Contributed Talks:
PAVI_2009 is an International Workshop on Parity Violation physics to be held on 22-26 June, 2009 at the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, ME. The workshop url is: . The workshop topics include:
• Overview of the experimental program
• Strangeness in the nucleon: experiment and theory
• Standard Model tests
• Hadronic Parity Violation
• Probing two-photon exchange effects
• Electro-weak radiative corrections involving hadronic structure
• Technical developments
• Neutrinos, beta decay and electric dipole moments
The conference will feature about 40 invited talks and approximately 10 contributed papers. On behalf of the PAVI Organizing Committee I am inviting requests for possible contributed talks. Young scientists are especially encouraged to apply. Please send a proposed abstract ( 1-page maximum) by e-mail to the Workshop Chairman: .
The contributed talks would be 20 minutes each including time for questions. The deadline for submitting contributed talk abstracts is April 15, 2009. Decisions and notification of accepted talks will be made by May 15, 2009.
Stanley Kowalski