Alfalfa, Medicago sativa
| Sm
Description :
| The wind was picking up a bit, and all my other shots were out of
| Common Name :
| Alfalfa
| Latin Name :
| Medicago sativa
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 13:14
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Asiatic Dayflower, Commelina communis
| Sm
Description :
| This flower is familiar from childhood, but I didn't know what it was
called until I looked it up a few days ago. Continuing to see spiderwort
all over the place, then noticing some of this by a road side brought
it to mind.
I had to view the picture at full size before I could see that the lower
petal is indeed white.
| Common Name :
| Asiatic Dayflower
| Latin Name :
| Commelina communis
| Location :
| Where the bike path crosses Cedar street, on the side where
it's not paved yet, Somerville MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-25 12:50
| Event :
| On my way to work, Tuesday morning.
| |  |
Birdfoot Trefoil, Lotus corniculatus
| Sm
Common Name :
| Birdfoot Trefoil
| Latin Name :
| Lotus corniculatus
| Location :
| Mowed grass next to the resevoir, Bedford MA
| Date :
| 04/07/2002 16:55:18
| Event :
| Biking to Mark's place on the 4th of July
| |  |
Black Cohosh, Cimicifuga racemosa
| Sm
Common Name :
| Black Cohosh
| Latin Name :
| Cimicifuga racemosa
| Location :
| Bonticou Road, Mohonk Preserve
| Date :
| 26/07/2002 10:25:44
| |  |
Black Cohosh, Cimicifuga racemosa
| Sm
Common Name :
| Black Cohosh
| Latin Name :
| Cimicifuga racemosa
| Location :
| Bonticou Road, Mohonk Preserve
| Date :
| 26/07/2002 10:25:54
| |  |
Black Knapweed, Centaurea nigra
| Sm
Description :
| The lower leaves are slightly toothed, but none of it's prickly.
| Common Name :
| Black Knapweed
| Latin Name :
| Centaurea nigra
| Location :
| Along the Minuteman trail, past Lexington.
| Date :
| 04/07/2002 16:32:18
| Event :
| Biking to Mark's place on the 4th of July
| |  |
Black Medick, Medicago lupulina
| Sm
Description :
| Little, yellow, underfoot. I've been seeing this a lot, or maybe it's
least hop clover that I've been seeing.
No, R. Flogaus-Faust tells me that it's Medicago lupulina.
| Common Name :
| Black Medick
| Latin Name :
| Medicago lupulina
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 12:56
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Bladder Campion, Silene cucubalus
| Sm
Description :
| It's a bit spent, but I'd wanted to stop and count styles. There are
indeed three.
I thought the way the seed is growing inside was pretty nifty.
| Common Name :
| Bladder Campion
| Latin Name :
| Silene cucubalus
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 13:17
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Bouncing Bet, Saponaria offcinalis
| Sm
Description :
| There was a big clump of this around a tree. I'm pretty sure I've
seen it before, but I couldn't identify it off-hand.
| Common Name :
| Bouncing Bet
| Latin Name :
| Saponaria offcinalis
| Location :
| Columbia Street, barely North of Hampshire Street, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-23 18:09
| Event :
| Around Cambridge
| |  |
Bouncing Bet, Saponaria offcinalis
| Sm
Description :
| This one is much pinker than the one I found on Columbia Street.
| Common Name :
| Bouncing Bet
| Latin Name :
| Saponaria offcinalis
| Location :
| By the railroad tracks at the Davis end of the Linear Park, Somerville MA
| Date :
| 06/07/2002 16:10:30
| Event :
| Around Somerville, Davis end of the linear park
| |  |
Brook Lobelia, Lobelia kalmii
| Sm
Description :
| The leaves are very narrow. It's quite small and inconspicuous.
| Common Name :
| Brook Lobelia
| Latin Name :
| Lobelia kalmii
| Location :
| Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-29 15:48
| Event :
| Trip to Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| |  |
Bunchberry, Cornus canadensis
| Sm
Common Name :
| Bunchberry
| Latin Name :
| Cornus canadensis
| Location :
| Near the trail head on Jefferson Notch road
| Date :
| 13/08/2002 05:59:44
| Event :
| Mt. Jefferson night hike
| |  |
Canada Thistle, Cirsium arvense
| Sm
Common Name :
| Canada Thistle
| Latin Name :
| Cirsium arvense
| Location :
| By the railroad tracks at the Davis end of the Linear Park, Somerville MA
| Date :
| 06/07/2002 16:05:14
| Event :
| Around Somerville, Davis end of the linear park
| |  |
Cat's Ear, Hypochoeris radicata
| Sm
Description :
| This floppy straggly plant has hairy but dandelion shaped basal leaves.
The stems are branched.
