Article I: Purpose
- To promote
fellowship amongst students who are from Iran or are interested in Persian
culture, through social and cultural events.
- To introduce
Persian culture and traditions to the MIT community.
Article II: Membership
- Any member
of the MIT community is eligible to become a member of this organization.
- Any person
who is not a member of the MIT community, should be nominated by at
least two current members of the Persian Students Association in order
to become a member of this organization.
- This
organization will not discriminate based on any characteristic listed
in MIT's Non Discrimination Statement.
- If this
organization charges any monetary dues, there will be exceptions made
for students that cannot afford these dues.
- The membership
of this organization will at all times contain at least 5 MIT students
and be more than half MIT students.
Article III: Officers
- This
organization will have three officers:
- President
The president shall be the official representative of the group
to any other organization and to MIT.
The president will preside over all meetings.
The president is responsible for determining when meetings are
and publicizing this to the group.
- Treasurer
The treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the group.
The treasurer is required to sign all checks/vouchers of the group.
- Secretary
The secretary should coordinate the routine activities of the
The secretary is in charge of communications with the members.
- All officers
of this organization must be distinct persons and MIT students.
- Elections:
- Elections
of officers shall occur every year at the beginning of May.
- Any
member of this organization is eligible to run for office.
- Quorum
for elections is one-half of the group.
- Any
member is elected if he or she wins a majority of the voting members.
- If more
than two people are running and no one wins a majority, then the person
with the fewest votes is dropped from the ballot and votes are recast.
- The
term of office runs from June 1st till May 31st of the following year.
- Removal:
Officers may be removed by a one-half vote of the members.
Article IV: Meetings
- Meetings
shall be held at least once every month.
- Meetings
shall be presided over by the president, unless he is absent, and in
that case the secretary shall preside.
- All decisions
shall be made by a majority vote of all members present.
- Quorum
for a meeting shall be one quarter of the members of the organization.
Article V: Amendments
- Amendments
shall be presented by any member of the organization.
- Amendments
shall be passed by a two-thirds voted of the members present.
- Quorum
for amending this constitution shall be one-half of all members of the
Article VI: ASA
God Clause
- The Persian
Students Association of MIT agrees to abide by the rules and regulations
of the Association of Student Activities, and its executive board. This
constitution, amendments to it, and the by-laws of this organization
shall be subject to review by the ASA Executive Board to insure that
they are in accordance with the aforementioned rules and regulations.
News |
Founders of PSA:
Persian Students Association was established at 1997 by Payman
Kassaei, Behrang Noohi, Soosan Beheshti, Farzan Fallah. More
This Constitution was created by Navid Sabbaghi at 1998-05-11.