in the commission of an offense SYN: appurtenance, adjunct, appendage -- accessory adj @ac.ci.dence \'ak-s*d-*ns\ n : the part of grammar that deals with inflections @ac.ci.dent \'ak-s*d-*nt\ n 1: something occurring by chance or without intention 2: CHANCE 3: a nonessential property @1 ac.ci.den.tal \.ak-s*-'dent- *l\ adj : happening unexpectedly or by chance SYN: casual, fortuitous, incidental, adventitious -- ac.ci.den.tal.ly \-( *-)le_-\ adv 2 accidental n : a note (as a sharp or flat) not belonging to the key indicated by the signature of a musical composition @ac.claim \*-'kla_-m\ vb 1: APPLAUD, PRAISE 2: to welcome or proclaim with applause SYN: extol, laud -- ac.claim n @ac.cla.ma.tion \.ak-l*-'ma_--sh*n\ n : an overwhelming affirmative vote by shouting or applause rather than by ballot @ac.cli.mate \*-'kli_--m*t, 'ak-l*-.ma_-t\ vb : to accustom to a new climate or new conditions @ac.cli.ma.tize \*-'kli_--m*-.ti_-z\ vb 1: ACCLIMATE 2: to become acclimated -- ac.cli.ma.ti.za.tion \-.kli_--m*t-*-'za_--sh*n\ n @ac.cliv.i.ty \*-'kliv-*t-e_-\ n : a steep upward slope @ac.co.lade \'ak-*-.la_-d\ n : a recognition of merit : AWARD @ac.com.mo.date \*-'ka_:m-*-.da_-t\ vb 1: to make fit or suitable : ADAPT, ADJUST 2: HARMONIZE, RECONCILE 3: to provide with something needed 4: to hold without crowding @ac.com.mo.dat.ing adj : OBLIGING @ac.com.mo.da.tion \*-.ka_:m-*-'da_--sh*n\ n 1: something supplied to satisfy a need 2: the act of accommodating : ADJUSTMENT @ac.com.pa.ni.ment \*-'k*mp-(*-)ne_--m*nt\ n : something that accompanies something else; esp : subordinate music to support a principal voice or instrument @ac.com.pa.ny \-(*-)ne_-\ vb 1: to go or occur along with : ESCORT, ATTEND 2: to play an accompaniment for -- ac.com.pa.nist \-(*-)n*st\ n @ac.com.plice \*-'ka_:m-pl*s, -'k*m-\ n : an associate in crime @ac.com.plish \*-'ka_:m-plish, -'k*m-\ vb : to bring to completion SYN: achieve, effect, fulfill, discharge, execute, perform @ac.com.plished adj 1: COMPLETED 2: EXPERT, SKILLED @ac.com.plish.ment n 1: COMPLETION 2: something completed or effected 3: an acquired excellence or skill : ATTAINMENT @1 ac.cord \*-'ko_.rd\ vb 1: GRANT, CONCEDE 2: AGREE, HARMONIZE -- ac.cor.dant \-'ko_.rd- *nt\ adj 2 accord n : AGREEMENT, HARMONY @ac.cor.dance \*-'ko_.rd- *ns\ n 1: ACCORD 2: the act of granting @ac.cord.ing.ly adv 1: in accordance 2: CONSEQUENTLY, SO @according to prep 1: in conformity with 2: as stated or attested by @1 ac.cor.di.on \*-'ko_.rd-e_--*n\ n : a portable musical instrument with a bellows, keys, and reeds 2 accordion adj : folding like the bellows of an accordion @ac.cost \*-'ko_.st\ vb : to approach and speak to : ADDRESS @1 ac.count \*-'kau_.nt\ n 1: RECKONING 2: a statement of business transactions 3: an arrangement with a vendor to supply credit 4: NARRATIVE, REPORT 5: WORTH, VALUE 6: a sum of money deposited in a bank and subject to withdrawal by the depositor -- on account of : because of -- on no account : under no circumstances -- on one's account : for one's benefit : in one's behalf 2 account vb 1: CONSIDER 2: to give an explanation -- used with for @ac.count.able adj 1: ANSWERABLE, RESPONSIBLE 2: EXPLICABLE -- ac.count.abil.i.ty \-.kau_.nt-*-'bil-*t-e_-\ n @ac.coun.tant \*-'kau_.nt- *nt\ n : a person skilled in accounting -- ac.coun.tan.cy \- *n-se_-\ n @ac.count.ing n 1: the art or system of keeping financial records 2: an explanation of one's behavior @ac.cou.ter or ac.cou.tre \*-'ku_:t-*r\ vb : to equip esp. for military service -- ac.cou.ter.ment or ac.cou.tre.ment \-'ku_:t-*r-m*nt, -'ku_:-tr*-m*nt\ n @ac.cred.it \*-'kred-*t\ vb 1: to authorize officially : APPROVE, ENDORSE 2: CREDIT @ac.cre.tion \*-'kre_--sh*n\ n 1: growth esp. by addition from without 2: a product of accretion @ac.crue \*-'kru_:\ vb 1: to come by way of increase 2: to be added by regular growth over a period of time -- ac.cru.al \-*l\ n @ac.cul.tur.a.tion \*-.k*l-ch*-'ra_--sh*n\ n : a process of intercultural borrowing between diverse peoples resulting in new and blended patterns @ac.cu.mu.late \*-'kyu_:-my*-.la_-t\ vb : to heap or pile up SYN: amass, gather, collect -- ac.cu.mu.la.tion \-.kyu_:-my*-'la_--sh*n\ n -- ac.cu.mu.la.tor \-.kyu_:-my*-.la_-t-*r\ n @ac.cu.ra.cy \'ak-y*-r*-se_-\ n : freedom from mistake : EXACTNESS, PRECISION @ac.cu.rate \'ak-y*-r*t\ adj : free from error : EXACT, PRECISE -- ac.cu.rate.ly adv -- ac.cu.rate.ness n @ac.cursed \*-'k*r-s*d, -'k*rst\ or ac.curst \-'k*rst\ adj 1: being under a curse 2: DAMNABLE, EXECRABLE @ac.cus.al \*-'kyu_:-z*l\ n : ACCUSATION @ac.cu.sa.tive \*-'kyu_:-z*t-iv\ adj : of, relating to, or constituting a grammatical case marking the direct object of a verb or the object of a preposition -- accusative n @ac.cuse \*-'kyu_:z\ vb : to charge with an offense : BLAME -- ac.cu.sa.tion \.ak-y*-'za_--sh*n\ n -- ac.cus.er \*-'kyu_:-z*r\ n @ac.cus.tom \*-'k*s-t*m\ vb : FAMILIARIZE, HABITUATE @ac.cus.tomed adj : USUAL, CUSTOMARY @1 ace \'a_-s\ n 1: a playing card bearing a single large pip in its center 2: a point (as in tennis) won by a single stroke 3: a golf score of one stroke on a hole 4: an aviator who has brought down 5 or more enemy planes 5: one that excels 2 ace vb : to score an ace against (as opponent) 3 ace adj : of first rank or quality @acer.bi.ty \*-'s*r-b*t-e_-\ n : SOURNESS, BITTERNESS -- acerb \'s*rb\ adj @ac.et.an.i.lide \.as-*-'tan- *l-.i_-d\ n : a drug used to relieve pain or fever @ac.e.tate \'as-*-.ta_-t\ n 1: a salt or ester of acetic acid 2: a fast-drying fabric made of fiber derived from cellulose and acetic acid; also : a plastic of similar composition used for wrapping film and phonograph records @ace.tic \*-'se_-t-ik\ adj : of, relating to, or producing acetic acid or vinegar @acetic acid n : a colorless biting liquid that is familiar as the chief acid of vinegar and is usu. manufactured @ac.e.tone \'as-*-.to_-n\ n : a volatile flammable liquid of pleasing odor used as a solvent @acet.y.lene \*-'set- *l-*n, - *l-.e_-n\ n : a colorless flammable gas used for lighting and as a fuel in welding and soldering @ache \'a_-k\ vb 1: to suffer a suffer a usu. dull persistent pain 2: LONG, YEARN -- ache n @achieve \*-'che_-v\ vb [MF achever to finish, fr. a to (fr. L ad) + chef head, fr. Lcaput] : to gain by work or effort SYN: accomplish, fulfill, effect -- achievement n @ach.ro.mat.ic \.ak-r*-'mat-ik\ adj : giving an image almost free from colors not in the object @1 ac.id \'as-*d\ adj 1: sour or biting to the taste; also : sharp or sour in manner 2: of or relating to an acid -- acid.i.ty \*-'sid-*t-e_-\ n 2 acid n 1: a sour substance 2: a usu. water-soluble chemical compound that has a sour taste, reacts with a base to form a salt, and reddens litmus -- acid.ic \*-'sid-ik\ adj @ac.i.do.sis \.as-*-'do_--s*s\ n : an abnormal state of reduced alkalinity of the blood and body tissues @acid.u.lous \*-'sij-*-l*s\ adj : slightly acid : SOURISH @ack-ack \'ak-.ak\ n : an antiaircraft gun; also : its fire @ac.knowl.edge \ik-'na_:l-ij, ak-\ vb 1: to admit as true 2: to admit the authority of 3: to express thanks for; also : to report receipt of 4: to recognize as valid -- ac.knowl.edgm.ent also ac.knowl.edge.ment n @ac.me \'ak-me_-\ n : the highest point : PEAK @ac.ne \'ak-ne_-\ n : a skin disorder marked by inflammation of skin glands and hair follicles and by pimple formation esp. on the face @ac.o.lyte \'ak-*-.li_-t\ n : a man or boy who assists the clergyman in a liturgical service @ac.o.nite \'ak-*-.ni_-t\ n 1: any of several blue-flowered or purple-flowered poisonous plants related to the buttercups 2: a drug obtained from a common Old World aconite @acorn \'a_--.ko_.rn, -k*rn\ n : the nut of the oak @acous.tic \*-'ku_:-stik\ adj 1: of or relating to the sense or organs of hearing, to sound, or to the science of sounds 2: deadening sound 3: operated by or utilizing sound waves -- acous.ti.cal adj -- acous.ti.cal.ly adv @acous.tics \-stiks\ n, sing or pl 1: the science dealing with sound 2: the qualities in a room that make it easy or hard for a person in it to hear distinctly @ac.quaint \*-'kwa_-nt\ vb 1: INFORM, NOTIFY 2: to make familiar : cause to know @ac.quaint.ance \- *ns\ n 1: personal knowledge 2: a person with whom one is acquainted -- ac.quaint.ance.ship \-.ship\ n @ac.qui.esce \.ak-we_--'es\ vb : to accept a plan or statement without open opposition SYN: consent, agree, assent, accede -- ac.qui.es.cence \-'es- *ns\ n -- ac.qui.es.cent \- *nt\ adj -- ac.qui.es.cent.ly adv @ac.quire \*-'kwi_-(*)r\ vb : to come into possession of : GET @ac.quire.ment n 1: the act of acquiring 2: ATTAINMENT, ACCOMPLISHMENT @ac.qui.si.tion \.ak-w*-'zish-*n\ n 1: ACQUIREMENT 2: something acquired @ac.quis.i.tive \*-'kwiz-*t-iv\ adj : eager to acquire : GREEDY -- ac.quis.i.tive.ly adv -- ac.quis.i.tive.ness n @ac.quit \*-'kwit\ vb -quit.ted; -quit.ting 1: to pronounce not guilty 2: to conduct (oneself) usu. satisfactorily : BEHAVE -- acquit.tal \- *l\ n @acre \'a_--k*r\ n 1 pl: LANDS, ESTATE 2: a unit of area equal to 4840 square yards @acre.age \'a_--k(*-)rij\ n : area in acres : ACRES @ac.rid \'ak-r*d\ adj 1: sharp and biting in taste or odor 2: bitterly irritating : CAUSTIC -- acrid.i.ty \a-'krid-*t-e_-, *-\ n @ac.ri.mo.ny \'ak-r*-.mo_--ne_-\ n : harsh or biting sharpness of language or feeling : ASPERITY -- ac.ri.mo.ni.ous \.ak-r*-'mo_--ne_--*s\ adj @ac.ro.bat \'ak-r*-.bat\ n : a performer of gymnastic feats -- ac.ro.bat.ic \.ak-r*-'bat-ik\ adj @ac.ro.bat.ics \.ak-r*-'bat-iks\ n, sing or pl : the performances of an acrobat @ac.ro.nym \'ak-r*-.nim\ n : a word (as radar) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term @ac.ro.pho.bia \.ak-r*-'fo_--be_--*\ n : abnormal dread of being at a great height @acrop.o.lis \*-'kra_:p-*-l*s\ n : the upper fortified part of an ancient Greek city @1 across \*-'kro_.s\ adv 1: to or on the opposite side 2: so as to be understandable or acceptable : OVER 2 across prep 1: to or on the opposite side of 2: on at an angle @across-the-board adj 1: placed in combination to win, place, or show 2: including all classes or categories @acros.tic \*-'kro_.-stik\ n 1: a composition usu. in verse in which the initial or final letters of the lines taken in order form a word or phrase 2: a series of words of equal length arranged to read the same horizontally or vertically -- acros.ti.cal.ly adv @1 act \'akt\ n 1: a thing done : DEED 2: STATUTE, DECREE 3: a main division of a play; also : an item on a variety program 4: an instance of insincere behavior : PRETENSE 2 act vb 1: to perform by action esp. on the stage; also : FEIGN, SIMULATE, PRETEND 2: to conduct oneself : BEHAVE 3: to perform a specified function : produce an effect @act.ing adj : doing duty temporarily or for another @ac.tin.ic \ak-'tin-ik\ adj : relating to the property of radiant energy (as light) whereby chemical changes are produced (as in a photographic film) @ac.tin.i.um \ak-'tin-e_--*m\ n : a radioactive metallic chemical element @ac.tion \'ak-sh*n\ n 1: a legal proceeding 2: the manner or method of performing 3: ACTIVITY 4: ACT 5 pl: CONDUCT 6: COMBAT, BATTLE 7: the events of a literary plot 8: an operating mechanism @ac.tion.able adj : subject to or affording ground for an action or suit at law @ac.ti.vate \'ak-t*-.va_-t\ vb 1: to spur into action; also : to make active, reactive, or radioactive 2: to aerate (sewage) to favor the growth of organisms that cause decomposition 3: to set up (a military unit) formally @ac.tive \'ak-tiv\ adj 1: causing action or change 2: asserting that the grammatical subject performs the action represented by the verb 3: BRISK, LIVELY 4: marked by present operation or use -- active n -- ac.tive.ly adv @ac.tiv.i.ty \ak-'tiv-*t-e_-\ n 1: the quality or state of being active 2: an occupation in which one is engaged @ac.tor \'ak-t*r\ n : one that acts in a play or motion picture -- ac.tress \-tr*s\ n @ac.tu.al \'ak-ch(*-w)*l\ adj : really existing : REAL -- ac.tu.al.i.ty \.ak-ch*-'wal-*t-e_-\ n -- ac.tu.al.ly \'ak-ch(*-w)*-le_-\ adv @ac.tu.ary \'ak-ch*-.wer-e_-\ n : an expert who calculates insurance risks and premiums -- ac.tu.ar.i.al \.ak-ch*-'wer-e_--*l\ adj @ac.tu.ate \'ak-ch*-.wa_-t\ vb 1: to put into action 2: to incite to action : MOTIVATE @acu.i.ty \*-'kyu_:-*t-e_-\ n : keenness of perception esp. visually @acu.men \*-'kyu_:-m*n\ n : mental keenness and penetration SYN: discernment, insight @acute \*-'kyu_:t\ adj 1: SHARP, POINTED 2: containing less than 90 degrees 3: sharply perceptive; esp : mentally keen 4: SEVERE 5: of, marked by, or being an accent mark having the form ' -- acute.ly adv -- acute.ness n @ad \'ad\ n : ADVERTISEMENT @ad.age \'ad-ij\ n : an old familiar saying : PROVERB, MAXIM @1 ada.gio \*-'da_:j-o_-, -'da_:j-e_--.o_-, -'da_:zh-\ adv (or adj) : in slow time -- used as a direction in music 2 adagio n 1: an adagio movement 2: a ballet duet or trio displaying feats of lifting and balancing @1 ad.a.mant \'ad-*-m*nt\ n : a stone believed to be of impenetrable hardness -- ad.a.man.tine \.ad-*-'man-.te_-n, -.ti_-n\ adj 2 adamant adj : INFLEXIBLE, UNYIELDING -- ad.a.mant.ly adv @Ad.am's Apple \.ad-*mz-\ n : the projection in front of the neck formed by the largest cartilage of the larynx @adapt \*-'dapt\ vb : to make suitable or fit (as for a new use or for different conditions) SYN: adjust, accommodate -- adapt.abil.i.ty \*-.dap-t*-'bil-*t-e_-\ n -- adapt.able adj -- ad.ap.ta.tion \.ad-.ap-'ta_--sh*n\ n @add \'ad\ vb 1: to join to something else so as to increase in number or amount 2: to combine (numbers) into one sum @ad.den.dum \*-'den-d*m\ n, pl -da \-d*\ : something to be added @1 ad.der \'ad-*r\ n 1: a poisonous European viper or a related snake 2: any of various harmless No. American snakes (as the (puff adder)) 2 add.er n : one that adds @1 ad.dict \*-'dikt\ vb : to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or excessively -- ad.dic.tive \-'dik-tiv\ adj 2 ad.dict \'ad-(.)ikt\ n : one who is addicted (as to a drug) @ad.dic.tion \*-'dik-sh*n\ n : the quality or state of being addicted; esp : compulsive use of habit-forming drugs @ad.di.tion \*-'dish-*n\ n 1: the act or process of adding; also : something added 2: the adding of numbers to obtain their sum SYN: accretion, increment, accession -- ad.di.tive \'ad-*t-iv\ adj or n @ad.di.tion.al \*-'dish-(*-)n*l\ adj : coming by way of addition : ADDED, EXTRA -- ad.di.tion.al.ly adv @ad.dle \'ad- *l\ vb 1: to throw into confusion : MUDDLE 2: to become rotten @1 ad.dress \*-'dres\ vb 1: to direct the attention of (oneself) 2: to direct one's remarks to : deliver an address to 3: to mark directions for delivery on 2 ad.dress \*-'dres, 'ad-.res\ n 1: skillful management 2: a formal speech : LECTURE 3: the place where a person or organization may be communicated with 4: the directions for delivery placed on mail @ad.dress.ee \.ad-.res-'e_-, *-.dres-'e_-\ n : one to whom something is addressed @ad.duce \*-'d(y)u_:s\ vb : to bring forward as an argument, reason, or proof SYN: advance, allege, cite @-ade \'a_-d\ n suffix 1: act : action 2: product; esp : sweet drink @ad.e.noid \'ad-( *-).no_.id\ n : an enlarged mass of tissue near the opening of the nose into the throat -- usu. used in pl. @1 ad.ept \'ad-.ept\ n : EXPERT 2 adept \*-'dept\ adj : highly skilled : EXPERT -- adept.ly adv -- adept.ness n @ad.e.quate \'ad-i-kw*t\ adj : equal to or sufficient for a specific requirement -- ad.e.qua.cy \-kw*-se_-\ n -- ad.e.quate.ly adv @ad.here \ad-'hi*r, *d-\ vb 1: to give support : maintain loyalty 2: to stick fast : CLING -- ad.her.ence \-'hir-*ns\ n -- ad.her.ent \-*nt\ adj or n @ad.he.sion \ad-'he_--zh*n, *d-\ n 1: the act or state of adhering 2: bodily tissues abnormally grown together after inflammation @1 ad.he.sive \-'he_--siv\ adj 1: tending to adhere : STICKY 2: prepared for adhering -- ad.he.sive.ness n 2 adhesive n : an adhesive substance @adieu \*-'d(y)u_:\ n, pl adieus or adieux \-'d(y)u_:z\ : FAREWELL -- often used interjectionally @ad in.fi.ni.tum \.ad-.in-f*-'ni_-t-*m\ adv (or adj) : without end or limit @ad in.ter.im \ad-'in-t*-r*m\ adv (or adj) : for the intervening time @adi.os \.ad-e_--'o_-s, .a_:d-\ interj -- used to express farewell @ad.i.pose \'ad-*-.po_-s\ adj : of or relating to animal fat : FATTY -- ad.i.pos.i.ty \.ad-*-'pa_:s-*t-e_-\ n @ad.ja.cent \*-'ja_:s- *nt\ adj : situated near or next SYN: adjoining, contiguous, abutting, juxtaposed @ad.jec.tive \'aj-ik-tiv\ n : a word that typically serves as a modifier of a noun -- ad.jec.ti.val \.aj-ik-'ti_--v*l\ adj -- ad.jec.ti.val.ly adv @ad.join \*-'jo_.in\ vb : to be situated next to @ad.join.ing adj : touching or bounding at a point or line @ad.journ \*-'j*rn\ vb 1: to suspend indefinitely or until a stated time 2: to transfer a session to another place -- ad.journ.ment n @ad.judge \*-'j*j\ vb 1: JUDGE, ADJUDICATE 2: to hold or pronounce to be : DEEM 3: to award by judicial decision @ad.ju.di.cate \*-'ju_:d-i-.ka_-t\ vb : to settle judicially -- ad.ju.di.ca.tion \*-.ju_:d-i-'ka_--sh*n\ n @ad.junct \'aj-.