Note the little scales on the stem; Peterson's lists this as an
identifying characteristic.
| Common Name :
| Cat's Ear
| Latin Name :
| Hypochoeris radicata
| Location :
| Next to Alewife T station, Somerville MA
| Date :
| 06/07/2002 16:42:53
| Event :
| Around Somerville, Davis end of the linear park
| |  |
Celandine, Chelidonium majus
| Sm
Description :
| I walked on a bit, and found this all along against a building. Later,
I realised that I am indeed familiar with this; Mathew and I used to
spend hours playing with the yellow juice, as kids, since it used to
grow in the low fork of the black locust tree in the neighbor's yard.
| Common Name :
| Celandine
| Latin Name :
| Chelidonium majus
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 13:10
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Celandine, Chelidonium majus
| Sm
Description :
| From the field guide description, the seed pods should be long and
smooth; that must instead be a bud.
| Common Name :
| Celandine
| Latin Name :
| Chelidonium majus
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 13:10
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Celandine, Chelidonium majus
| Sm
Description :
| Ah, here's one that has seed pods. They are indeed long and smooth.
| Common Name :
| Celandine
| Latin Name :
| Chelidonium majus
| Location :
| To the side of the Minuteman trail in Arlington.
| Date :
| 2002-06-18 14:03
| Event :
| Minuteman trail, Arlington and Lexington MA, 2002-06-18
| |  |
Chicory, Cichorium intybus
| Sm
Description :
| So that's what those tall rough scraggely things are.
I recognised it quickly once it had a few flowers. This one's
flowers are pretty washed out looking, though, so I got a close
up from a different plant (see next photo).
| Common Name :
| Chicory
| Latin Name :
| Cichorium intybus
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 12:48
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Chicory, Cichorium intybus
| Sm
Description :
| Here's a close up of one of the flowers.
| Common Name :
| Chicory
| Latin Name :
| Cichorium intybus
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 12:51
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Choke Cherry, Prunus virginiana
| Sm
Description :
| I didn't know that the shrubby things were also cherries.
| Common Name :
| Choke Cherry
| Latin Name :
| Prunus virginiana
| Location :
| Hellcat dunes loop
| Date :
| 31/05/2003 13:41:38
| |  |
Clintonia, Clintonia borealis
| Sm
Description :
| On our way down, these caught my attention. The field guide's drawing
shows more prominent stamens, but the habitat sounds right, so I'm pretty
sure that's what this is.
| Common Name :
| Clintonia
| Latin Name :
| Clintonia borealis
| Location :
| Mt. Moosilauke, White Mountains, Benton, NH
| Date :
| 2002-06-02
| Event :
| Climbing Mt. Moosilauke, White Mountains, Benton, NH
| |  |
Columbine, Aqilegia canadensis
| Sm
Description :
| I'm not sure if this is a garden escape; I remember the wild ones being
more red and less purple. It doesn't look like anyone actually planted
it, though.
| Common Name :
| Columbine
| Latin Name :
| Aqilegia canadensis
| Location :
| Cardinal Medeiros Ave., Cambridge
| Date :
| 2002-06-09 16:35
| Event :
| Biking to Union Square, Cambridge MA.
| |  |
Common Cinquefoil, Potentilla simplex
| Sm
Description :
| These grow everywhere, but this time the picture came out, so I
figured I'd include it. It's sprawly and not upright like the sulpher
cinquefoil is.
A cinquefoil in the mowed area across Vassar Street from here got me
interested in the local wildflowers, after I had trouble identifying it.
Of course, the answer to "what has leaves in threes like a strawberry and
little yellow flowers?" turned out to be "a cinquefoil that got run over
by a lawnmower" but I now greet these like old friends when I see them.
| Common Name :
| Common Cinquefoil
| Latin Name :
| Potentilla simplex
| Location :
| The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Common Evening Primrose, Oenothera biennis
| Sm
Description :
| I had fun with the focus beam on the camera, taking these. It does indeed
wilt during the day, so my daylight attempts to photograph it failed.
| Common Name :
| Common Evening Primrose
| Latin Name :
| Oenothera biennis
| Location :
| Columbia Street, half a block North of Hampshire Street, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-25 21:13
| Event :
| Walking to dinner
| |  |
Common Milkweed, Asclepias sariaca
| Sm
Description :
| Mark was talking about milkweed last night, and I remembered
to get a picture.
| Common Name :
| Common Milkweed
| Latin Name :
| Asclepias sariaca
| Location :
| Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-29 15:20
| Event :
| Trip to Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| |  |
Common Mullein, Verbascum thapsus
| Sm
Description :
| At least, I think that's what that is. I'll be more sure when
it flowers. Pete stopped to pet it.
| Common Name :
| Common Mullein
| Latin Name :
| Verbascum thapsus
| Location :
| The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Common Plantain, Plantago major
| Sm
Description :
| Another old friend. I remember endlessly pulling the leaves apart
to pull out the veins, as a kid.
I suppose it'll be more interesting when it's in flower.
| Common Name :
| Common Plantain
| Latin Name :
| Plantago major
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 12:59
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Common St. Johnswort, Hypericum perforatum
| Sm
Description :
| This specimen looks a little ragged; I also don't see the spots that
Peterson's claims should be there, but otherwise it fits.
