| Apple store | 10 images
| | Fun with speakers at the Apple store in the Cambridgeside Galleria, Cambridge MA
 | |
 | Kauai, HI | 3 images
| | I vacationed in Kauai from April 14th through April 23rd, 2003; I'm keeping this to a small selection of the pictures.
 | Toronto | 13 images
| | I spent May 24-27th in Toronto, visiting my mother. Here are some pictures from around the house and of her cats.
 | Kitchen | 3 images
| | Things that were at some point found in my kitchen.
 | Pictures of me | 4 images
| | Provided by popular demand. I tend to avoid the camera, so most of these are terrible.
 | Paper models | 26 images
| | These are in works in progress, or pictures that I haven't gotten around to completing the write-up for.
 | People | 11 images
| | Hotass party pictures.