*n_ekt\ n : something joined or added to another thing but not essentially a part of it SYN: appendage, appurtenance, accessory @ad.jure \*-'ju_:r\ vb : to command solemnly : entreat earnestly SYN: beg, beseech, implore -- ad.ju.ra.tion \.aj-*-'ra_--sh*n\ n @ad.just \*-'j*st\ vb 1: to bring to agreement : SETTLE 2: to cause to conform : ADAPT, FIT 3: REGULATE -- ad.just.able adj -- ad.jus.ter or ad.jus.tor n -- ad.just.ment n @ad.ju.tant \'aj-*t-*nt\ n : one who assists; esp : an officer who assists a commanding officer by handling correspondence and keeping records @1 ad.ju.vant \'aj-*-v*nt\ adj : serving to aid or contribute : AUXILIARY 2 adjuvant n : something that enhances the effectiveness of medical treatment @ad lib \ad-'lib\ adv : at one's pleasure : to any desired extent @ad-lib \ad-'lib\ vb -libbed; -lib.bing : IMPROVISE @ad.man \'ad-.man\ n : one who writes, solicits, or places advertisements @ad.min.is.ter \*d-'min-*-st*r\ vb 1: MANAGE, SUPERINTEND 2: to mete out : DISPENSE 3: to give usu. ritually or remedially 4: to perform the office of administrator -- ad.min.is.tra.ble \-str*-bel\ adj -- ad.min.is.trant \-str*nt\ n @ad.min.is.tra.tion \-.min-*-'stra_--sh*n, ad-\ n 1: the act or process of administering 2: MANAGEMENT 3: the body of persons directing the government of a country 4: the term of office of an administrative officer or body -- ad.min.is.tra.tive \*d-'min-*-.stra_-t-iv\ adj @ad.min.is.tra.tor \*d-'min-*-.stra_-t-*r\ n : one that administers; esp : one who settles an intestate estate @ad.mi.ra.ble \'ad-m(*-)r*-b*l\ adj : worthy of admiration : EXCELLENT -- ad.mi.ra.bly adv @ad.mi.ral \'ad-m(*-)r*l\ n : a commissioned officer in the navy ranking next below a fleet admiral @ad.mi.ral.ty \-te_-\ adj : relating to or having jurisdiction over maritime questions Admiralty n : the British government department having authority over naval affairs @ad.mire \*d-'mi_-(*)r\ vb : to regard with high esteem -- ad.mi.ra.tion \.ad-m*-'ra_--sh*n\ n -- ad.mir.er \*d-'mi_-r-*r\ n @ad.mis.si.ble \*d-'mis-*-b*l\ adj : that can be or is worthy to be admitted or allowed : ALLOWABLE -- ad.mis.si.bil.i.ty \-.mis-*-'bil-*t-e_-\ n -- ad.mis.si.bly \-'mis-*-ble_-\ adv @ad.mis.sion \*d-'mish-*n\ n 1: the granting of an argument 2: the acknowledgment of a fact 3: the act of admitting 4: the privilege of being admitted 5: a fee paid for admission @ad.mit \*d-'mit\ vb -mit.ted; -mit.ting 1: to allow to enter 2: PERMIT, ALLOW 3: to recognize as genuine or valid -- ad.mit.ted.ly adv @ad.mit.tance \*d-'mit- *ns\ n : permission to enter @ad.mix \ad-'miks\ vb : MINGLE, MIX @ad.mix.ture \ad-'miks-ch*r\ n 1: MIXTURE 2: something added in mixing @ad.mon.ish \ad-'ma_:n-ish\ vb : to warn gently : reprove with a warning SYN: chide, reproach, rebuke, reprimand -- ad.mo.ni.tion \.ad-m*-'nish-*n\ n -- ad.mon.i.to.ry \ad-'ma_:n-*-.to_-r-e_-\ adj @ad nau.se.am \ad-'no_.-ze_--*m\ adv : to a sickening length or degree @ado \*-'du_:\ n 1: bustling excitement : FUSS 2: TROUBLE @ado.be \*-'do_--be_-\ n [Sp, fr. Ar at_-t_u_-b the brick, fr. Coptic to_-be brick] 1: sun-dried brick; also : clay for making such bricks 2: a structure made of adobe bricks -- adobe adj @ad.o.les.cence \.ad- *l-'es- *ns\ n : the process or period of growth between childhood and maturity -- ad.o.les.cent \- *nt\ adj or n @adopt \*-'da_:pt\ vb 1: to take (a child of other parents) as one's own child 2: to take up and practice as one's own 3: to accept formally and put into effect -- adop.tion \-'da_:p-sh*n\ n @adop.tive \*-'da_:p-tiv\ adj : made or acquired by adoption -- adop.tive.ly adv @ador.able \*-'do_-r-*-b*l\ adj 1: worthy of adoration 2: extremely charming -- ador.ably \-ble_-\ adv @adore \*-'do_-r\ vb [L adorare, fr. L ad- to + orare to pray] 1: WORSHIP 2: to regard with reverent admiration 3: to be extremely fond of -- ad.o.ra.tion \.ad-*-'ra_--sh*n\ n @adorn \*-'do_.rn\ vb : to decorate with ornaments : BEAUTIFY -- adorn.ment n @adre.nal \*-'dre_-n- *l\ adj [L ad to, at + renes kidneys] : of, relating to, or being a pair of endocrine organs (adrenal glands) located near the kidneys that produce several hormones of which one (adren.a.line \-'dren- *l-*n\ or adre.nin \-'dre_--n*n\) acts on smooth muscle and raises blood pressure @adrift \*-'drift\ adv (or adj) 1: afloat without motive power or moorings 2: without guidance or purpose @adroit \*-'dro_.it\ adj 1: dexterous with one's hands 2: SHREWD, RESOURCEFUL SYN: deft, clever, cunning, ingenious -- adroit.ly adv -- adroit.ness n @ad.sorb \ad-'so_.rb, -'zo_.rb\ vb : to take up (as molecules of gases) and hold on the surface of a solid or liquid -- ad.sorp.tion \-'so_.rp-sh*n, -'zo_.rp-\ n -- ad.sorp.tive \-'so_.rp-tiv, -'zo_.rp-\ adj @ad.u.la.tion \.aj-*-'la_--sh*n\ n : excessive or servile praise : FLATTERY @1 adult \*-'d*lt, 'ad-.*lt\ adj : fully developed and mature 2 adult n : one that is adult; esp : a human being after an age (as 21) specified by law @adul.ter.ant \*-'d*l-t*-r*nt\ n : something used to adulterate another thing @adul.ter.ate \*-'d*l-t*-.ra_-t\ vb : to make impure by mixing in a foreign or inferior substance -- adul.ter.a.tion \-.d*l-t*-'ra_--sh*n\ n @adul.tery \*-'d*l-t(*)-re_-\ n : sexual unfaithfulness of a married person -- adul.ter.er \-t*r-*r\ n -- adul.ter.ess \-t(*-)r*s\ n -- adul.ter.ous \-t(*-)r*s\ adj @adult.hood \*-'d*lt-.hu_.d\ n : the state or time of being an adult @ad.um.brate \'ad-*m-.bra_-t\ vb 1: to foreshadow vaguely : INTIMATE 2: to suggest or disclose partially 3: SHADE, OBSCURE -- ad.um.bra.tion \.ad-*m-'bra_--sh*n\ n @1 ad.vance \*d-'vans\ vb 1: to bring or move forward 2: to assist the progress of 3: to promote in rank 4: to make earlier in time 5: PROPOSE 6: to raise in rate : INCREASE 7: LEND -- ad.vance.ment n 2 advance n 1: a forward movement 2: IMPROVEMENT 3: a rise esp. in price or value 4: OFFER 3 advance adj : made, sent, or furnished ahead of time @ad.van.tage \*d-'vant-ij\ n 1: superiority of position 2: BENEFIT, GAIN 3: the first point won in tennis after deuce -- ad.van.ta.geous \.ad-.van-'ta_--j*s\ adj @ad.vent \'ad-.vent\ n 1 cap: a penitential season beginning four Sundays before Christmas 2: ARRIVAL; esp, cap : the coming of Christ @ad.ven.ti.tious \.ad-v*n-'tish-*s\ adj : ACCIDENTAL, INCIDENTAL -- ad.ven.ti.tious.ly adv -- ad.ven.ti.tious.ness n @1 ad.ven.ture \*d-'ven-ch*r\ n 1: a risky undertaking 2: a remarkable and exciting experience 3: a business venture -- ad.ven.tur.ous \-'vench-(*-)r*s\ adj 2 adventure vb : RISK, HAZARD @ad.ven.tur.er \-'ven-ch*r-*r\ n 1: a person who engages in new and risky undertakings 2: a person who follows a military career for adventure or profit 3: a person who tries to advance his fortunes by questionable means -- ad.ven.tur.ess \-'vench-(*-)r*s\ n @ad.ven.ture.some \-'ven-ch*r-s*m\ adj : inclined to take risks : DARING @ad.verb \'ad-.v*rb\ n : a word that typically serves as a modifier of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb -- ad.ver.bi.al \ad-'v*r-be_--*l\ adj -- ad.ver.bi.al.ly adv @ad.ver.sary \'ad-v*(r)-.ser-e_-\ n : FOE @ad.ver.sa.tive \*d-'v*r-s*t-iv\ adj : expressing opposition or adverse circumstance -- ad.ver.sa.tive.ly adv @ad.verse \(')ad-'v*rs\ adj 1: acting against or in a contrary direction 2: UNFAVORABLE -- ad.verse.ly adv @ad.ver.si.ty \ad-'v*r-s*t-e_-\ n : hard times : MISFORTUNE @ad.vert \ad-'v*rt\ vb : REFER @ad.ver.tise \'ad-v*r-.ti_-z\ vb 1: INFORM, NOTIFY 2: to call public attention to esp. in order to arouse a desire to purchase -- ad.ver.tis.er n @ad.ver.tise.ment \.ad-v*r-'ti_-z-m*nt, ad-'v*rt-*z-\ n 1: the act of advertising 2: a public notice intended to advertise something @ad.ver.tis.ing \'ad-v*r-.ti_--zin_e\ n : the business of preparing advertisements @ad.vice \*d-'vi_-s\ n 1: recommendation with regard to a course of action : COUNSEL 2: INFORMATION, REPORT @ad.vis.able \*d-'vi_--z*-b*l\ adj : proper to be done : EXPEDIENT -- ad.vis.abil.i.ty \-.vi_--z*-'bil-*t-e_-\ n @ad.vise \*d-'vi_-z\ vb 1: to give advice to : COUNSEL 2: INFORM, NOTIFY 3: CONSULT, CONFER -- ad.vi.ser or ad.vi.sor n @ad.vise.ment \*d-'vi_-z-m*nt\ n : careful consideration @ad.vi.so.ry \*d-'vi_-z-(*-)re_-\ adj 1: having or exercising power to advise 2: containing advice @ad.vo.cate \'ad-v*-k*t, -.ka_-t\ n 1: one who pleads another's cause 2: one who argues or pleads for a cause or proposal -- ad.vo.ca.cy \-v*-k*-se_-\ n @adz or adze \'adz\ n : a cutting tool that has a curved blade set at right angles to the handle and is used in shaping wood @ae.gis \'e_--j*s\ n 1: SHIELD, PROTECTION 2: PATRONAGE, SPONSORSHIP @ae.o.li.an harp \e-.o_--le_--*n-\ n : a box having stretched strings that produce varying musical sounds when the wind blows on them @ae.on \'e_--*n, 'e_--.a_:n\ n : an indefinitely long time : AGE @aer.ate \'a(-*)r-.a_-t\ vb 1: to supply (blood) with oxygen by respiration 2: to supply or impregnate with air 3: to combine or charge with gas -- aer.a.tion \.a(-*)r-'a_--sh*n\ n @1 aer.i.al \'ar-e_--*l, a_--'ir-e_--*l\ adj 1: inhabiting, produced by, or done in the air 2: AIRY 3: of or relating to aircraft 2 aer.i.al \'ar-e_--*l\ n : a radio or television antenna @aer.i.al.ist \'ar-e_--*-l*st\ n : a performer of feats above the ground esp. on a flying trapeze @aer.ie \'a(*)r-e_-, 'i(*)r-e_-\ n : a highly placed nest (as of an eagle) @aero \'a(*)r-o_-\ adj 1: of or relating to aircraft 2: designated for aerial use @aer.o.bic \.a(-*)r-'o_--bik\ adj : living or active only in the presence of oxygen -- aer.obe \'a(-*)r-.o_-b\ n @aer.o.drome \'ar-*-.dro_-m\ n, Brit : AIRFIELD, AIRPORT @aer.o.naut \'ar-*-.no_.t\ n : one who operates or travels in an airship or balloon @aer.o.nau.tics \.ar-*-'no_.t-iks\ n : a science dealing with the operation of aircraft or with their design and manufacture -- aer.o.nau.ti.c or aer.o.nau.ti.cal adj @aero.plane \'ar-*-.pla_-n\ n, chiefly Brit var of AIRPLANE @aer.o.sol \'ar-*-.so_.l, -.sa_:l\ n : a suspension of fine solid or liquid particles in a gas; esp : a substance (as an insecticide, medicine, or cosmetic) in a liquid sprayed from the valve of a special container @aero.space \'ar-*-.spa_-s\ n : the earth's atmosphere and the space beyond @aery \'a(*)r-e_-\ adj : having an aerial quality : ETHEREAL @aes.thete \'es-.the_-t\ n : a person having or affecting sensitivity to beauty esp. in art @aes.thet.ic \es-'thet-ik\ adj 1: of or relating to aesthetics : ARTISTIC 2: appreciative of the beautiful -- aes.thet.i.cal.ly adv @aes.thet.ics \-'thet-iks\ n : a branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and the beautiful @aes.ti.vate \'es-t*-.va_-t\ vb : to pass the summer in a state of torpor -- aes.ti.va.tion \.es-t*-'va_--sh*n\ n @afar \*-'fa_:r\ adv : from, at, or to a great distance @af.fa.ble \'af-*-b*l\ adj : courteous and agreeable in conversation -- af.fa.bil.i.ty \.af-*-'bil-*t-e_-\ n -- af.fa.bly \'af-*-ble_-\ adv @af.fair \*-'fa*r\ n 1: something that relates to or involves one : CONCERN 2: a romantic or sexual attachment of limited duration @1 af.fect \*-'fekt, a-\ vb 1: to be fond of using or wearing 2: SIMULATE, ASSUME, PRETEND 2 affect vb : to produce an effect on : INFLUENCE, IMPRESS @af.fec.ta.tion \.af-.ek-'ta_--sh*n\ n : an attitude or mode of behavior assumed by a person in an effort to impress others @af.fect.ed adj 1: pretending to some trait which is not natural 2: artificially assumed to impress others -- af.fect.ed.ly adv @af.fect.ing adj : arousing pity, sympathy, or sorrow -- af.fect.ing.ly adv @1 af.fec.tion \*-'fek-sh*n\ n : tender attachment : LOVE -- af.fec.tion.ate \-sh(*-)n*t\ adj -- af.fec.tion.ate.ly adv 2 affection n : DISEASE, DISORDER @af.fer.ent \'af-*-r*nt\ adj : bearing or conducting inward toward a more central part @af.fi.ance \*-'fi_--*ns\ vb : BETROTH, ENGAGE @af.fi.da.vit \.af-*-'da_--v*t\ n : a sworn statement in writing @1 af.fil.i.ate \*-'fil-e_--.a_-t\ vb : to associate as a member or branch -- af.fil.i.a.tion \-.fil-e_--'a_--sh*n\ n 2 af.fil.i.ate \-'fil-e_--*t\ n : an affiliated person or organization @af.fin.i.ty \*-'fin-*t-e_-\ n 1: KINSHIP, RELATIONSHIP 2: attractive force : ATTRACTION, SYMPATHY @af.firm \*-'f*rm\ vb 1: CONFIRM, RATIFY 2: to assert positively SYN: aver, avow, avouch, declare, assert -- af.fir.ma.tion \.af-*r-'ma_--sh*n\ n @1 af.fir.ma.tive \*-'f*r-m*t-iv\ adj : asserting that the fact is so : POSITIVE 2 affirmative n 1: an expression of affirmation or assent 2: the side that upholds the proposition stated in a debate @1 af.fix \*-'fiks\ vb : ATTACH, FASTEN, ADD 2 af.fix \'af-.iks\ n : one or more sounds or letters attached to the beginning or end of a word and serving to produce a derivative word or an inflectional