I'll try to get another look and some better photos of it, later.
| Common Name :
| Common St. Johnswort
| Latin Name :
| Hypericum perforatum
| Location :
| The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08 15:50
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Common St. Johnswort, Hypericum perforatum
| Sm
Description :
| Last time I saw this, I didn't notice or photograph the spots on
the petals or leaves. Now I see them.
| Common Name :
| Common St. Johnswort
| Latin Name :
| Hypericum perforatum
| Location :
| The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-10 16:15
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-10
| |  |
Common Strawberry, Fragaria virginiana
| Sm
Description :
| Very familiar, but I don't think I had a picture in the collection.
| Common Name :
| Common Strawberry
| Latin Name :
| Fragaria virginiana
| Location :
| Hellcat dunes loop
| Date :
| 31/05/2003 13:40:24
| |  |
Cow Vetch, Vicia cracca
| Sm
Description :
| This was very pretty, all intertwined with the purple clover.
| Common Name :
| Cow Vetch
| Latin Name :
| Vicia cracca
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 13:21
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Curled Dock, Rumex crispus
| Sm
Common Name :
| Curled Dock
| Latin Name :
| Rumex crispus
| Location :
| The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Curled Dock, Rumex crispus
| Sm
Description :
| Detail of seeds.
| Common Name :
| Curled Dock
| Latin Name :
| Rumex crispus
| Location :
| The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Curled Dock, Rumex crispus
| Sm
Description :
| I've seen lots of this before; it's now gotten late enough in the year to
| Common Name :
| Curled Dock
| Latin Name :
| Rumex crispus
| Location :
| By the railroad tracks at the Davis end of the Linear Park, Somerville MA
| Date :
| 06/07/2002 16:12:55
| Event :
| Around Somerville, Davis end of the linear park
| |  |
Daisy Fleabane, Erigeron annus
| Sm
Description :
| Aster like things are confusing, but I think I've got this right
because it's early for any of the real asters to be out.
| Common Name :
| Daisy Fleabane
| Latin Name :
| Erigeron annus
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 12:52
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14 12:52
| |  |
Day Lily, Hemerocallis fulva
| Sm
Description :
| Another of the things that grew in my mother's garden. Apparently good to
eat; I should try sometime.
| Common Name :
| Day Lily
| Latin Name :
| Hemerocallis fulva
| Location :
| By the railroad tracks at the Davis end of the Linear Park, Somerville MA
| Date :
| 06/07/2002 16:16:40
| Event :
| Around Somerville, Davis end of the linear park
| |  |
Deptford Pink, Dianthus armeria
| Sm
Description :
| These were blowing around in the wind, and I was having
trouble keeping my shadow out of the way.
I only saw one clump.
| Common Name :
| Deptford Pink
| Latin Name :
| Dianthus armeria
| Location :
| Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-29 16:17
| Event :
| Trip to Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| |  |
Deptford Pink, Dianthus armeria
| Sm
Common Name :
| Deptford Pink
| Latin Name :
| Dianthus armeria
| Location :
| Below Bonticou Craig, Mohonk Preserve
| Date :
| 26/07/2002 11:52:52
| |  |
Evening Lychnis, Lychnis alba
| Sm
Description :
| I'm a little confused over the identification of this; last time I tried
to stop and count styles, I didn't find any at all, and after snapping
a few pictures, this time, the neighborhood kids started looking at me
funny, so I moved on.
| Common Name :
| Evening Lychnis
| Latin Name :
| Lychnis alba
| Location :
| Where the train tracks cross Cambridge Street, Cambridge.
| Date :
| 2002-06-09 16:41
| Event :
| Biking to Union Square, Cambridge MA.
| |  |
Evening-Primrose, Oenothera biennis
| Sm
Description :
| I'd been puzzled as to what the big stands of coarse stuff was, but now that it's in flower, it's obvious.
| Common Name :
| Evening-Primrose
| Latin Name :
| Oenothera biennis
| Date :
| 06/08/2002 13:10:26
| |  |
Evening-Primrose, Oenothera biennis
| Sm
Common Name :
| Evening-Primrose
| Latin Name :
| Oenothera biennis
| Date :
| 06/08/2002 13:12:32
| |  |
Forget-Me-Not, Myosotis ???
| Sm
Common Name :
| Forget-Me-Not
| Latin Name :
| Myosotis ???
| Date :
| 28/07/2002 11:45:29
| |  |
Garden Cosmos, Cosmos bipinnatus
| Sm
Description :
| Thanks to Robert Flogaus-Faust for the identification.
| Common Name :
| Garden Cosmos
| Latin Name :
| Cosmos bipinnatus
| Location :
| By the railroad tracks at the Davis end of the Linear Park,
Somerville MA
| Date :
| 06/07/2002 16:14:21
| Event :
| Around Somerville, Davis end of the linear park
| |  |
Garlic Mustard, Alliaria officinalis
| Sm
Description :
| I'm used to seeing this in the fall, where the seed pods that stick
upright are very prominant. I've never acutally noticed the smell.
| Common Name :
| Garlic Mustard
| Latin Name :
| Alliaria officinalis
| Location :
| Along the Minuteman in Arlington.
| Date :
| 2002-06-18 12:24
| Event :
| Minuteman trail, Arlington and Lexington MA, 2002-06-18
| |  |
Gem Puffball, Lycoperdon perlatum
| Sm
Description :
| I'm not quite sure of my identification of these, because I didn't handle them or cut them open, or anything.
| Common Name :
| Gem Puffball
| Latin Name :
| Lycoperdon perlatum
| Location :
| Mt. Osceola, NH
| Date :
| 22/09/2002 16:42:16
| |  |
Gem Puffball, Lycoperdon perlatum
| Sm
Description :
| I thought both clumps were the same, until I had the pictures side by side, but now I'm confused. I will have to look more carefully next time.
