Improvements for the Data Management codes

    current suggestions

  1. Consider additional formats for convcast

  2. Documentation: In addition to describing the programs and file format, need to describe the routines a user would typically use when creating a new program.

  3. Revised HOPS format:
            title = sample header
            stations = 659
            max. pts. per sta. = 496
            fields = 5
            max. flds. per sta. = 5
            str_time = 10684.2930, Aug 23 1997 07:01:52
            end_time = 10726.7578, Oct  4 1997 18:11:15
            Jday_offset = 2440000
            lat_min = 34.4530
            lat_max = 40.5000
            lon_min = 14.9710
            lon_max = 22.9910
            format = ascii, record interleaving
            creation_date = Tue Oct 14 12:02:44 1997
            history = filt(M,3,2000); filt(G,6); stable
               long_name:   depth below sea level
               short_name:  depth
               units:       meter
               type:        scalar
               scale:       1.00E-01
               _FillValue:  -10
               FieldWidth:  5
               long_name:   temperature
               short_name:  temperature
               units:       Celsius
               type:        scalar
               scale:       1.00E-03
               _FillValue:  99999  (-300 would be better, but won't fit)
               FieldWidth:  5
               long_name:   salinity
               short_name:  salinity
               units:       PSU
               type:        scalar
               scale:       1.00E-03
               _FillValue:  -1000
               FieldWidth:  5
               long_name:   reference surface for dynamic height
               short_name:  reference surface
               units:       meter
               type:        scalar
               scale:       1.00E-01
               _FillValue:  -10
               FieldWidth:  5
               long_name:   total velocity
               short_name:  velocity
               units:       centimeter second-1
               type:        2-vector
               components:  zonal, meridional
               scale:       1.00E-02
               _FillValue:  999999
               FieldWidth:  6
    Then could use this information to The counting of fields depends on context: Finally, have moved the scaling factors to the file header. Instead of just shortening the cast header, consider replacing the scaling data with error estimates.

  4. No longer hardwiring jdayoff. Add logic to cat_hydro to ensure consistent jdayoff. Also rename cat_hydro to cat_hops.

  5. Will need new program to remove fields from the new HOPS format. (Disabling convcast's partial ability to do this)

  6. Break-up time stamp from decimal julian day to either:

  7. Check to make sure that all MATLAB & FORTRAN routines produce consistent conversions between Julian dates & Gregorian dates.

  8. Break-up positions:

  9. Design other instrument types:

  10. When stabilizing profiles, consider trying to maintain TS tendencies:

  11. Allow some method of specifying climatology rather than a time.

  12. Need some method of specifying the expected errors.

  13. CJL suggests that the Matlab read/write scripts store the data like contours, not matrices with tons of fill values.