form @af.fla.tus \*-'fla_-t-*s\ n : divine inspiration @af.flict \*-'flikt\ vb : to cause pain and distress to : trouble grievously SYN: try, torment, torture -- af.flic.tion \-'flik-sh*n\ n @af.flic.tive \-'flik-tiv\ adj : causing affliction : DISTRESSING -- af.flic.tive.ly adv @af.flu.ence \'af-.lu_:-*ns\ n : abundant supply; also : WEALTH, RICHES -- af.flu.ent \-*nt\ adj @af.ford \*-'fo_-rd\ vb 1: to manage to bear or bear the cost of without serious harm or loss 2: PROVIDE, FURNISH @af.fray \*-'fra_-\ n : FIGHT, FRAY @af.fright \*-'fri_-t\ vb : FRIGHTEN, ALARM -- affright n @af.front \*-'fr*nt\ vb 1: INSULT 2: CONFRONT -- affront n @af.ghan \'af-.gan, -g*n\ n : a blanket or shawl of colored wool knitted or crocheted in sections @af.ghani \af-'gan-e_-\ n -- see MONEY table @afi.cio.na.do \*-.fis-e_--*-'na_:d-o_-, -.fish-*-'na_:d-\ n : DEVOTEE, FAN @afield \*-'fe_-ld\ adv 1: to, in, or on the field 2: away from home 3: out of the way : ASTRAY @afire \*-'fi_-(*)r\ adj : being on fire : BURNING @aflame \*-'fla_-m\ adj : FLAMING @afloat \*-'flo_-t\ adv (or adj) 1: being on board ship 2: FLOATING, ADRIFT 3: flooded with water @aflut.ter \*-'fl*t-*r\ adj 1: FLUTTERING 2: nervously excited @afoot \*-'fu_.t\ adv (or adj) 1: on foot 2: in action : in progress @afore.men.tioned \*-'fo_-r-.men-ch*nd\ adj : mentioned previously @afore.said \*-'fo_-r-.sed\ adj : said or named before @afore.thought \-.tho_.t\ adj : PREMEDITATED @a for.ti.o.ri \.a_:-.fo_.rt-e_--'o_-r-e_-\ adv : with even greater reason @afoul \*-'fau_.l\ adj : FOULED, TANGLED @afoul of prep 1: in or into collision or entanglement with 2: in or into conflict with @afraid \*-'fra_-d, South also -'fre(*)d\ adj : FRIGHTENED, FEARFUL @afresh \*-'fresh\ adv : ANEW, AGAIN @Af.ri.can \'af-ri-k*n\ n 1: a native or inhabitant of Africa 2: NEGRO -- african adj @Af.ri.kaans \.af-ri-'ka_:ns\ n : a language developed from 17th century Dutch that is one of the official languages of the Republic of South Africa @Af.ro-Amer.i.can \.af-ro_--*-'mer-*-k*n\ adj : of or relating to Americans of African and esp. of negroid descent -- afro-american n @aft \'aft\ adv : near, toward, or in the stern of a ship or the tail of an aircraft @1 af.ter \'af-t*r\ adv : AFTERWARD, SUBSEQUENTLY 2 after prep 1: behind in place 2: later than 3: intent on the seizure, mastery, or achievement of 3 after conj : following the time when 4 after adj 1: LATER 2: located toward the rear @af.ter.birth \'af-t*r-.b*rth\ n : structures and membranes expelled from the uterus after the birth of young @af.ter.care \-.ke*r\ n : the care, nursing, or treatment of a convalescent patient @af.ter.deck \-.dek\ n : the rear half of the deck of a ship @af.ter.ef.fect \-*-.fekt\ n 1: an effect that follows its cause after some time has passed 2: a secondary effect coming on after the first or immediate effect has subsided @af.ter.glow \-.glo_-\ n : a glow remaining (as in the sky after sunset) where a light has disappeared @af.ter.life \-.li_-f\ n : an existence after death @af.ter.math \'af-t*r-.math\ n 1: a second-growth crop esp. of hay 2: CONSEQUENCES, EFFECTS SYN: sequel, result, outcome @af.ter.noon \.af-t*r-'nu_:n\ n : the time between noon and evening @af.ter.taste \-.ta_-st\ n : a sensation (as of flavor) continuing after the stimulus causing it has ended @af.ter.thought \'af-t*r-.tho_.t\ n : a later thought; also : something thought of later @af.ter.ward \'af-t*(r)-w*rd\ or af.ter.wards \-w*rdz\ adv : at a later time @again \*-'gen\ adv 1: once more : ANEW 2: on the other hand 3: FURTHER, MOREOVER 4: in addition @against \*-'genst\ prep 1: directly opposite to : FACING 2: in opposition to 3: as defense from 4: so as to touch or strike 2: action : process 3: house or place of 4: state : rank 5: fee : charge @aged \'a_--j*d for 1, 'a_-jd for 2\ adj 1: of advanced age 2: having attained a specified age @age.less \'a_-j-l*s\ adj 1: not growing old or showing the effects of age 2: TIMELESS, ETERNAL @agen.cy \'a_--j*n-se_-\ n 1: one through which something is accomplished : INSTRUMENTALITY 2: the office or function of an agent 3: an establishment doing business for another 4: an administrative division of a government SYN: means, medium @agen.da \*-'jen-d*\ n : a list of things to be done : PROGRAM @agent \'a_--j*nt\ n 1: one that acts 2: MEANS, INSTRUMENT 3: a person acting or doing business for another SYN: attorney, deputy, proxy @age-old \'a_-j-'o_-ld\ adj : having existed for ages : ANCIENT @ag.glom.er.ate \*-'gla_:m-*-.ra_-t\ vb : to gather into a mass : CLUSTER -- ag.glom.er.a.tion \-.gla_:m-*-'ra_--sh*n\ n @ag.glu.ti.nate \*-'glu_:t- *n-.a_-t\ vb : to cause to adhere : gather into a group or mass -- ag.glu.ti.na.tion \-.glu_:t- *n-'a_--sh*n\ n @ag.gran.dize \*-'gran-.di_-z, 'ag-r*n-\ vb : to make great or greater -- ag.gran.dize.ment \*-'gran-d*z-m*nt, -.di_-z-; .ag-r*n-'di_-z-m*nt\ n @ag.gra.vate \'ag-r*-.va_-t\ vb 1: to make more severe : INTENSIFY 2: IRRITATE -- ag.gra.va.tion \.ag-r*-'va_--sh*n\ n @1 ag.gre.gate \'ag-ri-g*t\ adj : formed by the gathering of units into one mass 2 ag.gre.gate \-.ga_-t\ vb : to collect into one mass 3 ag.gre.gate \-g*t\ n : a mass or body of units or parts somewhat loosely associated with one another; also : the whole amount @ag.gre.ga.tion \.ag-ri-'ga_--sh*n\ n 1: the collecting of units or parts into a mass or whole 2: a group, body, or mass composed of many distinct parts : ASSEMBLAGE @ag.gres.sion \*-'gresh-*n\ n 1: an unprovoked attack 2: the practice of making attacks -- ag.gres.sive \-'gres-iv\ adj -- ag.gres.sive.ly adv -- ag.gres.sive.ness n -- ag.gres.sor \-'gres-*r\ n @ag.grieve \*-'gre_-v\ vb 1: to cause grief to 2: to inflict injury on : WRONG @aghast \*-'gast\ adj : struck with amazement or horror @ag.ile \'aj-*l\ adj : able to move quickly and easily : NIMBLE -- agil.i.ty \*-'jil-*t-e_-\ n @ag.i.tate \'aj-*-.ta_-t\ vb 1: to move with an irregular rapid motion 2: to stir up : EXCITE 3: to discuss earnestly 4: to attempt to arouse public feeling -- ag.i.ta.tion \.aj-*-'ta_--sh*n\ n -- ag.i.ta.tor \'aj-*-.ta_-t-*r\ n @agleam \*-'gle_-m\ adj : GLEAMING @aglit.ter \*-'glit-*r\ adj : GLITTERING @aglow \*-'glo_-\ adj : GLOWING @ag.nos.tic \ag-'na_:s-tik\ adj [Gk agno_-stos unknown, unknowable, fr. a- un + gigno_-skein to know] : of or relating to the belief that the existence of any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and prob. unknowable -- agnostic n -- ag.nos.ti.cism \-'na_:s-t*-.siz-*m\ n @ago \*-'go_-\ adj (or adv) : earlier than the present time @agog \*-'ga_:g\ adj : full of excitement : EAGER @ag.o.nize \'ag-*-.ni_-z\ vb : to suffer or cause to suffer agony -- ag.o.niz.ing.ly adv @ag.o.ny \'ag-*-ne_-\ n : extreme pain of mind or body SYN: suffering, distress @ago.ra \.a_:g-*-'ra_:\ n, pl ago.rot \-'ro_-t\ -- see MONEY table @ag.o.ra.pho.bia \.ag-*-r*-'fo_--be_--*\ n : abnormal fear of being in open spaces -- ag.o.ra.pho.bic \-'fo_--bik, -'fa_:b-ik\ adj @agrar.i.an \*-'grer-e_--*n\ adj 1: of or relating to land or its ownership 2: of or relating to farmers or farming interests @agree \*-'gre_-\ vb 1: ADMIT, CONCEDE 2: to settle by common consent 3: to express agreement or approval 4: to be in harmony 5: to be similar : CORRESPOND 6: to be fitting or healthful : SUIT @agree.able adj 1: PLEASING, PLEASANT 2: ready to consent 3: SUITABLE -- agree.able.ness n -- agree.ably adv @agree.ment n 1: harmony of opinion or action 2: mutual understanding or arrangement; also : a document containing such an arrangement @ag.ri.cul.ture \'ag-ri-.k*l-ch*r\ n : FARMING, HUSBANDRY -- ag.ri.cul.tur.al \.ag-ri-'k*lch(-*)-r*l\ adj -- ag.ri.cul.tur.ist \-r*st\ n @aground \*-'grau_.nd\ adv (or adj) : with the bottom lodged on the ground : STRANDED @ague \'a_--gyu_:\ n : a fever with recurrent chills and sweating; esp : MALARIA @ahead \*-'hed\ adv (or adj) 1: in or toward the front 2: into or for the future 3: in or toward a more advantageous position @ahead of prep 1: in front or advance of 2: in excess of : ABOVE @ahoy \*-'ho_.i\ interj -- used in hailing @1 aid \'a_-d\ vb : to provide with what is useful in achieving an end : ASSIST 2 aid n 1: ASSISTANCE 2: ASSISTANT @aide \'a_-d\ n : a person who acts as an assistant; esp : a military officer assisting a superior @aide-de-camp \.a_-d-di-'kamp, -'ka_: n\ n, pl aides-de-camp \.a_-dz-di-\ : AIDE @ai.grette \a_--'gret, 'a_--.gret\ n : a plume or decorative tuft for the head @ail \'a_-l\ vb 1: to be the matter with : TROUBLE 2: to be unwell @ai.le.ron \'a_--l*-.ra_:n\ n : a movable part of an airplane wing or of an airfoil external to the wing @ail.ment \'a_-l-m*nt\ n : a bodily disorder @1 aim \'a_-m\ vb 1: to point (a weapon) toward some object 2: to direct one's efforts : ASPIRE 3: to direct to or toward a specified object or goal 2 aim n 1: the direction of a weapon 2: OBJECT, PURPOSE @aim.less \-l*s\ adj : lacking purpose : RANDOM -- aim.less.ly adv @1 air \'a*r\ n 1: the gaseous mixture surrounding the earth 2: a light breeze 3: compressed air 4: AIRCRAFT 5: AVIATION 6: the medium of transmission of radio waves; also : RADIO, TELEVISION 7: the outward appearance of a person or thing : MANNER 8: an artificial manner 9: MELODY, TUNE 2 air vb 1: to expose to the air 2: to expose to public view @air.borne \-.bo_-rn\ adj : supported or transported by air @air.brush \-.br*sh\ n : a device for applying a fine spray (as of paint) by compressed air @air conditioning n : the process of washing and controlling the temperature and humidity of air before it enters a room -- air-con.di.tioned \.a*r-k*n-'dish-*nd\ adj @air.craft \'a*r-.kraft\ n : a weight-carrying machine (as an airplane, glider, helicopter, or balloon) for navigation of the air @air.drome \-.dro_-m\ n : AIRPORT @air.drop \-.dra_:p\ n : delivery of cargo or personnel by parachute from an airplane in flight -- air-drop vb @air.field \-.fe_-ld\ n 1: the landing field of an airport 2: AIRPORT @air.foil \-.fo_.il\ n : an airplane surface (as a wing or rudder) designed to produce reaction from the air @air force n : the military organization of a nation for air warfare @air gun n 1: a pistol-shaped hand tool that works by compressed air 2: AIRBRUSH @air.lift \'a*r-.lift\ n : a supply line operated by aircraft -- airlift vb @air line n 1: a straight line air.line 2: a system of transportation by aircraft; also : a company operating such a system @air.lin.er \'a*r-.li_--n*r\ n : a large passenger airplane operating over an airline @air.mail \'a*r-.ma_-l\ n : the system of transporting mail by airplane; also : mail transported by air -- airmail vb @air.man \-m*n\ n 1: an enlisted man in the air force in one of the four ranks next below a staff sergeant 2: AVIATOR @air-mind.ed \-'mi_-n-d*d\ adj : interested in aviation or in air travel @air.plane \-.pla_-n\ n : a fixed-wing aircraft heavier than air that is driven by a propeller or by a rearward jet and supported by the reaction of the air against its wings @air.port \-.po_-rt\ n : a place maintained for the landing and takeoff of airplanes and for receiving and discharging passengers and cargo @air.post \-.po_-st\ n : AIRMAIL @air.ship \-.ship\ n : an aircraft lighter than air that is borne in the air by a gas-filled container and has an engine, propeller, and rudder @air.sick \-.sik\ adj : affected with motion sickness associated with flying -- air-sick.ness n @air space \-.spa_-s\ n : the space lying above a nation and coming under its jurisdiction @air.speed \-.spe_-d\ n : the speed of an airplane with relation to the air as distinguished from its speed relative to the earth @air.strip \-.strip\ n : a runway without normal airport facilities @air.tight \-'ti_-t\ adj 1: so tightly sealed that no air can enter or escape 2: leaving no opening for attack @air.wave \-.wa_-v\ n : the medium of radio and television transmission -- usu. used in pl. @air.way \-.wa_-\ n 1: a regular route for airplanes 2: AIRLINE @air.wor.thy \-.w*r-t_eh_ee_-\ adj : fit or safe for operation in the air -- air.wor.thi.ness n @airy \'a(*)r-e_-\ adj 1: LOFTY 2: lacking in reality : EMPTY 3: DELICATE 4: BREEZY @aisle \'i_-l\ n 1: the side of a church nave separated by piers from the nave proper 2: a passage between sections of seats @ajar \*-'ja_:r\ adv (or adj) : partly open @akim.bo \*-'kim-bo_-\ adv (or adj) : with hand on hip and elbow turned outward @akin \*-'kin\ adj 1: related by blood 2: similar in kind @1 -al \*l\ adj suffix : of, relating to, or characterized by 2 -al n suffix : action : process @al.a.bas.ter \'al-*-.bas-t*r\ n : a compact fine-textured usu. white and translucent gypsum mineral often carved into objects (as vases) @a la carte \.al-*-'ka_:rt, .a_:l-\ adv (or adj) : with a separate price for each item on the menu @alac.ri.ty \*-'lak-r*t-e_-\ n : cheerful readiness : BRISKNESS @a la mode \.al-*-'mo_-d, .a_:l-\ adj 1: FASHIONABLE, STYLISH 2: topped with ice cream @1 alarm \*-'la_:rm\ n [MF alarme, fr. It all' arme to arms] 1: a warning signal 2: the terror caused by sudden danger 2 alarm vb 1: to warn of danger 2: to arouse to a sense of danger : FRIGHTEN @alarm.ist n : a person who is given to alarming others esp. needlessly @al.ba.core \'al-b*-.ko_-r\ n : any of several tunas @Al.ba.ni.an \al-'ba_--ne_--*n\ n : a native or inhabitant of Albania @al.ba.tross \'al-b*-.tro_.s, -.tra_:s\ n : a large web-footed seabird related to the petrels @al.be.it \al-'be_--*t, o_.l-\ conj : even though : ALTHOUGH @al.bi.no \al-'bi_--no_-\ n : a person or lower animal lacking coloring matter in the skin, hair, and eyes -- al.bi.nism \'al-b*-.niz-*m\ n @al.bum \'al-b*m\ n 1: a book with blank pages in which to insert photographs, stamps, or autographs 2: one or more phonograph records or tape recordings carrying a major musical work or a group of related selections @al.bu.men \al-'byu_:-m*n\ n 1: the white of an egg 2: ALBUMIN @al.bu.min \al-'byu_:-m*n\ n : any of various water-soluble proteins of blood, milk, egg white, and plant and animal tissues @al.bu.min.ous \-m*-n*s\ adj : containing or resembling albumen or albumin @al.cal.de \al-'ka_:l-de_-\ n : the chief administrative and judicial officer of a Spanish or Spanish-American town @al.ca.zar \al-'kaz-*r\ n : a Spanish fortress or palace @al.che.my \'al-k*-me_-\ n : medieval chemistry chiefly concerned with efforts to turn base metals into gold -- al.chem.i.cal \al-'kem-i-k*l\ adj -- al.che.mist \'al-k*-m*st\ n @al.co.hol \'al-k*-.ho_.l\ n 1: the liquid that is the intoxicating element in fermented and distilled liquors 2: any of various carbon compounds similar to alcohol 3: beverages containing alcohol -- alcoholic adj @al.co.hol.ic \.al-k*-'ho_.l-ik, -'ha_:l-\ n : a person addicted to excessive use of alcoholic liquors or affected with alcoholism @al.co.hol.ism \'al-k*-.ho_.l-.iz-*m\ n : continued excessive and usu. uncontrollable use of alcoholic