| Common Name :
| Gem Puffball
| Latin Name :
| Lycoperdon perlatum
| Location :
| Mt. Osceola, NH
| Date :
| 22/09/2002 17:11:00
| |  |
Gem Puffball, Lycoperdon perlatum
| Sm
Common Name :
| Gem Puffball
| Latin Name :
| Lycoperdon perlatum
| Location :
| Mt. Osceola, NH
| Date :
| 22/09/2002 17:11:22
| |  |
Great Burdock, Arctium lappa
| Sm
Description :
| The bugs seem really into this. The groove along the top of
the stem distinguishes it from the common burdock.
| Common Name :
| Great Burdock
| Latin Name :
| Arctium lappa
| Location :
| The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Great Burdock, Arctium lappa
| Sm
Description :
| This huge burdock was taller than me. I got a picture of the dangling flowers and burs.
| Common Name :
| Great Burdock
| Latin Name :
| Arctium lappa
| Location :
| Linear Park, Somerville MA
| Date :
| 06/07/2002 16:26:49
| Event :
| Around Somerville, Davis end of the linear park
| |  |
Hedge Bindweed, Convolvulus sepium
| Sm
Description :
| I also found a number of white ones, but this slightly
tattered one was the only picture I had that showed the leaves.
| Common Name :
| Hedge Bindweed
| Latin Name :
| Convolvulus sepium
| Location :
| Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-29 16:15
| Event :
| Trip to Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| |  |
Hedge Bindweed, Convolvulus sepium
| Sm
Description :
| Showing a front view of the flower, this time.
| Common Name :
| Hedge Bindweed
| Latin Name :
| Convolvulus sepium
| Location :
| Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-29 16:15
| Event :
| Trip to Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| |  |
Hedge Mustard, Sisymbrium officinale
| Sm
Description :
| I may have been too early to see the seed pods, but the shape of the
leaves is fairly distinctive.
It was hard to get both flowers and leaves into the picture since
the plant is about 4' tall and spindly. Luckily, many were growing
fairly close together.
| Common Name :
| Hedge Mustard
| Latin Name :
| Sisymbrium officinale
| Location :
| Along the Minuteman in Arlington.
| Date :
| 2002-06-18 12:47
| Event :
| Minuteman trail, Arlington and Lexington MA, 2002-06-18
| |  |
Herb Robert, Geranium robertianum
| Sm
Common Name :
| Herb Robert
| Latin Name :
| Geranium robertianum
| Location :
| Below Bonticou Craig, Mohonk Preserve
| Date :
| 26/07/2002 11:47:48
| |  |
Hoary Alyssum, Berteroa incana
| Sm
Description :
| Detail of flower and seed pods. At first I thought this
had eight petals to a flower; upon examination, it's four
with each of them deeply notched.
| Common Name :
| Hoary Alyssum
| Latin Name :
| Berteroa incana
| Location :
| Along the Minuteman in Arlington.
| Date :
| 2002-06-18 13:06
| Event :
| Minuteman trail, Arlington and Lexington MA, 2002-06-18
| |  |
Hoary Alyssum, Berteroa incana
| Sm
Description :
| Here's a look at the leaves, since I couldn't get it all into one picture.
"Hoary" seems a bit of an exaggeration, but they are fuzzy.
| Common Name :
| Hoary Alyssum
| Latin Name :
| Berteroa incana
| Location :
| Along the Minuteman in Arlington.
| Date :
| 2002-06-18 13:06
| Event :
| Minuteman trail, Arlington and Lexington MA, 2002-06-18
| |  |
Hop Clover, Trifolium procumbens
| Sm
Description :
| There's lots of the smaller hop clovers around Cambridge, but this has
substantially bigger flowers.
I didn't realise it at the time, but there's considerable naming
ambiguity among these clovers; R. Flogaus-Faust points out that this
is not Trifolium agrarium L. and that Trifolium procumbens L. is also
| Common Name :
| Hop Clover
| Latin Name :
| Trifolium procumbens
| Location :
| Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| Date :
| 29/06/2002 15:54:50
| Event :
| Trip to Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| |  |
Indian Pipe, Monotropa uniflora
| Sm
Common Name :
| Indian Pipe
| Latin Name :
| Monotropa uniflora
| Location :
| Undercliff Road, The Trapps, Mohonk Preserve
| Date :
| 27/07/2002 10:56:53
| |  |
Intermediate Dogbane, Apocynum medium
| Sm
Description :
| I'm a little shaky on my identification here; the flowers aren't droopy,
but aren't at all pink, either.
Lower down on the plant, the stems are very noticeably reddish, and it grows
in a big thicket.
| Common Name :
| Intermediate Dogbane
| Latin Name :
| Apocynum medium
| Location :
| By the railroad tracks at the Davis end of the Linear Park, Somerville MA
| Date :
| 06/07/2002 16:11:41
| Event :
| Around Somerville, Davis end of the linear park
| |  |
Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Arisaema
| Sm
Common Name :
| Jack-in-the-Pulpit
| Latin Name :
| Arisaema
| Date :
| 28/07/2002 11:34:13
| |  |
King Devil, Hieracium pratense
| Sm
Description :
| There's leaves at the bottom of the very long stem (the whole thing
is a bit taller than knee high), which are smooth edged, but have the same
kind of long dark bristles that the stem has.
Maybe I'll catch it with flowers open, one of these days.
| Common Name :
| King Devil
| Latin Name :
| Hieracium pratense
| Location :
| The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
King Devil, Hieracium pratense
| Sm
Description :
| I'd been meaning to go back when these have their flowers open.
