Edku: June 1997

Move backwards to May 1997.

Bill is up the creek
Jennifer has the paddle
Bill sniffs the Flowers

--John Siemer, jrsiemer@webtv.net

McVeigh is guilty.
He is gonna get the chair.
I think he's ugly.

--Matthew Anscher, ansch002@acpub.duke.edu

orbs vary orbits
the elliptical clashes
with the eccentric

--Karen Farrell, kfarrell@gxt.com

blinded by the smog
the sun comes no more today
night is long with us

--Karen Farrell, kfarrell@gxt.com

Texas tornados
unannounced, uninvited
please call first next time

--Karen Farrell, kfarrell@gxt.com

Go on to July 1997.
Return to the Editorial Haiku home page.
John Cho, jync@mit.edu

Last modified: Mon Mar 24 13:54:48 GMT-0400 1997