Known Kerberos related DLLs:
- krbv4win.dll 16 bit Kerberos v4 DLL from MIT
- krbv4w32.dll 32 bit Kerberos v4 DLL from MIT
These two DLLs provide an API that resembles the Kerberos API used on UNIX. These DLLs are often used when porting code from UNIX to Windows 3.x and Windows NT.
- kerb95.dll 32 bit Kerberos v4 DLL from UMich
Allan's API was written from scratch specifically for Win32. This is used by his Kerberized SAMBA code. Esys is also using this in their commercial IMAP client for Win32, Simeon. Allan als has a GINA which uses this and the browser plugin code uses this API.
- kclient.dll 16 bit v4 Kerberos DLL from Cornell
- kclnt32.dll 32 bit v4 Kerberos DLL from Cornell
These provide a subset of the Mac Kclient interface. These implementations are compatible with Eudora from Qualcomm. These DLLs are a shim layer which in turn call either krbv4win.dll or krbv4w32.dll.
- kclnt32.dll 32 bit v5 Kerberos DLL from ANL (1 function, Doug Engert)
This version of the DLL is used by ANL to provide Kerberos version 5 support for Eudora. I do not think it is used for any other purpose.
- kclnt32.dll 32 bit v4 and v5 DLL from Platinum
- kclient.dll 16 bit v4 and v5 DLL from Platinum
These export the same API as the Cornell Kclient DLL for Windows but include support for both v4 and v5?
- pcikrb.dll from Platinum called by their kclnt32.dll
- pcikrb32.dll 32 bit underlying layer from Platinum
Called by Platinum's Kclient DLLs?
- kerberos.dll 16 bit v4 DLL from Stanford for use on Windows 3.x
- kerberos.dll thunking layer for 16 bit applications running on 32 bit operating systems
- kerberos32.dll 32 bit v4 DLL from Stanford
These are very similar to the Cygnus DLLs, which was their starting point. Stanford then added some new functions internal to the DLL so these are no longer compatible with the Cygnus distribution.
- kerberos.dll 16 bit Kerberos v4 from Cygnus
- kerberos32.dll 32 bit v4 DLL from Cygnus
These DLLs provide the UNIX API that MIT's krbv4wXX.dll does but krbv4wxx provide some additional functions that are Windows specific.
- leashwin.dll 16 bit v4 UI supplementary files for krbv4win.dll from MIT
- leashw32.dll 32 bit v4 UI supplementary files for krbv4win.dll from MIT
- kerbhook.dll from Stanford 32 bit supplementary
This is used by the Stanford screen saver.
- COMERR16.DLL used by MIT v5 (common error)
- GSSAPI.DLL 16 bit GSS API from various vendors, specified by RFC
- KGINA.DLL v5 GINA from MIT (not done)
- KRB4_16.DLL 16 bit v4 Kerberos DLL from v5 source tree used at Sherson Lehman not at MIT
- KRB5_16.DLL v5 16 bit Kerberos DLL from v5 source tree
- comerr32.dll 32 bit used by MIT v5 (common error)
- gssapi32.dll 32 bit GSS AOU from various vendors specified by RFC
- krb4_32.dll 32 bit v4 Kerberos DLL from v5 source tree used at Sherson Lehman not at MIT
- krb5_32.dll v5 32 bit Kerberos DLL from v5 source tree
- krbcc32.dll proposed cache DLL to unify the cache for most of the above DLLs. This will support both the v4 and v5 tickets.
A diagram to illustrate how this would affect v4 implementations.
- krbcc16.dll There will most likely be two of these. One for use on Windows 3.x, the other for use on 95 and NT. The NT and 95 specfic one will be a thunking layer to the krbcc32.dll.
Note that the cache DLLs will export ONE API. Implementors of these DLLs will be able to store the ticket in what ever way they think best. For example UMich and MIT plan to use memory mapped IO. Another site wants the cache to use the registry. Still another site wants to use traditional files. Sites should end up being able to choose whichever cache DLL they want, independent of which Kerberos DLLs they are using.