Well, here they are.
| Common Name :
| King Devil
| Latin Name :
| Hieracium pratense
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 12:47
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Lady's Thumb, polygonum persicaria
| Sm
Description :
| I identified this this year, and I see it a lot, but my pictures don't
seem to come out well (it's hard to get both the leaves and flowers
in focus.
The marks on the leaves are also fainter earlier in the season,
I think. I'm going to try to remember to look at the fringes on the
sheaths, and see if some of the things I've been ignoring are actually
the other smartweeds.
| Common Name :
| Lady's Thumb
| Latin Name :
| polygonum persicaria
| Location :
| Columbia Street, barely North of Hampshire Street, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-23 18:11
| Event :
| Around Cambridge
| |  |
Leafy Spurge, Euphorbia esula
| Sm
Description :
| This was common in many places along the roadside, as well as near the first parking lot.
| Common Name :
| Leafy Spurge
| Latin Name :
| Euphorbia esula
| Location :
| Hellcat, near the lookout tower
| Date :
| 31/05/2003 14:16:19
| |  |
Lesser Stitchwort, Stellaria graminea
| Sm
Description :
| It took a while for me to figure out I was looking
at two different plants all tangled together. This
one is smooth.
| Common Name :
| Lesser Stitchwort
| Latin Name :
| Stellaria graminea
| Location :
| On the grass to the North side of MIT bldg. E25.
| Date :
| 2002-06-19 14:11
| Event :
| Errands in Kendall Square
| |  |
Morrow's Honeysuckle, Lonicera morrowi
| Sm
Description :
| Oops! I had this described wrong, until Nancy Pau filled me in.
| Common Name :
| Morrow's Honeysuckle
| Latin Name :
| Lonicera morrowi
| Location :
| Hellcat dunes loop
| Date :
| 31/05/2003 13:38:22
| |  |
Motherwort, Leonurus cardiaca
| Sm
Description :
| I'd stopped to look at the hedge mustard, and found this
abundant tall plant was something I hadn't noticed before.
| Common Name :
| Motherwort
| Latin Name :
| Leonurus cardiaca
| Location :
| Along the Minuteman in Arlington.
| Date :
| 2002-06-18 12:41
| Event :
| Minuteman trail, Arlington and Lexington MA, 2002-06-18
| |  |
Naked-flowered Tick Trefoil, Desmodium nudiflorum
| Sm
Description :
| I get better photographs of this, tomorrow.
| Common Name :
| Naked-flowered Tick Trefoil
| Latin Name :
| Desmodium nudiflorum
| Location :
| Bonticou Road, Mohonk Preserve
| Date :
| 26/07/2002 10:52:08
| |  |
Naked-flowered Tick Trefoil, Desmodium nudiflorum
| Sm
Common Name :
| Naked-flowered Tick Trefoil
| Latin Name :
| Desmodium nudiflorum
| Location :
| Undercliff Road, The Trapps, Mohonk Preserve
| Date :
| 27/07/2002 11:19:45
| |  |
Naked-flowered Tick Trefoil, Desmodium nudiflorum
| Sm
Description :
| I finally find the leaves that go with the tick trefoil flowers I've been seeing
| Common Name :
| Naked-flowered Tick Trefoil
| Latin Name :
| Desmodium nudiflorum
| Location :
| Undercliff Road, The Trapps, Mohonk Preserve
| Date :
| 27/07/2002 11:19:52
| |  |
Narrowleaf cowwheat, Melampyrum lineare
| Sm
Description :
| There were many of these growing among the blueberries; the
naturalist didn't know what they were, either, when I asked the
next day.
Robert Flogaus-Faust tells me it's something of the genus Melampyrum,
of which there's apparently only one in our area.
| Common Name :
| Narrowleaf cowwheat
| Latin Name :
| Melampyrum lineare
| Location :
| Top of Bonticou Craig, Mohonk Preserve
| Date :
| 26/07/2002 11:17:50
| |  |
Nightshade, Solanum dulcamara
| Sm
Description :
| This is familiar to most people, but I want my collection to be
| Common Name :
| Nightshade
| Latin Name :
| Solanum dulcamara
| Location :
| The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08 15:46
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Northern Arrowwood, Viburnum recognitum
| Sm
Description :
| This wasn't everywhere; I only looked at this one example but the distinctive leaf caught my attention.
| Common Name :
| Northern Arrowwood
| Latin Name :
| Viburnum recognitum
| Location :
| Hellcat, under an aspen tree
| Date :
| 31/05/2003 14:57:42
| |  |
Painted Trillium, Trillium undulatum
| Sm
Description :
| We saw lots of these early in the hike, and also some red ones (trillium erectum).
