Improvements for the topography conditioning routines

    Current suggestions

  1. Bring back the ability of the user to specify the slope bound.
  2. Add a plot_all script to call all of the plot_* scripts. It will be a useful aid when checking the results.
  3. Nesting:
    • Put metric factors and spacing back when computing boundary values.
    • Revise for cubic interpolation.
    • Bring Carlos' method for relaxing the scales near the boundary into Cond_Topo.
  4. When GRIDS recognizes cyclic topography, Cond_Topo should preserve.
  5. Need a controlled method for interrupting the conditioning. Since the loop was placed in a function, using ^C loses the current conditioned topography. Possibilities include:
    • Using a MATLAB GUI button when plotting current slope factor.
    • Asking the user every so many iterations if conditioning should proceed.
      • If go with this, need to be able to shut-off this option.
  6. Consider introducing a restart from trg_bath option.
  7. Sometimes when conditioning the slope factor actually increases. Consider returning the "best so far" topography.
  8. Create an equivalent FORTRAN version. Either need some interactive graphics or need three separate programs.
  9. Determine the precision of the topography in the GRIDS netCDF file. Use this precision in the median filter.