drinks; also : the abnormal state associated with such use @al.cove \'al-.ko_-v\ n 1: a nook or small recess opening off a larger room 2: a niche or arched opening (as in a wall) @al.der \'o_.l-d*r\ n : a tree or shrub related to the birches and growing in wet areas @al.der.man \'o_.l-d*r-m*n\ n : a member of a city legislative body @ale \'a_-l\ n : an alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and hops that is usu. more bitter than beer @alee \*-'le_-\ adv (or adj) : on or toward the lee @ale.house \'a_-l-.hau_.s\ n : a place where ale is sold to be drunk on the premises @alem.bic \*-'lem-bik\ n : an apparatus formerly used in distillation @1 alert \*-'l*rt\ adj 1: watchful against danger 2: quick to perceive and act -- alert.ly adv -- alert.ness n 2 alert n 1: a signal given to warn of danger 2: the period during which an alert is in effect 3 alert vb : WARN @Al.ex.an.dri.an \.al-ig-'zan-dre_--*n\ adj 1: of or relating to Alexander the Great 2: HELLENISTIC @al.ex.an.drine \-'zan-dr*n\ n, often cap : a line of six iambic feet @al.fal.fa \al-'fal-f*\ n : a leguminous plant widely grown for hay and forage @al.fres.co \al-'fres-ko_-\ adv (or adj) : in the open air @al.ga \'al-g*\ n, pl al.gae \'al-(.)je_-\ : any of a group of lower plants having chlorophyll but no vascular system and including seaweeds and related freshwater plants @al.ge.bra \'al-j*-br*\ n : a branch of mathematics using symbols (as letters) in calculating -- al.ge.bra.ic \.al-j*-'bra_--ik\ adj @Al.ge.ri.an \al-'jir-e_--*n\ n : a native or inhabitant of Algeria @1 ali.as \'a_--le_--*s, 'a_-l-y*s\ adv : otherwise called 2 alias n : an assumed name @1 al.i.bi \'al-*-.bi_-\ n 1: a plea offered by an accused person of having been elsewhere than at the scene of commission of an offense 2: a plausible excuse (as for failure or negligence) 2 alibi vb 1: to offer an excuse 2: to make an excuse for @1 alien \'a_--le_--*n, 'a_-l-y*n\ adj : FOREIGN 2 alien n : a foreign-born resident who has not been naturalized @alien.able \'a_-l-y*-n*-b*l, 'a_--le_--*-n*-\ adj : transferable to the ownership of another @alien.ate \-le_--*-.na_-t, -y*-.na_-t\ vb 1: to transfer (property) to another 2: to make hostile where previously friendship had existed : ESTRANGE -- alienation \.a_--le_--*-'na_--sh*n, .a_-l-y*-\ n @alien.ist \'a_--le_--*-n*st, 'a_-l-y*-\ n : PSYCHIATRIST; esp : one testifying in legal proceedings @1 alight \*-'li_-t\ vb alight.ed or alit \*-'lit\; alight.ing 1: to get down (as from a vehicle) 2: to come to rest from the air SYN: dismount, land, perch 2 alight adj : lighted up @align also aline \*-'li_-n\ vb 1: to bring into line 2: to array on the side of or against a cause -- align.ment also aline.ment n @1 alike \*-'li_-k\ adj : LIKE SYN: similar, comparable 2 alike adv : EQUALLY @al.i.ment \'al-*-m*nt\ n : FOOD, NUTRIMENT @al.i.men.ta.ry \.al-*-'men-t(*-)re_-\ adj : of, relating to, or functioning in nourishment or nutrition @alimentary canal n : a tube that extends from the mouth to the anus and functions in the digestion and absorption of food and the elimination of residues @al.i.mo.ny \'al-*-.mo_--ne_-\ n : an allowance paid by a man to a woman after her legal separation or divorce from him @alive \*-'li_-v\ adj 1: having life : LIVING 2: being in force or operation 3: SENSITIVE 4: ANIMATED @al.ka.li \'al-k*-.li_-\ n 1: a substance (as carbonate of sodium, carbonate of potassium, or hydroxide of sodium) that has marked basic properties (as an acrid taste and the power to neutralize acids, form salts, and turn red litmus blue) 2: a mixture of salts in the soil of some dry regions in such amount as to make ordinary farming impossible -- al.ka.line \-k*-l*n, -.li_-n\ adj -- al.ka.lin.i.ty \.al-k*-'lin-*t-e_-\ n @al.ka.lin.ize \'al-k*-l*-.ni_-z\ also al.ka.lize \'al-k*-.li_-z\ vb : to make alkaline @al.ka.loid \'al-k*-.lo_.id\ n : any of various usu. basic and bitter organic compounds found esp. in seed plants @al.kyd \'al-k*d\ n : any of numerous synthetic resins used for protective coatings @1 all \'o_.l\ adj 1: the whole of 2: the greatest possible 3: every one of 2 all adv 1: WHOLLY 2: so much 3: for each side 3 all pron 1: every one : the whole number 2: the whole : every bit 3: EVERYTHING @Al.lah \'al-*, a_:-'la_:\ n : the supreme being of the Muslims @All-American \.o_.l-*-'mer-*-k*n\ adj 1: composed wholly of American elements 2: representative of the U.S. as a whole; esp : selected as the best in the U.S. @all-around \.o_.l-*-'rau_.nd\ also all-round \'o_.l-'rau_.nd\ adj : having ability in many fields : VERSATILE @al.lay \*-'la_-\ vb 1: to reduce in severity 2: to put at rest SYN: alleviate, lighten @al.lege \*-'lej\ vb 1: to state as a fact without proof 2: to bring forward as a reason or excuse -- al.le.ga.tion \.al-i-'ga_--sh*n\ n -- al.leg.ed.ly \*-'lej-*d-le_-\ adv @al.le.giance \*-'le_--j*ns\ n 1: loyalty owed by a citizen to his government 2: loyalty to a person or cause @al.le.go.ry \'al-*-.go_-r-e_-\ n : the expression through symbolic figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human conduct or experience -- al.le.gor.i.cal \.al-*-'go_.r-i-k*l\ adj @1 al.le.gro \*-'leg-ro_-, -'la_--gro_-\ adv (or adj) : in a brisk lively tempo -- used as a direction in music 2 allegro n : an allegro movement @al.le.lu.ia \.al-*-'lu_:-y*\ interj : HALLELUJAH @al.ler.gen \'al-*r-j*n\ n : something that causes allergy -- al.ler.gen.ic \.al-*r-'jen-ik\ adj @al.ler.gist \'al-*r-j*st\ n : a specialist in allergy @al.ler.gy \'al-*r-je_-\ n : exaggerated or abnormal reaction to substances, situations, or physical states harmless to most people SYN: susceptibility -- al.ler.gic \*-'l*r-jik\ adj @al.le.vi.ate \*-'le_--ve_--.a_-t\ vb : to make easier to be endured SYN: lighten, mitigate -- al.le.vi.a.tion \*-.le_--ve_--'a_--sh*n\ n @al.ley \'al-e_-\ n 1: a narrow passage between buildings 2: a place for bowling; esp : a hardwood lane @al.ley.way \-.wa_-\ n 1: a narrow passageway 2: a narrow street giving access to the rear of buildings @All.hal.lows \o_.l-'hal-o_-z\ n : ALL SAINTS' DAY @al.li.ance \*-'li_--*ns\ n : a union to promote common interests SYN: league, coalition, confederacy, federation @al.lied \*-'li_-d, 'al-.i_-d\ adj : joined in alliance @al.li.ga.tor \'al-*-.ga_-t-*r\ n [Sp el lagarto the lizard, fr. L lacertus lizard] : a large aquatic reptile related to the crocodiles but having a shorter and broader snout @al.lit.er.ate \*-'lit-*-.ra_-t\ vb 1: to form an alliteration 2: to arrange so as to make alliteration @al.lit.er.a.tion \*-.lit-*-'ra_--sh*n\ n : the repetition of initial sounds in adjacent words or syllables -- al.lit.er.a.tive \-'lit-*-.ra_-t-iv\ adj @al.lo.cate \'al-*-.ka_-t\ vb : ALLOT, ASSIGN -- al.lo.ca.tion \.al-*-'ka_--sh*n\ n @al.lot \*-'la_:t\ vb -lot.ted; -lot.ting : to distribute as a share or portion SYN: assign, apportion, allocate -- al.lot.ment n @all-out \'o_.l-au_.t\ adj : using maximum energy or resources @all over adv : EVERYWHERE @al.low \*-'lau_.\ vb 1: to assign as a share 2: to reckon as a deduction 3: ADMIT, CONCEDE 4: PERMIT 5: to make allowance -- al.low.able adj @al.low.ance \-*ns\ n 1: an allotted share 2: money given regularly as a bounty 3: the taking into account of mitigating circumstances or possible contingencies @al.loy \'al-.o_.i, *-'lo_.i\ n 1: a substance composed of metals fused together 2: an admixture of something that debases -- alloy vb @all right adv 1: YES 2: beyond doubt : CERTAINLY @All Saints' Day n : a church feast observed November 1 in honor of all the saints @All Souls' Day n : a day of supplication for the souls in purgatory observed in some churches @all.spice \'o_.l-.spi_-s\ n : the berry of the pimento tree; also : a spice made from it @all told adv : with everything counted : in all @al.lude \*-'lu_:d\ vb : to refer indirectly or by suggestion -- al.lu.sion \-'lu_:-zh*n\ n -- al.lu.sive \-'lu_:-siv\ adj -- al.lu.sive.ly adv -- al.lu.sive.ness n @al.lure \*-'lu_.r\ vb : to entice by charm or attraction : ATTRACT -- al.lure.ment n @al.lu.vi.um \*-'lu_:-ve_--*m\ n : soil material (as clay or gravel) deposited by running water -- al.lu.vi.al \-ve_--*l\ adj @1 al.ly \*-'li_-, 'al-.i_-\ vb [OF alier, fr. L alligare to bind to, fr. ad- to + ligare to bind] : to unite in alliance 2 al.ly \'al-.i_-, *-'li_-\ n : a person or state united with another in an alliance @-al.ly \(*-)le_-\ adv suffix : -LY 2 @al.ma ma.ter \.al-m*-'ma_:t-*r\ n : a school, college, or university that one has attended @al.ma.nac \'o_.l-m*-.nak, 'al-\ n : a calendar containing astronomical and meteorological data and often a miscellany of other information @al.mighty \o_.l-'mi_-t-e_-\ adj 1 often cap: having absolute power over all 2: relatively unlimited in power Almighty n : GOD 2 @al.mond \'a_:m-*nd, 'am-; 'al-m*nd\ n : a small tree related to the peach; also : the edible nutlike kernel of its fruit @al.mo.ner \'al-m*-n*r, 'a_:m-*-\ n : an officer who distributes alms @al.most \'o_.l-.mo_-st, o_.l-'mo_-st\ adv : only a little less than : NEARLY @alms \'a_:mz\ n, pl alms [OE aelmesse, fr. LL eleemosyna, fr. Gk elee_-mosyne_- pity, alms, fr. elee_-mo_-n merciful, fr. eleos pity] : something given freely to relieve the poor @alms.house \-.hau_.s\ n, Brit : a privately financed home for the poor @al.oe \'al-o_-\ n 1: any of various succulent mostly African plants related to the lilies 2 pl: the dried tonic and purgative juice of the leaves of an aloe @aloft \*-'lo_.ft\ adv 1: high in the air 2: on or to the higher rigging of a ship @alo.ha \*-'lo_--*, a_:-'lo_-ha_:\ interj -- used to express greeting or farewell @alone \*-'lo_-n\ adj 1: separated from others 2: not including anyone or anything else : ONLY SYN: lonely, lonesome, lone, forlorn -- alone adv @1 along \*-'lo_.n_e\ prep 1: on or near in a lengthwise direction 2: at a point on or during 2 along adv 1: FORWARD, ON 2: as a companion or associate 3: all the time @along.shore \*-'lo_.n_e-'sho_-r\ adv (or adj) : along the shore or coast @1 along.side \*-'lo_.n_e-.si_-d\ adv : along or by the side 2 alongside prep 1: to, along, or at the side of 2: WITH @alongside of prep : ALONGSIDE @aloof \*-'lu_:f\ adj : removed or distant in interest or feeling : RESERVED -- aloof.ness n @aloud \*-'lau_.d\ adv : using the voice so as to be clearly heard @alp \'alp\ n : a high mountain @al.paca \al-'pak-*\ n : a So. American mammal related to the llama; also : its wool or cloth made from this @al.pen.horn \'al-p*n-.ho_.rn\ or alp.horn \'alp-.ho_.rn\ n : a long wooden horn used by Swiss herdsmen @al.pen.stock \'al-p*n-.sta_:k\ n : a long iron-pointed staff used in mountain climbing @al.pha.bet \'al-f*-.bet, -b*t\ n : the set of letters used in writing a language arranged in a conventional order @al.pha.bet.ic \.al-f*-'bet-ik\ or al.pha.bet.i.cal \-'bet-i-k*l\ adj 1: of or employing an alphabet 2: arranged in the order of the letters of the alphabet -- al.pha.bet.i.cal.ly adv @al.pha.bet.ize \'al-f*-b*-.ti_-z\ vb : to arrange in alphabetic order @al.pha particle \.al-f*-\ n : a positively charged particle that is ejected at high speed in various radioactive transformations @alpha ray n : a stream of alpha particles @Al.pine \'al-.pi_-n\ adj : relating to, located in, or resembling the Alps @al.ready \o_.l-'red-e_-\ adv 1: prior to a specified or implied time : PREVIOUSLY 2: so soon @al.so \'o_.l-so_-\ adv : in addition : TOO @al.so-ran \-.ran\ n 1: a horse or dog that finishes out of the money in a race 2: a contestant that does not win @al.tar \'o_.l-t*r\ n 1: a structure on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship 2: a table used as a center of ritual @al.tar.piece \-.pe_-s\ n : a work of art to decorate the space above and behind the altar @al.ter \'o_.l-t*r\ vb : to make or become different : CHANGE, MODIFY -- al.ter.ation \.o_.l-t*-'ra_--sh*n\ n @al.ter.ca.tion \.o_.l-t*r-'ka_--sh*n\ n : a noisy or angry dispute @al.ter ego \.o_.l-t*r-'e_--go_-\ n : a second self; esp : a trusted friend @1 al.ter.nate \'o_.l-t*r-n*t, 'al-\ adj 1: arranged or succeeding by turns 2: every other -- al.ter.nate.ly adv 2 al.ter.nate \-.na_-t\ vb : to occur or cause to occur by turns -- al.ter.na.tion \.o_.l-t*r-'na_--sh*n, .al-\ n 3 al.ter.nate \'o_.l-t*r-n*t, 'al-\ n : SUBSTITUTE @alternating current n : an electric current that reverses its direction at regular short intervals @al.ter.na.tive \o_.l-'t*r-n*t-iv, al-\ adj : that may be chosen in place of something else -- alternative n @al.though also al.tho \o_.l-'t_eh_eo_-\ conj : in spite of the fact that : even though @al.tim.e.ter \al-'tim-*t-*r, 'al-t*-.me_-t-*r\ n : an instrument for measuring altitudes @al.ti.tude \'al-t*-.t(y)u_:d\ n 1: vertical elevation : HEIGHT 2: angular distance above the horizon @al.to \'al-to_-\ n : the lowest female voice; also : a singer or instrument having the range of such a voice @al.to.geth.er \.o_.l-t*-'get_eh_e-*r\ adv 1: WHOLLY 2: on the whole @al.tru.ism \'al-tru_.-.iz-*m\ n : unselfish interest in the welfare of others -- al.tru.ist \-tru_.-*st\ n -- al.tru.is.tic \.al-tru_.