I didn't think to stop for a picture until we'd gone past them, but luckily Mark
got one (this is his picture). The rest of his pictures
are here. | Common Name :
| Painted Trillium
| Latin Name :
| Trillium undulatum
| Location :
| Mt. Moosilauke, White Mountains, Benton, NH
| Date :
| 2002-06-02
| Event :
| Climbing Mt. Moosilauke, White Mountains, Benton, NH
| |  |
Pearly everlasting, Anaphalis margaritacea
| Sm
Description :
| I'm not certain of the identification here, but the everlastings seem to be the only things with such wooly leaves.
| Common Name :
| Pearly everlasting
| Latin Name :
| Anaphalis margaritacea
| Location :
| Ridge of the Caps trail
| Date :
| 13/08/2002 06:48:19
| Event :
| Mt. Jefferson night hike
| |  |
Peppergrass, Lepidium verginicum
| Sm
Description :
| Again, this is something I've been stepping on a lot, and now
I found one that doesn't look so miserable. Here's a detail of
the flower.
| Common Name :
| Peppergrass
| Latin Name :
| Lepidium verginicum
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Peppergrass, Lepidium verginicum
| Sm
Description :
| And here's a detail of the seed pods, by which I identified it.
| Common Name :
| Peppergrass
| Latin Name :
| Lepidium verginicum
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 12:57
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Peppergrass, Lepidium verginicum
| Sm
Description :
| The shape's fairly distinctive, so I figured I'd include the big view.
| Common Name :
| Peppergrass
| Latin Name :
| Lepidium verginicum
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 13:04
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Pokeweed, Phytolacca americana
| Sm
Description :
| One of the first things I identified when I got the wildflower book at
the end of last summer.
| Common Name :
| Pokeweed
| Latin Name :
| Phytolacca americana
| Location :
| By the railroad tracks at the Davis end of the Linear Park, Somerville MA
| Date :
| 06/07/2002 16:15:04
| Event :
| Around Somerville, Davis end of the linear park
| |  |
Pokeweed, Phytolacca americana
| Sm
Description :
| Walking past a clump of pokeweed, late last summer was when I had the idea that I might like to identify wild flowers. Now it's finally at the berries stage again.
| Common Name :
| Pokeweed
| Latin Name :
| Phytolacca americana
| Date :
| 06/08/2002 19:48:20
| |  |
Poplar, Populus nigra
| Sm
Description :
| I guessed at this one, when Monty asked; I took pictures to confirm at home. It was in a section of woods that was mostly aspens.
| Common Name :
| Poplar
| Latin Name :
| Populus nigra
| Location :
| Hellcat
| Date :
| 31/05/2003 14:43:01
| |  |
Purple-Flowering Raspberry, Rubus odoratus
| Sm
Common Name :
| Purple-Flowering Raspberry
| Latin Name :
| Rubus odoratus
| Location :
| Undercliff Road, The Trapps, Mohonk Preserve
| Date :
| 27/07/2002 11:32:11
| |  |
Purple Loosestrife, Lynthrum salicaria
| Sm
Description :
| Pretty but awful.
| Common Name :
| Purple Loosestrife
| Latin Name :
| Lynthrum salicaria
| Location :
| Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-29 14:52
| Event :
| Trip to Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| |  |
Rabbit's Foot Clover, Trifolium arvense
| Sm
Description :
| This was in big fuzzy piles, all over the place.
| Common Name :
| Rabbit's Foot Clover
| Latin Name :
| Trifolium arvense
| Location :
| Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-29 15:55
| Event :
| Trip to Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| |  |
Red Clover, Trifolium pratense
| Sm
Description :
| Lots of this around, of course.
| Common Name :
| Red Clover
| Latin Name :
| Trifolium pratense
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 13:21
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Rough Bedstraw, Gallium asprellum
| Sm
Description :
| There was a whole thicket of this bedstraw. I had some trouble
getting a clear picture of it, but this one shows some of the hard round
burrs slightly below center, as well as the four petalled white flowers.
It's very very scratchy, and the fact that the leaves are mostly in
sixes distinguishes it from cleavers which have leaves in eights.
| Common Name :
| Rough Bedstraw
| Latin Name :
| Gallium asprellum
| Location :
| Where the train tracks cross Broadway Street, near Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Selfheal, Prunella vulgaris
| Sm
Description :
| I had this down as Ajuga reptans, the first time but
Robert Flogaus-Faust points out that the long upper lip
to the flowers makes Prunella vulgaris more likely.
| Common Name :
| Selfheal
| Latin Name :
| Prunella vulgaris
| Location :
| Mowed grass next to the resevoir, Bedford MA
| Date :
| 04/07/2002 16:56:13
| Event :
| Biking to Mark's place on the 4th of July
| |  |
Sheep Sorrel, Rumex acetosella
| Sm
Description :
| (detail of leaf)
I stopped to look at this in the grass, next to the pond that's just
over Arlington/Lexington border.
I was then distracted by a Baltimore oriole, and the pond itself.
| Common Name :
| Sheep Sorrel
| Latin Name :
| Rumex acetosella
| Location :
| Along the Minuteman in Lexington.
| Date :
| 2002-06-18 13:19
| Event :
| Minuteman trail, Arlington and Lexington MA, 2002-06-18
| |  |
Sheep Sorrel, Rumex acetosella
| Sm
Description :
| The flowers are tiny and sort of crumbly; I had a bit of trouble
figuring out which leaves they went with.
| Common Name :
| Sheep Sorrel
| Latin Name :
| Rumex acetosella
| Location :
| Along the Minuteman in Lexington.
| Date :
| 2002-06-18 13:19
| Event :
| Minuteman trail, Arlington and Lexington MA, 2002-06-18
| |  |
Shepherd's Purse, Capsella rubella
| Sm
Description :
| There seem to be a lot of variants of this, but the seed pod shape
is distinctive.