-'is-tik\ adj -- al.tru.is.ti.cal.ly adv @al.um \'al-*m\ n 1: either of two colorless crystalline compounds cotaining aluminum that have a sweetish-sour taste and are used (as to stop bleeding) in medicine 2: a colorless aluminum salt used in purifying water and in tanning and dyeing @alu.mi.na \*-'lu_:-m*-n*\ n : the oxide of aluminum occurring in nature as corundum, emery, and ruby @al.u.min.i.um \.al-y*-'min-e_--*m\ n, chiefly Brit : ALUMINUM @alu.mi.num \*-'lu_:-m*-n*m\ n : a whitish light malleable metal used in articles where lightness and strength are desirable @alum.na \*-'l*m-n*\ n, pl -nae \-(.)ne_-\ : a woman graduate or former student of a college or school @alum.nus \*-'l*m-n*s\ n, pl -ni \-.ni_-\ : a graduate or former student of a college or school @al.ways \'o_.l-we_-z, -w*z\ adv 1: at all times 2: FOREVER 3: without exception @am, pres 1st sing of BE @amah \'a_:m-*, -a_:\ n : a female servant typically Chinese; esp : NURSE @amain \*-'ma_-n\ adv : with full force or speed @amal.gam \*-'mal-g*m\ n 1: an alloy of mercury with another metal used in making dental cements and in silvering mirrors 2: a compound made up of different things @amal.ga.mate \*-'mal-g*-.ma_-t\ vb : to unite into one body or organization -- amal.ga.ma.tion \-.mal-g*-'ma_--sh*n\ n @aman.u.en.sis \*-.man-y*-'wen-s*s\ n, pl -en.ses \-.se_-z\ : one employed to write from dictation or to copy what another has written : SECRETARY @am.a.ranth \'am-*-.ranth\ n 1: an imaginary flower held never to fade 2: any of various coarse herbs sometimes grown for their showy flowers -- am.a.ran.thine \.am-*-'ran-th*n, -.thi_-n\ adj @am.a.ryl.lis \.am-*-'ril-*s\ n : any of various mostly bulbous herbs with clustdrs of lilylike often bright-colored flowers @amass \*-'mas\ vb : to heap up : ACCUMULATE @am.a.teur \'am-*-.t*r, -*t-*r, -*-.t(y)u_.r\ n [F, fr. L amator lover, fr. amare to love] 1: a person who engages in a pursuit for pleasure and not as a profession 2: a person who is not expert -- am.a.teur.ish \.am-*-'t*r-ish, -'t(y)u_.r-ish\ adj -- am.a.teur.ism \'am-*-.t*r-.iz-*m, -*t-*r-, -*-.t(y)u_.r-\ n @am.a.to.ry \'am-*-.to_-r-e_-\ adj : of or expressing sexual love @amaze \*-'ma_-z\ vb : to overwhelm with wonder : ASTOUND SYN: astonish, surprise -- amaze.ment n -- amaz.ing.ly adv @am.a.zon \'am-*-.za_:n, -z*n\ n 1 cap: a member of a race of female warriors repeatedly warring with the ancient Greeks of mythology 2: a tall strong masculine woman -- am.a.zo.ni.an \.am-*-'zo_--ne_--*n\ adj, often cap @am.bas.sa.dor \am-'bas-*d-*r\ n : a person accredited to a foreign government as an official representative of his own government -- am.bas.sa.dor.ship \-.ship\ n @am.ber \'am-b*r\ n : a yellowish fossil resin used esp. for ornamental objects; also : the color of this resin @am.ber.gris \'am-b*r-.gris, -.gre_-s\ n : a waxy substance from the sperm whale used in making perfumes @am.bi.dex.trous \.am-bi-'dek-str*s\ adj : using both hands with equal ease -- am.bi.dex.trous.ly adv @am.bi.ence \a_: n-bya_: ns, 'am-be_--*ns\ n : a surrounding or pervading atmosphere @am.bi.ent \'am-be_--*nt\ adj : SURROUNDING @am.big.u.ous \am-)big-y*-w*s\ adj : capable of being understood in more than one way -- am.bi.gu.i.ty \.am-b*-'gyu_:-*t-e_-\ n @am.bi.tion \am-'bish-*n\ n : eager desire for success, honor, or power @am.bi.tious \am-'bish-*s\ adj : characterized by ambition -- am.bi.tious.ly adv @am.biv.a.lence \am-'biv-*-l*ns\ n : simultaneous attraction toward and repulsion from a person, object, or action -- am.biv.a.lent \-l*nt\ adj @1 amble \'am-b*l\ vb : to go at an amble : SAUNTER 2 amble n : an easy gait esp. of a horse @am.bro.sia \am-'bro_--zh(e_--)*\ n : the food of the Greek and Roman gods -- am.bro.sial \-zh(e_--)*l\ adj @am.bu.lance \'am-by*-l*ns\ n : a vehicle equipped for carrying the injured or sick @am.bu.lant adj : moving about : AMBULATORY @1 am.bu.la.to.ry \'am-by*-l*-.to_-r-e_-\ adj 1: of, relating to, or adapted to walking 2: able to walk about 2 ambulatory n : a sheltered place (as a cloister) for walking @am.bus.cade \'am-b*-.ska_-d\ n : AMBUSH @am.bush \'am-.bu_.sh\ n : a trap by which concealed persons attack an enemy by surprise -- ambush vb @ame.ba ame.bic, var of AMOEBA, AMOEBIC @ame.lio.rate \*-'me_-l-y*-.ra_-t\ vb : to make or grow better : IMPROVE -- ame.lio.ra.tion \-.me_-l-y*-'ra_--sh*n\ n @amen \(')a_--'men, (')a_:-\ interj -- used esp. at the end of prayers to express solemn ratification or approval @ame.na.ble \*-'me_--n*-b*l, -'men-*-\ adj 1: ANSWERABLE 2: easily managed : TRACTABLE @amend \*-'mend\ vb 1: to change for the better : IMPROVE 2: to alter formally in phraseology @amend.ment \*-'men(d)-m*nt\ n 1: correction of faults 2: the process of amending a parliamentary motion or a constitution; also : the alteration so proposed or made @amends \*-'men(d)z\ n, sing or pl : compensation for injury or loss @amen.i.ty \*-'men-*t-e_-, -'me_--n*t-\ n 1: AGREEABLENESS 2: something conducing to comfort or convenience 3 pl: the conventions observed in social intercourse @amerce \*-'m*rs\ vb 1: to penalize by a fine determined by the court 2: PUNISH -- amerce.ment n @Amer.i.can \*-'mer-*-k*n\ n 1: a native or inhabitant of No. or So. America 2: a citizen of the U.S. -- ameri.can adj -- ameri.c.ani.sm \-*-k*-.niz-*m\ n -- ameri.c.ani.zat.ion \*-.mer-*-k*-n*-'za_--sh*n\ n -- amer.i.can.ize \*-'mer-*-k*-.ni_-z\ vb, often cap @am.er.i.ci.um \.am-*-'ris(h)-e_--*m\ n : a radioactive metallic chemical element artificially produced from uranium @am.e.thyst \'am-*-th*st\ n : a gemstone consisting of clear purple or bluish violet quartz @ami.a.ble \'a_--me_--*-b*l\ adj 1: AGREEABLE 2: having a friendly and sociable disposition -- ami.a.bil.i.ty \.a_--me_--*-'bil-*t-e_-\ n -- ami.a.bly \'a_--me_--*-ble_-\ adv @am.i.ca.ble \'am-i-k*-b*l\ adj : FRIENDLY, PEACEABLE -- am.i.ca.bly adv @amid \*-'mid\ or amidst \-'midst\ prep : in or into the middle of : AMONG @amid.ships \-'mid-.ships\ adv : in or toward the part of a ship midway between the bow and the stern @ami.no acid \*-.me_--no_--, .am-*-.no_--\ n : any of numerous nitrogen-containing acids that include some which are the building blocks of proteins @1 amiss \*-'mis\ adv 1: FAULTILY 2: IMPROPERLY 2 amiss adj 1: WRONG 2: out of place @am.i.ty \'am-*t-e_-\ n : FRIENDSHIP; esp : friendly relations between nations @am.me.ter \'am-.e_-t-*r\ n : an instrument for measuring electric current in amperes @am.mo \'am-o_-\ n : AMMUNITION @am.mo.nia \*-'mo_--ny*\ n 1: a colorless gaseous compound of nitrogen and hydrogen used in refrigeration and in the making of fertilizers and explosives 2: a solution (ammonia water) of ammonia in water @am.mo.nite \'am-*-.ni_-t\ n : any of various ancient flat spiral fossil mollusk shells @am.mu.ni.tion \.am-y*-'nish-*n\ n 1: projectiles fired from guns 2: explosive items used in war 3: material for use in attack or defense @am.ne.sia \am-'ne_--zh*\ n : abnormal loss of memory -- am.ne.siac \-z(h)e_--.ak\ or am.ne.sic \-'ne_--zik, -sik\ adj or n @am.nes.ty \'am-n*-ste_-\ n : an act granting a pardon to a group of individuals @amoe.ba \*-'me_--b*\ n, pl -bas or -bae \-(.)be_-\ : any of various tiny one-celled animals that lack permanent cell organs and occur esp. in water and soil -- amoe.bic \-bik\ adj @amok \*-'m*k, -'ma_:k\ or amuck adv : in a murderously frenzied manner @among \*-'m*n_e\ also amongst \-'m*n_est\ prep 1: in or through the midst of 2: in the number or class of 3: in shares to each of 4: by common action of @amon.til.la.do \*-.ma_:n-t*-'la_:d-o_-\ n : a pale dry sherry @amor.al \a_--'mo_.r-*l\ adj : neither moral nor immoral; esp : being outside the sphere to which moral judgments apply -- amor.al.ly adv @am.o.rous \'am-(*-)r*s\ adj 1: inclined to love 2: being in love -- am.o.rous.ly adv -- am.o.rous.ness n @amor.phous \*-'mo_.r-f*s\ adj 1: SHAPELESS, FORMLESS 2: not crystallized @am.or.tize \'am-*r-.ti_-z, *-'mo_.r-.ti_-z\ vb : to extinguish (as a mortgage) usu. by payment on the principal at the time of each periodic interest payment -- amor.ti.za.tion \.am-*rt-*-'za_--sh*n, *-.mo_.rt-*-\ n @1 amount \*-'mau_.nt\ vb 1: to reach as a total 2: to be equivalent 2 amount n 1: the total number or quantity 2: a principal sum plus the interest on it @amour \*-'mu_.r, a-, a_:-\ n : a love affair esp. when illicit @amour propre \.am-.u_.r-'pro_-pr *\ n : SELF-ESTEEM @am.pere \'am-.pi*r\ n : a unit of intensity of electric current equivalent to a steady current produced by one volt applied across a resistance of one ohm -- am.per.age \-p(*-)rij\ n @am.per.sand \'am-p*r-.sand\ n : a character & standing for the word and @am.phib.i.an \am-'fib-e_--*n\ n 1: an amphibious organism; esp : any of a group of animals (as frogs and newts) intermediate between fishes and reptiles 2: an airplane designed to take off from and land on either land or water @am.phib.i.ous \-e_--*s\ adj [Gk amphibios, fr. amphi- on both sides + bios life] 1: able to live both on land and in water 2: adapted for both land and water 3: made by joint action of land, sea, and air forces invading from the sea; also : trained for such action @am.phi.the.ater \'am-f*-.the_--*t-*r\ n : an oval or circular building with rising tiers of seats around an arena @am.pho.ra \'am-f*-r*\ n, pl -rae \-.re_-\ or -ras : an ancient Greek jar or vase with two handles that rise almost to the level of the mouth @am.ple \'am-p*l\ adj 1: LARGE, CAPACIOUS 2: enough to satisfy : ABUNDANT -- am.ply \-ple_-\ adv @am.pli.fy \'am-pl*-.fi_-\ vb 1: to expand by extended treatment 2: to increase (voltage, current, or power) in magnitude or strength (as by the use of a vacuum tube) 3: to make louder -- am.pli.fi.ca.tion \.am-pl*-f*-'ka_--sh*n\ n -- am.pli.fi.er \'am-pl*-.fi_-(-*)r\ n @am.pli.tude \'am-pl*-.t(y)u_:d\ n 1: ample extent : FULLNESS 2: the extent of a vibratory movement (as of a pendulum) or of an oscillation (as of the alternating current or a radio wave) @amplitude modulation n : modulation of the amplitude of a transmitting radio wave in accordance with the strength of the signal; also : a broadcasting system using such modulation @am.pul or am.poule \'am-p(y)u_:l\ n : a small sealed bulbous glass vessel used to hold a solution for hypodermic injection @am.pu.tate \'am-py*-.ta_-t\ vb : to cut off -- am.pu.ta.tion \.am-py*-'ta_--sh*n\ n @am.pu.tee \.am-py*-'te_-\ n : one who has had a limb amputated @am.u.let \'am-y*-l*t\ n : an ornament worn as a charm against evil @amuse \*-'myu_:z\ vb : to entertain in a light or playful manner : DIVERT -- amusement n @an \*n, (')an\ indefinite article : A -- used before words beginning with a vowel sound @1 -an \*n\ or -ian \(e_--)*n\ also -ean \(e_--)*n, 'e_--*n\ n suffix 1: one that belongs to 2: one skilled in or specializing in 2 -an or -ian also -ean adj suffix 1: of or belonging to 2: characteristic of : resembling @anach.ro.nism \*-'nak-r*-.niz-*m\ n 1: the error of placing a person or thing in a period to which he or it does not belong 2: a person or thing that is chronologically out of place -- anach.ro.nis.tic \*-.nak-r*-'nis-tik\ adj @an.a.con.da \.an-*-'ka_:n-d*\ n : a large So. American snake that crushes its prey @an.a.dem \'an-*-.dem\ n : GARLAND, CHAPLET @anaemia, var of ANEMIA @an.aer.o.bic \.an-*-'ro_--bik\ adj : living, active, or occurring in the absence of free oxygen @an.aes.the.sia an.aes.that.ic, var of : ANESTHESIA, ANESTHETIC @ana.gram \'an-*-.gram\ n : a word or phrase made by transposing the letters of another word or phrase @anal \'a_-n- *l\ adj : of, relating to, or situated near the anus @an.al.ge.sia \.an- *l-'je_--zh*\ n : insensibility to pain -- an.al.ge.sic \-'je_--zik, -sik\ adj or n @anal.o.gous \*-'nal-*-g*s\ adj : similar in one or more respects but not homologous @an.a.logue or an.a.log \'an- *l-.o_.g\ n : something that is analogous or similar to something else @anal.o.gy \-*-je_-\ n 1: inference that if two or more things agree in some respects they will prob. agree in others 2: a likeness in one or more ways between things otherwise unlike -- an.a.log.i.cal \.an- *l-'a_:j-i-k*l\ adj -- an.a.log.i.cal.ly adv @anal.y.sis \*-'nal-*-s*s\ n, pl -y.ses \-*-.se_-z\ 1: separation of a thing into the parts or elements of which it is composed 2: an examination of a thing to determine its parts or elements; also : a statement showing the results of such an examination 3: PSYCHOANALYSIS -- an.a.lyst \'an- *l-*st\ n -- an.a.lyt.i.c \.an- *l-'it-ik\ or an.a.lyt.i.cal adj @an.a.lyze \'an- *l-.i_-z\ vb : to make an analysis of @an.a.pest \'an-*-.pest\ n : a metrical foot of two unaccented syllables followed by one accented syllable -- an.a.pes.tic \.an-*-'pes-tik\ adj @an.ar.chism \'an-*r-.kiz-*m\ n 1: the theory that all government is an evil 2: TERRORISM -- an.ar.chist \-k*st\ n -- an.ar.chis.tic \.an-*r-'kis-tik\ adj @an.ar.chy \'an-*r-ke_-\ n 1: a social structure without government or law and order 2: utter confusion -- an.ar.chi.c \a-'na_:r-kik\ also an.ar.chi.cal \-ki-k*l\ adj @anath.e.ma \*-'nath-*-m*\ n 1: a solemn curse 2: a person or thing accursed; also : one intensely disliked @anath.e.ma.tize \-m*-.ti_-z\ vb : to pronounce an anathema against : CURSE @anat.o.mize \*-'nat-*-.mi_-z\ vb : to dissect so as to examine the structure and parts; also : ANALYZE @anat.o.my \*-'nat-*-me_-\ n 1: a branch of science dealing with the structure of organisms 2: a separating into parts for detailed study : ANALYSIS, ANATOMIZING -- an.a.tom.i.c \.an-*-'ta_:m-ik\ or an.a.tom.i.cal \-i-k*l\ adj -- anat.o.mist \*-'nat-*-m*st\ n @-ance \*ns\ n suffix 1: action or process 2: quality or state : instance of a quality or state 3: amount or degree @an.ces.tor \'an-.ses-t*r\ n : one from whom an individual is descended -- an.ces.tress \-tr*s\ n @an.ces.try \-.ses-tre_-\ n 1: line of descent : LINEAGE 2: ANCESTORS -- an.ces.tral \an-'ses-tr*l\ adj @1 an.chor \'an_e-k*r\ n : a heavy metal device attached to a boat and so made that when thrown overboard it catches hold of the earth and holds the boat in place 2 anchor vb : to hold or become held in place by or as if by an anchor @an.chor.age \'an_e-k(*-)rij\ n : a place suitable for ships to anchor @an.cho.rite \'an_e-k*-.ri_-t\ n : one who lives in seclusion esp. for religious reasons -- an.cho.ress \-k(*-)r*s\ n @an.cho.vy \'an-.cho_--ve_-, an-'cho_--\ n : a small herringlike fish used esp. for sauces and relishes @an.cien regime \a_: ns-ya n-ra_--zhe_-m\ n 1: the political and social system of France before the Revolution of 1789 2: a system no longer prevailing @1 an.cient \'a_-n-sh*nt, 'a_-n_e-\ adj 1: having existed for many years 2: belonging to times long past; esp : belonging to the period before the Middle Ages 2 ancient n 1: an aged person 2 pl: the peoples of ancient Greece and Rome @an.cil.lary \'an-s*-.ler-e_-\ adj 1: SUBORDINATE, SUBSIDIARY 2: AUXILIARY, SUPPLEMENTARY @-an.cy \*n-se_-\ n suffix : quality or state @and \*n(d), (')an(d)\ conj -- used as a function word to indicate connection or addition esp. of items within the same class or type or to join words or phrases of the same grammatical rank or function @1 an.dan.te \a_:n-'da_:n-.ta_-, an-'dant-e_-\ adv (or adj) : moderately slow -- used as a direction in music 2 andante n : an andante movement @and.iron \'an-.di_-(-*)rn\ n : one of a pair of metal supports for firewood in a fireplace @and$134$1or conj -- used as a function word to indicate that either and or or may apply @an.dro.gen \'an-dr*-j*n\ n : a male sex hormone @an.ec.dote \'an-ik-.do_-t\ n : a brief story of an interesting usu. biographical incident @ane.mia \*-'ne_--me_--*\ n 1: a condition in which blood is deficient in quantity, in red cells, or in hemoglobin and which is marked by pallor, weakness, and irregular heart action 2: lack of vitality -- ane.mic \-mik\ adj @an.e.mom.e.ter \.an-*-'ma_:m-*t-*r\ n : an instrument for measuring the force or speed of the wind @anem.o.ne \*-'nem-*-ne_-\ n : a small herb related to the buttercups that has showy usu. white flowers @anent \*-'nent\ prep : ABOUT, CONCERNING @an.es.the.sia \.an-*s-'the_--zh*\ n : loss of bodily sensation @1 an.es.thet.ic \-'thet-ik\ adj : of, relating to, or capable of producing anesthesia 2 anesthetic n : an agent (as ether) that produces anesthesia -- anes.the.tist \*-'nes-th*t-*st\ n -- anes.the.tize \-th*-.ti_-z\ vb @anew \*-'n(y)u_:\ adv : over again : from a new start @an.gel \'a_-n-j*l\ n [LL angelus, fr. Gk angelos, lit., messenger] 1: a spiritual being superior to man 2: an attendant spirit 3: a winged figure of human form in art 4: MESSENGER, HARBINGER 5: a person held to resemble an angel -- an.gel.i.c \an-'jel-ik\ or an.gel.i.cal \-i-k*l\ adj -- an.gel.i.cal.ly adv @1 an.ger \'an_e-g*r\ n : a strong feeling of displeasure SYN: wrath, ire, rage, fury, indignation 2 anger vb : to make angry @an.gi.na \an-'ji_--n*\ n : a disorder (as of the heart) marked by attacks of intense pain -- an.gi.nal \-'ji_-n- *l\ adj @1 an.gle \'an_e-g*l\ n 1: the figure formed by the meeting of two lines in a point 2: a sharp projecting corner 3: a point of view 2 angle vb : to turn, move, or direct at an angle 3 angle vb : to fish with a hook and line -- an.gler \-gl*r\ n -- an.gling \-glin_e\ n @an.gle.worm \'an_e-g*l-.w*rm\ n : EARTHWORM @An.gli.can \'an_e-gli-k*n\ n : a member of the Church of England; also : EPISCOPALIAN @an.gli.cize \'an_e-gl*-.si_-z\ vb, often cap 1: to make English (as in habits, speech, character, or outlook) 2: to borrow (a foreign word or phrase) into English without changing form or spelling and sometimes without changing pronunciation -- an.gli.ci.za.tion \.an_e-gl*-s*-'za_--sh*n\ n; often cap @an.glo.phile \'an_e-gl*-.fi_-l\ n, often cap : one who greatly admires England @an.glo.phobe \-.fo_-b\ n, often cap : one who is averse to England and things English @An.glo-Sax.on \.an_e-glo_--'sak-s*n\ n 1: a member of any of the Germanic peoples who invaded England in the 5th century A.D. 2: a member of the English people 3: OLD ENGLISH -- anglo-saxon adj @an.go.ra \an_e-'go_-r-*, an-\ n 1 cap: a cat, goat, or rabbit with a long silky coat 2: yarn or cloth made from the hair of an Angora goat or rabbit @an.gry \'an_e-gre_-\ adj : feeling or showing anger SYN: enraged, wrathful, irate, indignant -- an.gri.ly adv @angst \'a_:n_est\ n : a feeling of anxiety : DREAD @an.guish \'an_e-gwish\ n : extreme pain or distress esp. of mind @an.guished adj : full of anguish : TORMENTED @an.gu.lar \'an_e-gy*-l*r\ adj 1: having one or more angles 2: sharp-cornered 3: being thin and bony -- an.gu.lar.i.ty \.an_e-gy*-'lar-*t-e_-\ n @an.hy.drous \an-'hi_--dr*s\ adj : free from water @an.i.line \'an- *l-*n\ n : an oily poisonous liquid used in making dyes, medicines and explosives @an.i.mad.vert \.an-*-.mad-'v*rt\ vb : to remark critically : express censure -- an.i.mad.ver.sion \-'v*r-zh*n\ n @1 an.i.mal \'an-*-m*l\ n 1: a living being capable of feeling and voluntary motion 2: a lower animal as distinguished from man; also : MAMMAL 2 animal adj 1: of, relating to, or derived from animals 2: of or relating to the physical as distinguished from the mental or spiritual SYN: carnal @an.i.mal.cule \.an-*-'mal-kyu_:l\ n : a tiny animal usu. invisible to the naked eye @an.i.mal.ism \'an-*-m*-.liz-*m\ n : SENSUALITY @1 an.i.mate \'an-*-m*t\ adj : having life 2 an.i.mate \-.ma_-t\ vb 1: to impart life to 2: to give spirit and vigor to 3: to make appear to move -- an.i.mat.ed adj @an.i.ma.tion \.an-*-'ma_--sh*n\ n 1: LIVELINESS, VIVACITY 2: an animated cartoon @an.i.mism \'an-*-.miz-*m\ n : attribution of conscious life to nature as a whole or to inanimate objects -- an.i.mist n -- an.i.mis.tic \.an-*-'mis-tik\ adj @an.i.mos.i.ty \.an-*-'ma_:s-*t-e_-\ n : ILL WILL, RESENTMENT @an.i.mus \'an-*-m*s\ n : deep-seated resentment and hostility @an.ise \'an-*s\ n : an herb related to the carrot with aromatic seeds (ani.seed \-*(s)-.se_-d\) used in flavoring @ankh \'an_ek\ n : a cross having a loop for its upper vertical arm and serving esp. in ancient Egypt as an emblem of life @an.kle \'an_e-k*l\ n : the joint or region between the foot and the leg @an.klet \'an_e-kl*t\ n 1: something (as an ornament) worn around the ankle 2: a short sock reaching slightly above the ankle @an.nals \'an- *lz\ n, pl 1: a record of events in chronological order 2: HISTORY -- an.nal.ist \- *l-*st\ n @an.neal \*-'ne_-l\ vb : to soften and toughen (as glass or steel) by subjecting to heat and then cooling @1 an.nex \*-'neks, 'an-.eks\ vb 1: to attach as an addition 2: to incorporate (as a territory) within a political domain -- an.nex.a.tion \.an-.ek-'sa_--sh*n\ n 2 an.nex \'an-.eks, -iks\ n : a subsidiary or supplementary structure @an.ni.hi.late \*-'ni_--*-.la_-t\ vb : to destroy completely : wipe out -- an.ni.hi.la.tion \-.ni_--*-'la_--sh*n\ n @an.ni.ver.sa.ry \.an-*-'v*rs-(*-)re_-\ n : the annual return of the date of some notable event and esp. a wedding @A.nno D.om.ini \.an-o_--'da_:m-*-ne_-, -.ni_-\ adv, often cap A -- used to indicate that a time division falls within the Christian era @an.no.tate \'an-*-.ta_-t\ vb : to furnish with notes -- an.no.ta.tion \.an-*-'ta_--sh*n\ n -- an.no.ta.tor \'an-*-.ta_-t-*r\ n @an.nounce \*-'nau_.ns\ vb 1: to make known publicly 2: to give notice of the arrival or presence of -- an.nounce.ment n @an.nounc.er n : a person who introduces radio or television programs, reads commercials and news summaries, and gives station identification @an.noy \*-'no_.i\ vb : to disturb or irritate esp. by repeated acts : VEX SYN: irk, bother, pester, tease, harass -- an.noy.ing.ly adv @an.noy.ance \-'no_.i-*ns\ n 1: the act of annoying : the state of being annoyed 2: NUISANCE @1 an.nu.al \'an-y(*-w)*l\ adj 1: covering the period of a year 2: occurring once a year : YEARLY 3: completing the life cycle in one growing season -- an.nu.al.ly adv 2 annual n 1: a publication appearing once a year 2: an annual plant @an.nu.i.tant \*-'n(y)u_:-*t-*nt\ n : a beneficiary of an annuity @an.nu.i.ty \*-'n(y)u_:-*t-e_-\ n : an amount payable annually; also : the right to receive such a payment @an.nul \*-'n*l\ vb -nulled; -nul.ling : to make legally void -- an.nul.ment n @an.nu.lar \'an-y*-l*r\ adj : ring-shaped @an.nun.ci.ate \*-'n*n-se_--.a_-t\ vb : ANNOUNCE -- an.nun.ci.a.tor n -- an.nun.ci.a.to.ry \-se_--*-.to_-r-e_-\ adj @an.nun.ci.a.tion \*-.n*n-se_--'a_--sh*n\ n 1: the act of announcing : ANNOUNCEMENT 2 cap: a church feast commemorating the announcement of the Incarnation and celebrated on March 25 @an.ode \'an-.o_-d\ n 1: the positive electrode of an electrolytic cell 2: the negative terminal of a battery 3: the electron-collecting electrode of an electron tube -- an.od.ic \a-'na_:d-ik\ adj @an.o.dyne \'an-*-.di_-n\ n : something that relieves pain : a soothing agent @anoint \*-'no_.int\ vb 1: to apply oil to esp. as a sacred rite 2: CONSECRATE -- anoint.ment n @anom.a.lous \*-'na_:m-*-l*s\ adj : deviating from a general rule : ABNORMAL @anom.a.ly \*-'na_:m-*-le_-\ n : something anomalous : IRREGULARITY @anon \*-'na_:n\ adv, archaic : SOON, PRESENTLY @anon.y.mous \*-'na_:n-*-m*s\ adj : of unknown or undeclared origin or authorship -- an.o.nym.i.ty \.an-*-'nim-*t-e_-\ n -- anon.y.mous.ly \*-'na_:n-*-m*s-le_-\ adv @anoph.e.les \*-'na_:f-*-.le_-z\ n : a mosquito that transmits malaria to man @1 an.oth.er \*-'n*t_eh_e-*r\ adj 1: any or some other 2: being one in addition : one more 2 another pron 1: an additional one : one more 2: one that is different from the first or present one @1 an.swer \'an-s*r\ n 1: something spoken or written in return to or satisfying a question 2: a solution of a problem 2 answer vb 1: to speak or write in reply to 2: to be responsible 3: to be adequate -- an.swer.er n @an.swer.able \'ans-(*-)r*-b*l\ adj 1: liable to be called to give an explanation or satisfaction : RESPONSIBLE 2: capable of being refuted @ant \'ant\ n : any of various small insects related to the bees and living in communities usu. in earth or wood @ant- -- see ANTI- @1 -ant \*nt\ n suffix 1: one that performs or promotes (a specified action) 2: thing that is acted upon (in a specified manner) 2 -ant adj suffix 1: performing (a specified action) or being (in a specified condition) 2: promoting (a specified action or process) @ant.ac.id \ant-'as-*d\ n : a substance that counteracts acidity @an.tag.o.nism \an-'tag-*-.niz-*m\ n 1: active opposition or hostility 2: opposition in physiological action -- an.tag.o.nis.tic \-.tag-*-'nis-tik\ adj @an.tag.o.nist \an-'tag-*-n*st\ n : ADVERSARY, OPPONENT @an.tag.o.nize \-*-.ni_-z\ vb : to provoke the hostility of @ant.arc.tic \ant-'a_:r(k)t-ik\ adj, often cap : of or relating to the south pole or the region near it @antarctic circle n, often cap A&C : a circle of the earth parallel to its equator approximately 23o27' from the south pole @1 an.te \'ant-e_-\ n : a poker stake put up by each player before he sees his hand; also : an amount paid : PRICE 2 ante vb 1: to put up (an ante) 2: PAY @an.te.bel.lum \.ant-i-'bel-*m\ adj : existing before a war; esp : existing before the U.S. Civil War of 1861-65 @an.te.ced.ent \.ant-*-'se_-d- *nt\ n 1: a noun, pronoun, phrase, or clause referred to by a personal or relative pronoun 2: a preceding event or cause 3 pl: the significant conditions of one's earlier life 4 pl: ANCESTORS -- antecedent adj @an.te.cham.ber \'ant-i-.cha_-m-b*r\ n : an outer chamber leading to another room @an.te.choir \-.kwi_-(*)r\ n : a space enclosed or reserved for the clergy and choristers at the entrance to a choir @an.te.date \-.da_-t\ vb 1: to date (a paper) as of an earlier day than that on which the actual writing or signing is done 2: to precede in time @an.te.di.lu.vi.an \.ant-i-d*-'lu_:-ve_--*n, -di_--\ adj 1: of the period before the biblical flood 2: ANTIQUATED, OBSOLETE @an.te.lope \'ant- *l-.o_-p\ n : any of various mammals related to the oxen but with smaller lighter bodies and horns that extend upward and backward @an.te me.ri.di.em \.ant-i-m*-'rid-e_--*m\ adj : being before noon @an.te.mor.tem \-'mo_.rt-*m\ adj : preceding death @an.te.na.tal \-'na_-t- *l\ adj 1: of or relating to an unborn child 2: occurring during pregnancy @an.ten.na \an-'ten-*\ n 1 pl usu: -nae \-'ten-(.)e_-\ one of the long slender paired sensory organs on the head of an arthropod (as an insect or crab) 2 pl usu: or -nas a metallic device (as a rod or wire) for sending out or receiving radio waves @an.te.pe.nult \.ant-i-'pe_--.n*lt\ n : the 3d syllable of a word counting from the end -- an.te.pen.ul.ti.mate \-pi-'n*l-t*-m*t\ adj or n @an.te.ri.or \an-'tir-e_--*r\ adj : located before in place or time SYN: preceding, previous, prior @an.te.room \'ant-i-.ru_:m, -.ru_.m\ n : a room forming the entrance to another and often used as a waiting room @an.them \'an-th*m\ n 1: a sacred composition usu. sung by a church choir 2: a song or hymn of praise or gladness @an.ther \'an-th*r\ n : the part of the stamen of a seed plant that contains pollen @ant.hill \'ant-.hil\ n : a mound thrown up by ants or termites in digging their nest @an.thol.o.gy \an-'tha_:l-*-je_-\ n : a collection of literary selections @an.thra.cite \'an-thr*-.si_-t\ n : a hard glossy coal that burns without much smoke @an.thrax \'an-.thraks\ n : a destructive bacterial disease of warm-blooded animals (as cattle and sheep) @an.thro.po.cen.tric \.an-thr*-p*-'sen-trik\ adj : interpreting or regarding the world in terms of human values and experiences @1 an.thro.poid \'an-thr*-.po_.id\ adj 1: resembling man 2: resembling an ape 2 anthropoid n : any of several large higher apes (as a gorilla) @an.thro.pol.o.gy \.an-thr*-'pa_:l-*-je_-\ n : a science dealing with man and esp. his origin, development, and culture -- an.thro.po.log.i.cal \-p*-'la_:j-i-k*l\ adj -- an.thro.pol.o.gist \-'pa_:l-*-j*st\ n @an.thro.po.mor.phism \.an-thr*-p*-'mo_.r-.fiz-*m\ n : the conception of God or gods as possessing human qualities -- an.thro.po.mor.phic \-fik\ adj @an.ti \'an-.ti_-, 'ant-e_-\ n : one who is opposed @an.ti- \.ant-i, -e_-; .an-.ti_-\ or ant- prefix 1: opposite in kind, position, or action 2: opposing : hostile toward 3: counteractive 4: preventive of : curative of @an.ti.bi.ot.ic \.ant-i-bi_--'a_:t-ik, .an-.ti_--, -be_-\ n : a substance produced by an organism (as a fungus or bacteria) that in dilute solution inhibits or kills harmful microorganisms -- antibiotic adj @an.ti.body \'ant-i-.ba_:d-e_-\ n : a bodily substance that specifically counteracts the effects of a disease-producing microorganism @1 an.tic \'ant-ik\ n : a ludicrous act : CAPER 2 antic adj 1 archaic: GROTESQUE 2: PLAYFUL @an.ti.christ \'ant-i-.kri_-st\ n 1: one who denies or opposes Christ 2: a false Christ @an.tic.i.pate \an-'tis-*-.pa_-t\ vb 1: to foresee and provide for beforehand 2: to look forward to -- an.tic.i.pa.tion \-.tis-*-'pa_--sh*n\ n -- an.tic.i.pa.to.ry \-'tis-*-p*-.to_-r-e_-\ adj @an.ti.cli.max \.ant-i-'kli_--.maks\ n : an event or statement esp. closing a series that is strikingly less important than what has preceded it -- an.ti.cli.mac.tic \-kli_--'mak-tik\ adj @an.ti.dote \'ant-i-.do_-t\ n : a remedy to counteract the effects of poison @an.ti.freeze \-.fre_-z\ n : a substance added to the liquid in an automobile radiator to prevent its freezing @an.ti.his.ta.mine \.ant-i-'his-t*-.me_-n\ n : any of various drugs used in treating allergies and colds @an.ti-in.tel.lec.tu.al.ism \.ant-e_--.int- *l-'ek-ch(*-w)*-.liz-*m, .an-.ti_--\ n : hostility toward or suspicion of intellectuals or intellectual traits and activities @an.ti.knock \.ant-i-'na_:k\ n : a substance that when added to the fuel of an internal-combustion engine helps to prevent knocking @an.ti.log.a.rithm \.ant-i-'lo_.g-*-.rit_eh_e-*m, .an-.ti_--, -'la_:g-\ n : the number corresponding to a given logarithm @an.ti.ma.cas.sar \.ant-i-m*-'kas-*r\ n : a cover to protect the back or arms of furniture @an.ti.mo.ny \'ant-*-.mo_--ne_-\ n : a brittle silvery white metallic chemical element used in alloys @an.ti.pas.to \.ant-i-'pas-to_-, -'pa_:s-\ n : HORS D'OEUVRE @an.tip.a.thy \an-'tip-*-the_-\ n 1: settled aversion or dislike 2: an object of aversion @an.ti.per.son.nel \.ant-i-.p*rs- *n-'el, .an-.ti_--\ adj : designed for use against military personnel @an.tiph.o.nal \an-'tif-*n- *l\ adj : performed by two alternating groups : ANSWERING -- an.tiph.o.nal.ly adv @an.tip.o.des \an-'tip-*-.de_-z\ n, pl : the parts of the earth diametrically opposite -- an.tip.o.dal \-'tip-*d- *l\ adj @an.ti.quar.i.an \.ant-*-'kwer-e_--*n\ adj 1: of or relating to antiquities 2: dealing in old or rare books -- an.ti.quar.i.an.ism \-.iz-*m\ n @an.ti.quary \'ant-*-.kwer-e_-\ n : a person who collects or studies antiquities @an.ti.quat.ed \'ant-*-.kwa_-t-*d\ adj : OUT-OF-DATE, OLD-FASHIONED @1 an.tique \an-'te_-k\ adj 1: belonging to antiquity 2: OLD-FASHIONED 3: of a bygone style or period 2 antique n : an object made in a bygone period @an.tiq.ui.ty \an-'tik-w*t-e_-\ n 1: ancient times 2: great age 3 pl: relics of ancient times 4 pl: matters relating to the culture of ancient times @A.nti-Se.m.itism \.ant-i-'sem-*-.tiz-*m, .an-.ti_--\ n : hostility toward Jews as a religious or social minority -- an.ti-sem.iti.c \-s*-'mit-ik\ adj @an.ti.sep.tic \.ant-*-'sep-tik\ adj : killing or checking the growth of germs that cause decay or infection -- antiseptic n -- an.ti.sep.ti.cal.ly adv @an.ti.so.cial \.ant-i-'so_--sh*l, .an-.ti_--\ adj 1: contrary or hostile to the well-being of society 2: disliking the society of others @an.tith.e.sis \an-'tith-*-s*s\ n, pl -e.ses \-*-.se_-z\ 1: the opposition or contrast of ideas 2: the direct opposite @an.ti.tox.in \.ant-i-'ta_:k-s*n\ n 1: an antibody able to neutralize a particular toxin that is formed when the toxin is introduced into the body and is produced in lower animals for use in treating human diseases (as diphtheria) @an.ti.viv.i.sec.tion.ist \.ant-i-.viv-*-'sek-sh(*-)n*st, .an-.ti_--\ n : a person opposed to vivisection @ant.ler \'ant-l*r\ n : the solid usu. branched horn of deer -- ant.lered \-l*rd\ adj @ant.onym \'an-t*-.nim\ n : a word of opposite meaning @an.trum \'an-tr*m\ n, pl -tra \-tr*\ : the cavity of a hollow organ or a sinus @anus \'a_--n*s\ n : the posterior opening of the alimentary canal @an.vil \'an-v*l\ n : a heavy iron block on which metal is shaped (as by hammering) @anx.i.ety \an_e-'zi_--*t-e_-\ n : painful uneasiness of mind usu. over an anticipated ill @anx.ious \'an_ek-sh*s\ adj 1: uneasy in mind : WORRIED 2: earnestly wishing : EAGER -- anx.ious.ly adv @1 any \'en-e_-\ adj 1: one chosen at random 2: of whatever number or quantity 2 any pron 1: any one or ones 2: any amount 3 any adv : to any extent or degree : at all @any.body \-.ba_:d-e_-\ pron : ANYONE @any.how \-.hau_.