| Common Name :
| Shepherd's Purse
| Latin Name :
| Capsella rubella
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 13:19
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Smooth False Foxglove, Gerardia laevigata
| Sm
Common Name :
| Smooth False Foxglove
| Latin Name :
| Gerardia laevigata
| Location :
| Undercliff Road, The Trapps, Mohonk Preserve
| Date :
| 27/07/2002 11:26:18
| |  |
Spiderwort, Tradescantia virginiana
| Sm
Description :
| These were so tall and showy that my first thought was that someone had
planted them. However, they were growing plentifully in otherwise wild
looking ground, and the field guide does mention that they grow on road
sides and thickets.
| Common Name :
| Spiderwort
| Latin Name :
| Tradescantia virginiana
| Location :
| Along the Minuteman in Arlington.
| Date :
| 2002-06-18 12:22
| Event :
| Minuteman trail, Arlington and Lexington MA, 2002-06-18
| |  |
Spiderwort, Tradescantia virginiana
| Sm
Description :
| I was so fascinated with the clumps of buds that I didn't get many
pictures showing how triangular the flower is. This one's got a little
too much glare, but it'll have to do.
| Common Name :
| Spiderwort
| Latin Name :
| Tradescantia virginiana
| Location :
| Along the Minuteman in Arlington.
| Date :
| 2002-06-18 12:22
| Event :
| Minuteman trail, Arlington and Lexington MA, 2002-06-18
| |  |
Starflower, Trientalis borealis
| Sm
Description :
| I was playing with the exposure hints on my camera, trying to get some of these white flowers to come out in full detail. This looks a little murky overall, but there's more detail present than in the more exposed ones, so I'll live with it.
| Common Name :
| Starflower
| Latin Name :
| Trientalis borealis
| Date :
| 17/05/2003 13:54:45
| Event :
| Great Meadows, 2003/05/17
| |  |
Stonecrop, Sedum sarmentosum
| Sm
Description :
| I'm not quite sure of my identification here, so suggest something
closer, if you disagree. There's lots and lots of this in the roughly
mowed grass, and it's quite springy.
That it's a lot more green than it is yellow makes me think I might
have mis-identified it.
| Common Name :
| Stonecrop
| Latin Name :
| Sedum sarmentosum
| Location :
| Where the train tracks cross Broadway Street, near Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Storksbill, Erodium cicutarium
| Sm
Description :
| In the mowed area on the other side of Broadway, we found these.
They're really quite tiny and fuzzy.
| Common Name :
| Storksbill
| Latin Name :
| Erodium cicutarium
| Location :
| Where the train tracks cross Broadway Street, near Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Storksbill, Erodium cicutarium
| Sm
Description :
| Here's a closeup view.
| Common Name :
| Storksbill
| Latin Name :
| Erodium cicutarium
| Location :
| Where the train tracks cross Broadway Street, near Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Storksbill, Erodium cicutarium
| Sm
Description :
| Here's a closeup view.
| Common Name :
| Storksbill
| Latin Name :
| Erodium cicutarium
| Location :
| Where the train tracks cross Broadway Street, near Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Sulpher Cinquefoil, Potentilla recta
| Sm
Description :
| This is common enough; I've been biking past more than one clump
every day, but this picture came out well enough that I wanted it here.
| Common Name :
| Sulpher Cinquefoil
| Latin Name :
| Potentilla recta
| Location :
| The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08 15:48
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Swamp Buttercup, Ranunculus septentrionalis
| Sm
Description :
| There were a lot of buttercups. I didn't realise how many kinds there
were until I got home, but the leaf looks closer to that of the swamp
buttercup than the common one.
| Common Name :
| Swamp Buttercup
| Latin Name :
| Ranunculus septentrionalis
| Location :
| By a pond, to the side of the Minuteman trail in Lexington.
| Date :
| 2002-06-18 13:49
| Event :
| Minuteman trail, Arlington and Lexington MA, 2002-06-18
| |  |
Tall Meadow Rue, Thalictrum polygamum
| Sm
Common Name :
| Tall Meadow Rue
| Latin Name :
| Thalictrum polygamum
| Location :
| Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-29 15:30
| Event :
| Trip to Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| |  |
Tall Meadow Rue, Thalictrum polygamum
| Sm
Description :
| Leaf detail.
| Common Name :
| Tall Meadow Rue
| Latin Name :
| Thalictrum polygamum
| Location :
| Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-29 15:30
| Event :
| Trip to Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| |  |
Viper's Bugloss, Echium vulgare
| Sm
Description :
| Very showy. All but one spike had flopped over.
| Common Name :
| Viper's Bugloss
| Latin Name :
| Echium vulgare
| Location :
| Along the Minuteman Trail, Lexington MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-29 13:12
| Event :
| Trip to Great Meadows NWR, Concord MA
| |  |
White Sweet Clover, Melilotus alba
| Sm
Description :
| I've been wondering what those big bushy things with the leaves that
have a sort of bluish cast to them are. Well, this one's in flower
and does indeed smell sweet.
| Common Name :
| White Sweet Clover
| Latin Name :
| Melilotus alba
| Location :
| The train tracks to the West of Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-14 13:06
| Event :
| Cambridge MA, 2002-06-14
| |  |
Whorled Wood Aster, Aster acuminatus
| Sm
Common Name :
| Whorled Wood Aster
| Latin Name :
| Aster acuminatus
| Location :
| Mt. Osceola, NH
| Date :
| 22/09/2002 14:52:52
| |  |
Wild Bergamot, Monarda fistulosa
| Sm
Description :
| This grew in my mother's garden, so is quite familiar to me.
| Common Name :
| Wild Bergamot
| Latin Name :
| Monarda fistulosa
| Location :
| Below Bonticou Craig, Mohonk Preserve
| Date :
| 26/07/2002 11:50:46
| |  |
Wild Carrot, Daucus carota
| Sm
Description :
| I keep intending to learn the distinguishing features of "common white umbelliferous things" so
here's a start at it.
| Common Name :
| Wild Carrot
| Latin Name :
| Daucus carota
| Location :
| By the railroad tracks at the Davis end of the Linear Park, Somerville MA
| Date :
| 06/07/2002 16:00:55
| Event :
| Around Somerville, Davis end of the linear park
| |  |
Wild Lily-of-the-valley, Maianthemum canadense
| Sm
Description :
| I thought I knew what lily-of-the-valley looks like, but I was being slow to recognise this patch.
| Common Name :
| Wild Lily-of-the-valley
| Latin Name :
| Maianthemum canadense
| Date :
| 17/05/2003 13:28:43
| Event :
| Great Meadows, 2003/05/17
| |  |
Wild Madder, Gallium mollugo
| Sm
Description :
| This is smooth, and the leaves are in eights, at least lower down.
I wouldn't have noticed it except that I stopped for the knapweed,
and the flowers were surprisingly showy and scented.
I picked up some of the little round burrs on my socks.
| Common Name :
| Wild Madder
| Latin Name :
| Gallium mollugo
| Location :
| Along the Minuteman trail, past Lexington.
| Date :
| 04/07/2002 16:34:03
| Event :
| Biking to Mark's place on the 4th of July
| |  |
Wild Oats/Sessile Bellwort, Uvularia sessilifolia
| Sm
Common Name :
| Wild Oats/Sessile Bellwort
| Latin Name :
| Uvularia sessilifolia
| Date :
| 17/05/2003 13:57:16
| Event :
| Great Meadows, 2003/05/17
| |  |
Wild Pansy, Viola tricolor
| Sm
Description :
| When the flowers are fresher, they've got a purple shading to their top
edges, and they've always got a yellow throat. This specimen is fairly
bushy, but it seems to get by among grass that's mowed. The flowers are
small, less than half an inch.
Thanks to M. K. Ramm for identifying this, since both Peterson's
guide and the Audubon one let me down here. As best I can tell from
the web, there's considerably showier variants that are cultivated,
which may be why I had so much trouble.
| Common Name :
| Wild Pansy
| Latin Name :
| Viola tricolor
| Location :
| The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
| Date :
| 2002-06-08
| Event :
| A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
| |  |
Wild Sarsaparilla, Aralia nudicaulis
| Sm
Common Name :
| Wild Sarsaparilla
| Latin Name :
| Aralia nudicaulis
| Date :
| 28/07/2002 10:54:29
| |  |
Wild Sarsaparilla, Aralia nudicaulis
| Sm
Description :
| I've also seen this late in the year, but today I thought the young leaves were neat looking.
| Common Name :
| Wild Sarsaparilla
| Latin Name :
| Aralia nudicaulis
| Date :
| 17/05/2003 13:50:52
| Event :
| Great Meadows, 2003/05/17
| |  |
Wild Sarsaparilla, Aralia nudicaulis
| Sm
Description :
| Leaf detail.
| Common Name :
| Wild Sarsaparilla
| Latin Name :
| Aralia nudicaulis
| Date :
| 17/05/2003 13:51:07
| Event :
| Great Meadows, 2003/05/17
| |  |
Winter Cress, Barbaria vulgaris
| Sm
Description :
| Like the spurge, the other non-native here, this was along the roadsides but not the thickets.
| Common Name :
| Winter Cress
| Latin Name :
| Barbaria vulgaris
| Location :
| Where Hellcat dunes loop crosses the road
| Date :
| 31/05/2003 15:05:12
| |  |
Winter Cress, Barbarea vulgaris
| Sm
Description :
| (leaf detail)
| Common Name :
| Winter Cress
| Latin Name :
| Barbarea vulgaris
| Location :
| Where Hellcat dunes loop crosses the road
| Date :
| 31/05/2003 15:05:44
| |  |
Wood Anemone, Anemone quinquefolia
| Sm
Common Name :
| Wood Anemone
| Latin Name :
| Anemone quinquefolia
| Date :
| 17/05/2003 13:48:06
| Event :
| Great Meadows, 2003/05/17
| |  |
Yarrow, Achillea millefolium
| Sm
Description :
| I've been seeing the feathery leaves a lot, and this is the
first time I found flowers. Of course, they're not quite open
yet, so maybe I should go back later and try to take some more.
Supposedly, they have five petals each, when they're open.
| Common Name :
| Yarrow
| Latin Name :
| Achillea millefolium
| Location :
| By a pond, to the side of the Minuteman trail in Lexington.
| Date :
| 2002-06-18 13:39
| Event :
| Minuteman trail, Arlington and Lexington MA, 2002-06-18
| |  |
Yellow Loosetrife, Lysimachia terrestris
| Sm
Common Name :
| Yellow Loosetrife
| Latin Name :
| Lysimachia terrestris
| Location :
| Mark's garden, Concord MA
| Date :
| 04/07/2002 18:22:47
| Event :
| Biking to Mark's place on the 4th of July
| |  |