\ adv 1: in any way 2: NEVERTHELESS; also : in any case @any.more \.en-e_--'mo_-r\ adv : at the present time @any.one \'en-e_--(.)w*n\ pron : any person @any.place \-.pla_-s\ adv : in any place @any.thing \-.thin_e\ pron : any thing whatever @any.way \'en-e_--.wa_-\ adv : ANYHOW @any.where \-.hwe*r\ adv : in or to any place @any.wise \-.wi_-z\ adv : in any way whatever @aor.ta \a_--'o_.rt-*\ n, pl -tas or -tae \-'o_.r-.te_-\ : the main artery that carries blood from the heart -- aor.tic \-'o_.rt-ik\ adj @apace \*-'pa_-s\ adv : SWIFTLY @ap.a.nage, var of APPANAGE @apart \*-'pa_:rt\ adv 1: separately in place or time 2: ASIDE 3: to pieces : ASUNDER @apart.heid \*-'pa_:r-.ta_-t\ n : a policy of racial segregation practiced in the Republic of So. Africa @apart.ment \*-'pa_:rt-m*nt\ n : a room or set of rooms esp. occupied as a dwelling; also : a building divided into individual dwelling units @ap.a.thy \'ap-*-the_-\ n 1: lack of emotion 2: lack of interest : INDIFFERENCE -- ap.a.thet.ic \.ap-*-'thet-ik\ adj -- ap.a.thet.i.cal.ly adv @1 ape \'a_-p\ n 1: any of the larger tailless primates (as a baboon or gorilla); also : MONKEY 2: MIMIC, IMITATOR; also : a large uncouth person 2 ape vb : IMITATE, MIMIC @apeak \*-'pe_-k\ adv (or adj) : in a vertical position @aper.i.tif \.a_:p-.er-*-'te_-f\ n : an alcoholic drink taken before a meal as an appetizer @ap.er.ture \'ap-*(r)-.chu_.r, -ch*r\ n : OPENING, HOLE @apex \'a_--.peks\ n, pl apex.es or api.ces \'a_--p*-.se_-z, 'ap-*-\ : the highest point : PEAK @apha.sia \*-'fa_--zh(e_--)*\ n : loss of power to use or understand speech @aphid \'a_--f*d, 'af-*d\ n : a small insect that sucks the juices of plants @aphis \'a_--f*s, 'af-*s\ n, pl aphi.des \'a_--f*-.de_-z, 'af-*-\ : APHID @aph.o.rism \'af-*-.riz-*m\ n : a short saying stating a general truth : MAXIM -- aph.o.ris.tic \.af-*-'ris-tik\ adj @aph.ro.dis.i.ac \.af-r*-'diz-e_--.ak\ adj : exciting sexual desire -- aphrodisiac n @api.ary \'a_--pe_--.er-e_-\ n : a place where bees are kept -- api.a.rist \-pe_--*-r*st\ n @apiece \*-'pe_-s\ adv : for each one @aplomb \*-'pla_:m, -'pl*m\ n : complete composure or self-assurance : POISE @apoc.a.lypse \*-'pa_:k-*-.lips\ n : a writing prophesying a cataclysm in which evil forces are destroyed -- apoc.a.lyp.ti.c \-.pa_:k-*-'lip-tik\ or apoc.a.lyp.ti.cal adj @Apoc.ry.pha \*-'pa_:k-r*-f*\ n 1 not cap: writings of dubious authenticity 2: books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate but excluded from the Jewish and Protestant canons of the Old Testament 3: early Christian writings not included in the New Testament @apoc.ry.phal \-r*-f*l\ adj 1: of or resembling the Apocrypha 2: not canonical : SPURIOUS -- apoc.ry.phal.ly adv @apo.gee \'ap-*-(.)je_-\ n [fr. apogee point at which the moon is farthest from the earth, fr. F apoge_(e, fr. NL apogaeum, fr. Gk apogaion, fr. apo away from+ ge_-, gaia earth] : the point at which an orbiting object is farthest from the body (as the earth or moon) being orbited @apol.o.get.ic \*-.pa_:l-*-'jet-ik\ adj : expressing apology -- apol.o.get.i.cal.ly adv @apo.lo.gia \.ap-*-'lo_--j(e_--)*\ n : APOLOGY; esp : an argument in support or justification @apol.o.gize \*-'pa_:l-*-.ji_-z\ vb : to make an apology : express regret -- apol.o.gist \-*-j*st\ n @apol.o.gy \-*-je_-\ n 1: a formal justification : DEFENSE 2: an expression of regret for a discourteous remark or act @ap.o.plexy \'ap-*-.plek-se_-\ n : sudden loss of consciousness caused by rupture or obstruction of an artery of the brain -- ap.o.plec.tic \.ap-*-'plek-tik\ adj @aport \*-'po_-rt\ adv (or adj) : on or toward the left side of a ship @apos.ta.sy \*-'pa_:s-t*-se_-\ n : a renunciation or abandonment of a former loyalty (as to a religious faith) -- apos.tate \*-'pa_:s-.ta_-t, -t*t\ adj or n @a pos.te.ri.o.ri \.a_:-po_--.stir-e_--'o_-r-e_-\ adj : characterized by or derived by reasoning from observed facts -- a posteriori adv @apos.tle \*-'pa_:s-*l\ n 1: one of the group composed of Jesus' 12 original disciples and Paul 2: the first prominent missionary to a region or group 3: one who initiates or first advocates a great reform -- apos.tle.ship \-.ship\ n @ap.os.tol.ic \.ap-*-'sta_:l-ik\ adj 1: of or relating to an apostle or to the New Testament apostles 2: of or relating to a succession of spiritual authority from the apostles 3: PAPAL @1 apos.tro.phe \*-'pa_:s-tr*-(.)fe_-\ n : the rhetorical addressing of an absent person as if present or of an abstract idea or inanimate object as if capable of understanding (as in "O grave, where is thy victory?") 2 apostrophe n : a punctuation mark ' used esp. to indicate the possessive case or the omission of a letter or figure @apos.tro.phize \-tr*-.fi_-z\ vb : to address as if present or as if capable of understanding @apoth.e.cary \*-'pa_:th-*-.ker-e_-\ n : DRUGGIST @ap.o.thegm \'ap-*-.them\ n : APHORISM, MAXIM @apoth.e.o.sis \*-.pa_:th-e_--'o_--s*s, .ap-*-'the_--*-s*s\ n, pl -o.ses \-'o_--.se_-z, -*-.se_-z\ 1: DEIFICATION 2: the perfect example @ap.pall also ap.pal \*-'po_.l\ vb -palled; -pall.ing : to overcome with horror : DISMAY @ap.pa.nage \'ap-*-nij\ n 1: provision (as a grant of land) made by a sovereign or legislative body for dependent members of the royal family 2: a rightful adjunct @ap.pa.rat.us \.ap-*-'rat-*s, -'ra_-t-\ n, pl -rat.us or -rat.us.es 1: a set of materials or equipment for a particular use 2: a complex machine or device : MECHANISM 3: the organization of a political party or underground movement @1 ap.par.el \*-'par-*l\ n : CLOTHING, DRESS 2 apparel vb -eled or -elled; -el.ing; -el.ling 1: CLOTHE, DRESS 2: ADORN @ap.par.ent \*-'par-*nt\ adj 1: open to view : VISIBLE 2: EVIDENT, OBVIOUS 3: appearing as real or true : SEEMING -- ap.par.ent.ly adv @ap.pa.ri.tion \.ap-*-'rish-*n\ n : a supernatural appearance : GHOST @ap.peal \*-'pe_-l\ vb 1: to take steps to have (a case) reheard in a higher court 2: to plead for help, corroboration, or decision 3: to arouse a sympathetic response -- appeal n @ap.pear \*-'pi*r\ vb 1: to become visible 2: to come formally before an authority 3: SEEM 4: to become evident 5: to come before the public @ap.pear.ance \*-'pir-*ns\ n 1: the act of appearing 2: outward aspect : LOOK 3: PHENOMENON @ap.pease \*-'pe_-z\ vb 1: to cause to subside : ALLAY 2: PACIFY, CONCILIATE; esp : to buy off by concessions -- ap.pease.ment n @ap.pel.lant \*-'pel-*nt\ n : one who appeals esp. from a judicial decision @ap.pel.late \*-'pel-*t\ adj : having power to review decisions of a lower court @ap.pel.la.tion \.ap-*-'la_--sh*n\ n : NAME, DESIGNATION @ap.pel.lee \.ap-*-'le_-\ n : one against whom an appeal is taken @ap.pend \*-'pend\ vb : to attach esp. as something additional : AFFIX @ap.pend.age \*-'pen-dij\ n : something appended to a principal or greater thing SYN: accessory, adjunct @ap.pen.dec.to.my \.ap-*n-'dek-t*-me_-\ n : surgical removal of the intestinal appendix @ap.pen.di.ci.tis \*-.pen-d*-'si_-t-*s\ n : inflammation of the intestinal appendix @ap.pen.dix \*-'pen-diks\ n, pl -dix.es or -di.ces \-d*-.se_-z\ 1: supplementary matter added at the end of a book 2: a small tubular outgrowth from the intestinal cecum @ap.per.tain \.ap-*r-'ta_-n\ vb : to belong as a rightful part or privilege @ap.pe.tite \'ap-*-.ti_-t\ n 1: natural desire for satisfying some want or need esp. for food 2: TASTE, PREFERENCE @ap.pe.tiz.er \'ap-*-.ti_--z*r\ n : a food or drink taken just before a meal to stimulate the appetite @ap.pe.tiz.ing \-zin_e\ adj : tempting to the appetite -- ap.pe.tiz.ing.ly adv @ap.plaud \*-'plo_.d\ vb : to show approval esp. by clapping @ap.plause \*-'plo_.z\ n : approval publicly expressed (as by clapping) @ap.ple \'ap-*l\ n : a rounded fruit with firm white flesh and a seedy core; also : a tree related to the roses that bears this fruit @ap.ple.jack \-.jak\ n : a liquor distilled from fermented cider @ap.pli.ance \*-'pli_--*ns\ n 1: INSTRUMENT, DEVICE 2: a piece of household equipment (as a stove, toaster, or vacuum cleaner) operated by gas or electricity @ap.pli.ca.ble \'ap-li-k*-b*l, *-'plik-*-\ adj : capable of being applied : RELEVANT -- ap.pli.ca.bil.i.ty \.ap-li-k*-'bil-*t-e_-, *-.plik-*-\ n @ap.pli.cant \'ap-li-k*nt\ n : one who applies -- ap.pli.can.cy \-k*n-se_-\ n @ap.pli.ca.tion \.ap-l*-'ka_--sh*n\ n 1: the act of applying 2: assiduous attention 3: REQUEST; also : a form used in making a request 4: something placed or spread on a surface 5: capacity for use @ap.pli.ca.tor \'ap-l*-.ka_-t-*r\ n : one that applies; esp : a device for applying a substance (as medicine or polish) @ap.plied \*-'pli_-d\ adj : put to practical use @ap.pli.que \.ap-l*-'ka_-\ n : a fabric decoration cut out and fastened to a larger piece of material -- applique vb @ap.ply \*-'pli_-\ vb 1: to place in contact : put or spread on a surface 2: to put to practical use 3: to employ with close attention 4: to submit a request personally or by letter @ap.point \*-'po_.int\ vb 1: to fix or set officially 2: to name officially 3: to fit out : EQUIP @ap.poin.tee \*-.po_.in-'te_-, .ap-.o_.in-\ n : a person appointed @ap.point.ive \*-'po_.int-iv\ adj : subject to appointment @ap.point.ment \*-'po_.int-m*nt\ n 1: the act of appointing 2: a nonelective office or position 3: an arrangement for a meeting 4 pl: FURNISHINGS, EQUIPMENT @ap.por.tion \*-'po_-r-sh*n\ vb : to distribute proportionately : ALLOT -- ap.por.tion.ment n @ap.po.site \'ap-*-z*t\ adj : APPROPRIATE, RELEVANT -- ap.po.site.ly adv -- ap.po.site.ness n @ap.po.si.tion \.ap-*-'zish-*n\ n : a grammatical construction in which a noun or pronoun is followed by another that explains it (as the poet and Burns in "a biography of the poet Burns") @ap.pos.i.tive \*-'pa_:z-*t-iv\ n : the second of a pair of nouns or noun equivalents in apposition -- appositive adj @ap.praise \*-'pra_-z\ vb : to set a value on -- ap.prais.al \-'pra_--z*l\ n -- ap.prais.er n @ap.pre.cia.ble \*-'pre_--sh*-b*l\ adj : large enough to be recognized and measured -- ap.pre.cia.bly adv @ap.pre.ci.ate \*-'pre_--she_--.a_-t\ vb 1: to value justly 2: to be aware of 3: to be grateful for 4: to increase in value -- ap.pre.ci.a.tion \-.pre_--she_--'a_--sh*n\ n @ap.pre.cia.tive \*-'pre_--sh*t-iv, -she_--.a_-t-iv\ adj : having or showing appreciation @ap.pre.hend \.ap-ri-'hend\ vb 1: ARREST 2: to become aware of 3: to look forward to with dread 4: UNDERSTAND -- ap.pre.hen.sion \-'hen-ch*n\ n @ap.pre.hen.sive \.ap-ri-'hen-siv\ adj : viewing the future with anxiety -- ap.pre.hen.sive.ly adv -- ap.pre.hen.sive.ness n @1 ap.pren.tice \*-'prent-*s\ n 1: a person learning a craft under a skilled worker 2: BEGINNER -- ap.pren.tice.ship \-.ship\ n 2 apprentice vb : to bind or set at work as an apprentice @ap.prise also ap.prize \*-'pri_-z\ vb : INFORM @ap.proach \*-'pro_-ch\ vb 1: to move nearer to 2: to take preliminary steps toward -- approach n -- ap.proach.able adj @ap.pro.ba.tion \.ap-r*-'ba_--sh*n\ n : APPROVAL @1 ap.pro.pri.ate \*-'pro_--pre_--.a_-t\ vb 1: to take possession of 2: to set apart for a particular use 2 ap.pro.pri.ate \-pre_--*t\ adj : fitted to a purpose or use : SUITABLE SYN: proper, fit, apt -- ap.pro.pri.ate.ly adv -- ap.pro.pri.ate.ness n @ap.pro.pri.a.tion \*-.pro_--pre_--'a_--sh*n\ n : money set aside by formal action for a specific use @ap.prov.al \*-'pru_:-v*l\ n : an act of approving -- on approval : subject to a prospective buyer's acceptance or refusal @ap.prove \*-'pru_:v\ vb 1: to have or express a favorable opinion of 2: to accept as satisfactory : RATIFY @1 ap.prox.i.mate \*-'pra_:k-s*-m*t\ adj : nearly correct or exact -- ap.prox.i.mate.ly adv 2 ap.prox.i.mate \-s*-.ma_-t\ vb : to come near : APPROACH -- ap.prox.i.ma.tion \*-.pra_:k-s*-'ma_--sh*n\ n @ap.pur.te.nance \*-'p*rt-( *-)n*ns\ n : something that belongs to or goes with another thing SYN: accessory, adjunct, appendage -- ap.pur.te.nant adj @ap.ri.cot \'ap-r*-.ka_:t, 'a_--pr*-\ n : an oval orange-colored fruit resembling the related peach in flavor; also : the tree bearing it @April \'a_--pr*l\ n : the 4th month of the year having 30 days @a pri.o.ri \.a_:-pre_--'o_-r-e_-\ adj 1: characterized by or derived by reasoning from self-evident propositions 2: independent of experience -- a priori adv @apron \'a_--pr*n, -p*rn\ n [ME; alter. of napron (the phrase a napron being understood as an apron), fr. MF naperon, dim. of nape cloth, modif. of L mappanapkin] 1: a garment tied over the front of the body to protect the clothes 2: a paved area for parking or handling airplanes @1 ap.ro.pos \.ap-r*-'po_-, 'ap-r*-.po_-\ adv 1: OPPORTUNELY 2: SUITABLY 2 apropos adj : being to the point : PERTINENT @apropos of prep : with regard to : CONCERNING @apse \'aps\ n : a projecting usu. semicircular and vaulted part of a building (as a church) @apt \'apt\ adj 1: well adapted : SUITABLE 2: having an habitual tendency : LIKELY 3: quick to learn -- apt.ly adv -- apt.ness n @ap.ti.tude \'ap-t*-.t(y)u_:d\ n 1: capacity for learning 2: natural ability : TALENT 3: APPROPRIATENESS @aq.ua.cade \'ak-w*-.ka_-d, 'a_:k-\ n : an elaborate water spectacle consisting of exhibitions of swimming, diving, and acrobatics accompanied by music @aq.ua.lung \'ak-w*-.l*n_e, 'a_:k-\ n : an underwater breathing device @aq.ua.ma.rine \.ak-w*-m*-'re_-n, .a_:k-\ n : a bluish green gem @aq.ua.plane \'ak-w*-.pla_-n, 'a_:k-\ n : a board towed behind a speeding motorboat and ridden by a person standing on it -- aquaplane vb @aquar.i.um \*-'kwer-e_--*m\ n, pl -i.ums or -ia \-e_--*\ 1: a container in which living aquatic animals and plants are kept 2: a place where aquatic animals and plants are kept and shown @aquat.ic \*-'kwa_:t-ik, -'kwat-\ adj 1: growing or living in or frequenting water 2: performed in or on water @aq.ue.duct \'ak-w*-.d*kt\ n 1: a conduit for carrying running water 2: a structure carrying a canal over a river or hollow 3: a passage in a bodily part @aque.ous \'a_--kwe_--*s, 'ak-we_--\ adj 1: WATERY 2: made of, by, or with water @aq.ui.line \'ak-w*-.li_-n, -l*n\ adj 1: of or resembling an eagle 2: hooked like an eagle's beak @-ar \*r\ adj suffix : of or relating to @Ar.ab \'ar-*b\ n 1: a member of a Semitic people of the Arabian peninsula 2: a member of an Arabic-Speaking people -- arab adj -- arab.ia.n \*-'ra_--be_--*n\ adj or n @ar.a.besque \.ar-*-'besk\ n : a design of interlacing lines forming figures of flowers, foliage, and sometimes animals @1 Ar.a.bic \'ar-*-bik\ adj : of or relating to Arabia, the Arabs, or Arabic 2 Arabic n : a Semitic language of southwest Asia and north Africa @arabic numeral n, often cap A : one of the number symbols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0 @ar.a.ble \'ar-*-b*l\ adj : fit for or cultivated by plowing : suitable for crops @ar.ba.lest or ar.ba.list \'a_:r-b*-l*st\ n : a medieval crossbow with a steel bow @ar.bi.ter \'a_:r-b*t-*r\ n : one having power to decide : JUDGE @ar.bit.ra.ment \a_:r-'bit-r*-m*nt\ n 1: the act of deciding a dispute 2: the judgment given by an arbitrator @ar.bi.trary \'a_:r-b*-.trer-e_-\ adj 1: determined by will or caprice : selected at random 2: AUTOCRATIC, DESPOTIC -- ar.bi.trar.i.ly \.a_:r-b*-'trer-*-le_-\ adv -- ar.bi.trar.i.ness \'a_:r-b*-.trer-e_--n*s\ n @ar.bi.trate \'a_:r-b*-.tra_-t\ vb 1: to act as arbitrator 2: to act on as arbitrator 3: to submit for decision to an arbitrator -- ar.bi.tra.tion \.a_:r-b*-'tra_--sh*n\ n @ar.bi.tra.tor \'a_:r-b*-.tra_-t-*r\ n : one chosen to settle differences between two parties in a controversy @ar.bor \'a_:r-b*r\ n : a bower formed of or covered with vines or branches @ar.bo.re.al \a_:r-'bo_-r-e_--*l\ adj 1: of, relating to, or resembling a tree 2: living in trees @ar.bo.re.tum \.a_:r-b*-'re_-t-*m\ n, pl -tums or -ta \-'re_-t-*\ : a place where trees and plants are grown for scientific and educational purposes @ar.bor.vi.tae \.a_:r-b*r-'vi_-t-e_-\ n : any of various scale-leaved evergreen trees related to the pines @ar.bu.tus \a_:r-'byu_:t-*s\ n : a trailing spring-blossoming plant with fragrant pink or white flowers; also : its flowers @arc \'a_:rk\ n 1: a part of a curved line (as of a circle) 2: a sustained luminous discharge of electricity (as between two electrodes) @ar.cade \a_:r-'ka_-d\ n 1: a row of arches with their supporting columns 2: an arched or covered passageway; esp : one lined with shops @ar.cane \a_:r-'ka_-n\ adj : SECRET, MYSTERIOUS @1 arch \'a_:rch\ n 1: a curved structure spanning an opening (as a door or window) 2: something resembling an arch 3: ARCHWAY 2 arch vb 1: to cover with an arch 2: to form or bend into an arch 3 arch adj 1: CHIEF, EMINENT 2: ROGUISH, MISCHIEVOUS -- arch.ly adv -- arch.ness n @ar.chae.ol.o.gy \.a_:r-ke_--'a_:l-*-je_-\ n : the study of past human life as revealed by relics left by ancient peoples -- ar.chae.o.log.i.cal \-ke_--*-'la_:j-i-k*l\ adj -- ar.chae.ol.o.gist \-ke_--'a_:l-*-j*st\ n @ar.cha.ic \a_:r-'ka_--ik\ adj 1: belonging to an earlier time : ANTIQUATED 2: having the characteristics of the language of the past and surviving chiefly in specialized uses -- ar.cha.i.cal.ly adv @arch.an.gel \'a_:rk-.a_-n-j*l\ n : an angel of high rank @arch.bish.op \a_:rch-'bish-*p\ n : a bishop of high rank -- arch.bish.op.ric \-'bish-*-(.)prik\ n @arch.dea.con \-'de_--k*n\ n 1: an ecclesiastical dignitary usu. ranking below a bishop 2: an Anglican priest who often supervises the missionary work of a diocese @arch.di.o.cese \-'di_--*-s*s, -.se_-z\ n : the diocese of an archbishop @arch.duke \a_:rch-'d(y)u_:k\ n : a prince of the imperial family of Austria @arch.en.e.my \'a_:rch-'en-*-me_-\ n : a principal enemy @ar.chery \'a_:rch-(*-)re_-\ n : the art or practice of shooting with bow and arrows -- ar.cher \'a_:r-ch*r\ n @ar.che.type \'a_:r-ki-.ti_-p\ n : the original pattern or model of all things of the same type @arch.fiend \'a_:rch-'fe_-nd\ n : a chief fiend; esp : SATAN @ar.chi.epis.co.pal \.a_:r-ke_--*-'pis-k*-p*l\ adj : of or relating to an archbishop @ar.chi.man.drite \.a_:r-k*-'man-.dri_-t\ n : a church dignitary in an Eastern church ranking below a bishop @ar.chi.pel.a.go \.a_:r-k*-'pel-*-.go_-, .a_:r-ch*-\ n, pl -goes or -gos 1: a sea dotted with islands 2: a group of islands @ar.chi.tect \'a_:r-k*-.tekt\ n : a person who plans buildings and oversees their construction @ar.chi.tec.ton.ic \.a_:r-k*-.tek-'ta_:n-ik\ adj : of, relating to, or according with the principles of architecture @ar.chi.tec.ton.ics \-iks\ n, sing or pl : structural design @ar.chi.tec.ture \'a_:r-k*-.tek-ch*r\ n 1: the art or science of planning and building structures 2: method or style of building -- ar.chi.tec.tur.al \.a_:r-k*-'tek-ch*-r*l, -'tek-shr*l\ adj @ar.chi.trave \'a_:r-k*-.tra_-v\ n : the supporting horizontal member just above the columns in a building in the classical style of architecture @ar.chive \'a_:r-.ki_-v\ n : a place for keeping public records; also : public records -- usu. used in pl. @ar.chi.vist \'a_:r-k*-v*st, -.ki_--\ n : a person in charge of archives @ar.chon \'a_:r-.ka_:n, -k*n\ n : a chief magistrate of ancient Athens @arch.way \'a_:rch-.wa_-\ n : a passageway under an arch; also : an arch over a passage @1 arc.tic \'a_:r(k)t-ik\ adj [Gk arktikos, fr. arktos bear, Ursa Major] 1 often cap: of or relating to the north pole or the region near it 2: FRIGID 2 arctic n : a rubber overshoe reaching to the ankle or above @arctic circle n, often cap A & C : a circle of the earth parallel to its equator approximately 23o27' from the north pole @-ard \*rd\ also -art \*rt\ n suffix : one that is characterized by performing some action, possessing some quality, or being associated with some thing esp. conspicuously or excessively @ar.ea.way \-.wa_-\ n : a sunken space for giving access, air, and light to a basement @are.na \*-'re_--n*\ n 1: an enclosed area used for public entertainment 2: a sphere of activity @ar.gent \'a_:r-j*nt\ adj : of or resembling silver : SILVERY @Ar.gen.tine \'a_:r-j*n-.te_-n\ n : a native or inhabitant of Argentina -- argentine adj @ar.gon \'a_:r-.ga_:n\ n : a colorless odorless gaseous chemical element found in the air and used for filling electric light bulbs @ar.go.sy \'a_:r-g*-se_-\ n 1: a large ship 2: FLEET @ar.got \'a_:r-g*t, -.go_-\ n : the language of a particular group or class esp. of the underworld @ar.gu.able \'a_:r-gy*-w*-b*l\ adj : open to argument, dispute, or question @ar.gue \'a_:r-gyu_:\ vb 1: to give reasons for or against something 3: DEBATE 4: to persuade by giving reasons @ar.gu.ment \-gy*-m*nt\ n 1: a reason offered in proof 2: discourse intended to persuade 3: DISCUSSION, DEBATE @ar.gu.men.ta.tion \.a_:r-gy*-m*n-'ta_--sh*n\ n : the art of formal discussion @ar.gu.men.ta.tive \.a_:r-gy*-'ment-*t-iv\ adj : inclined to argue @ar.gyle \'a_:r-.gi_-l\ n : a geometric knitting pattern of varicolored diamonds on a single background color; also : a sock knit in this pattern @aria \'a_:r-e_--*\ n : an accompanied elaborate vocal solo forming part of a larger work @ar.id \'ar-*d\ adj 1: DRY, BARREN 2: having insufficient rainfall to support agriculture -- arid.i.ty \*-'rid-*t-e_-\ n @aright \*-'ri_-t\ adv : RIGHTLY, CORRECTLY @arise \*-'ri_-z\ vb arose \-'ro_-z\; aris.en \-'riz- *n\; aris.ing \-'ri_--zin_e\ 1: to get up 2: ORIGINATE 3: ASCEND SYN: rise, mount, spring, issue @ar.is.toc.ra.cy \.ar-*-'sta_:k-r*-se_-\ n 1: government by a noble or privileged class; also : a state so governed 2: the governing class of an aristocracy 3: UPPER CLASS -- aris.to.crat \*-'ris-t*-.krat\ n -- aris.to.crat.ic \*-.ris-t*-'krat-ik\ adj @arith.me.tic \*-'rith-m*-.tik\ n : mathematics that deals with computations with numbers -- ar.ith.met.i.cal \.ar-ith-'met-i-k*l\ adj -- arith.me.ti.cian \*-.rith-m*-'tish-*n\ n @ark \'a_:rk\ n 1: a boat held to resemble that of Noah at the time of the Deluge 2: the sacred chest in which the ancient Hebrews kept the tablets of the Law @1 arm \'a_:rm\ n 1: a human upper limb 2: something resembling or corresponding to the human upper limb 3: POWER, MIGHT 2 arm vb : to furnish or equip with weapons 3 arm n 1: WEAPON 2: a branch of the military forces 3 pl: the hereditary heraldic devices of a family @ar.ma.da \a_:r-'ma_:d-*, -'ma_-d-\ n : a fleet of armed ships @ar.ma.dil.lo \.a_:r-m*-'dil-o_-\ n : a small burrowing mammal with head and body protected by an armor of bony plates @Ar.ma.ged.don \.a_:r-m*-'ged- *n\ n : a final conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil; also : the site or time of this @ar.ma.ment \'a_:r-m*-m*nt\ n 1: military strength 2: supply of materials for war 3: the process of preparing for war @ar.ma.ture \'a_:r-m*-ch*r, -.chu_.r\ n 1: protective covering 2: the part including the conductors in an electric generator or motor in which the current is induced; also : the movable part in an electromagnetic device (as an electric bell or a loudspeaker) @arm.chair \'a_:rm-.che*r\ n : a chair with supports for the arms @armed forces n, pl : the combined military, naval, and air forces of a nation @arm.hole \'a_:rm-.ho_-l\ n : an opening for the arm in a garment @ar.mi.stice \'a_:r-m*-st*s\ n : temporary suspension of hostilities by mutual agreement : TRUCE @arm.let \'a_:rm-l*t\ n : a band worn around the upper arm @ar.mor \'a_:r-m*r\ n : protective covering -- ar.mored \-m*rd\ adj @ar.mor.er \-m*r-*r\ n 1: one that makes arms and armor 2: one that services firearms @ar.mo.ri.al \a_:r-'mo_-r-e_--*l\ adj : of or bearing heraldic arms @ar.mo.ry \'a_:rm-(*-)re_-\ n 1: a place where arms are stored 2: a factory where arms are made @arm.pit \'a_:rm-.pit\ n : the hollow under the junction of the arm and shoulder @arm.rest \-.rest\ n : a support for the arm @ar.my \'a_:r-me_-\ n 1: a body of men organized for war 2 often cap: the complete military organization of a country for land warfare 3: a great number 4: a body of persons organized to advance a cause @ar.ni.ca \'a_:r-ni-k*\ n 1: any of several herbs related to the daisies 2: a soothing preparation of arnica flowers or roots used on bruises and sprains @aro.ma \*-'ro_--m*\ n : a usu. pleasing odor : FRAGRANCE -- ar.o.mat.ic \.ar-*-'mat-ik\ adj @1 around \*-'rau_.nd\ adv 1: in or along a circuit 2: on all sides 3: NEARBY 4: in various places 5: in an opposite direction 2 around prep 1: ENVELOPING 2: along the circuit of 3: to or on the other side of 4: NEAR @arouse \*-'rau_.z\ vb 1: to awaken from sleep 2: to stir up : rouse to action -- arous.al \-'rau_.-z*l\ n @ar.peg.gio \a_:r-'pej-o_-, -e_--.o_-\ n : a chord whose notes are performed in succession and not simultaneously @ar.raign \*-'ra_-n\ vb 1: to call before a court to answer to an indictment 2: to accuse of wrong or imperfection -- ar.raign.ment n @ar.range \*-'ra_-nj\ vb 1: to put in order 2: to come to an agreement about : SETTLE 3: to adapt (a musical composition) to voices or instruments other than those for which it was orig. written -- ar.range.ment n @ar.rant \'ar-*nt\ adj 1: THOROUGHGOING 2: notoriously bad @ar.ras \'ar-*s\ n, pl arras 1: TAPESTRY 2: a wall hanging or screen of tapestry @1 ar.ray \*-'ra_-\ vb 1: to arrange in order 2: to dress esp. in splendid attire 2 array n 1: a regular arrangement 2: rich apparel 3: an imposing group @ar.rears \*-'ri*rz\ n, pl 1: a state of being behind in the discharge of obligations 2: overdue debts @1 ar.rest \*-'rest\ vb 1: STOP, CHECK 2: to take into legal custody 2 arrest n : the act of taking into custody by legal authority @ar.ri.ere-pense.e \.ar-e_--.er-pa_: n-'sa_-\ n : a mental reservation @ar.riv.al \*-'ri_--v*l\ n 1: the act of arriving 2: one that arrives @ar.rive \-'ri_-v\ vb 1: to reach a destination 2: to be near or at hand 2 -ary adj suffix : of, relating to, or connected with @Ar.y.an \'ar-e_--*n\ adj 1: INDO-EUROPEAN 2: NORDIC 3: GENTILE -- aryan n @1 as \*z, (.)az\ conj 1: in the same amount or degree in which 2: the same way that 3: WHILE, WHEN 4: THOUGH 5: SINCE, BECAUSE 6: that the result is 2 as adv 1: to the same degree or amount : EQUALLY 2: for instance 3: when considered in a specified relation 3 as pron 1: THAT -- used after same or such 2: a fact that 4 as prep : in the capacity or character of @as.a.fet.i.da or as.a.foe.ti.da \.as-*-'fit-*d-e_-, -'fet-*d-*\ n : an ill-smelling plant gum formerly used in medicine @as.bes.tos also as.bes.tus \as-'bes-t*s, az-\ n : a nonburning grayish mineral that occurs in fibrous form and is used as a fireproof material @as.cend \*-'send\ vb 1: to move upward : MOUNT, CLIMB 2: to succeed to : OCCUPY @as.cen.dan.cy or as.cen.den.cy \*-'sen-d*n-se_-\ n : controlling influence : DOMINATION @1 as.cen.dant or as.cen.dent \*-'sen-d*nt\ n : a position of dominant power 2 ascendant or ascendent adj 1: moving upward 2: DOMINANT @as.cen.sion \*-'sen-ch*n\ n 1: the act of ascending 2 cap: the ascending of Christ into heaven commemorated as (ascension day) on the Thursday 40 days after Easter @as.cent \*-'sent\ n 1: the act of mounting upward : CLIMB 2: degree of upward slope @as.cer.tain \.as-*r-'ta_-n\ vb : to find out : learn by inquiry -- as.cer.tain.able adj @as.cet.ic \*-'set-ik\ adj : practicing self-denial esp. for religious reasons : AUSTERE -- ascetic n -- as.cet.i.cism \-'set-*-.siz-*m\ n @ascor.bic acid \*-.sko_.r-bik-\ n : VITAMIN C @as.cot \'as-k*t; -.ka_:t\ n : a broad neck scarf that is looped under the chin and sometimes pinned @as.cribe \*-'skri_-b\ vb : to refer to a supposed cause, source, or author : ATTRIBUTE -- as.crib.able adj -- as.crip.tion \-'skrip-sh*n\ n @asep.tic \a_--'sep-tik\ adj : free or freed from disease-causing germs @asex.u.al \a_--'sek-sh(*-w)*l\ adj : lacking sex : involving no sexual action @as for prep : with regard to : CONCERNING @1 ash \'ash\ n : a tree related to the olives; also : its tough elastic wood 2 ash n 1: the solid matter left when material is burned 2: fine mineral particles from a volcano 3 pl: the remains of the dead human body @ashamed \*-'sha_-md\ adj 1: feeling shame 2: restrained by anticipation of shame -- ashamed.ly \-'sha_--m*d-le_-\ adv @ash.en \'ash-*n\ adj 1: of or resembling ashes; esp : ash-colored 2: deadly pale @ash.lar \'ash-l*r\ n : hewn or squared stone; also : masonry of such stone @ashore \*-'sho_-r\ adv (or adj) : on or to the shore @Ash Wednesday n : the 1st day of Lent @ashy \'ash-e_-\ adj : ASHEN @Asian \'a_--zh*n, -sh*n\ n : a native or inhabitant of Asia -- asian adj @1 aside \*-'si_-d\ adv 1: to or toward the side 2: out of the way : AWAY 2 aside n : an actor's words heard by the audience but supposedly not by other characters on stage @aside from prep 1: BESIDES