Improvements for the Objective Analysis codes

    current suggestions

  1. BUG: If the parameter coord is reset from the GRIDS netCDF file, the method of calculating the correlation function (cartesian/spherical) is not reset.

  2. Grab the code/MATLAB routine someone has (CJL) to estimate correlation parameters from data.

  3. Keep current with any changes to ASCII data format definition


  5. Need some method of handling instrument expected error. CTDs generally more accurate than XCTDs or XBTs and climatology generally less accurate than any other. This should somehow be used.

  6. Stability.

  7. OAG: Get the conjugate gradient on-line. Don't write it assuming the full matrix exists.

  8. Perhaps want to rework OA(G) so all data isn't stored at the outset. Either grab only needed data or only read in one field at a time.

  9. Look into using SVD in local OA. Possibly could use this to replace the arbitrary RAVG & TAVG parameters used to ensure linear independence.

  10. Compare OAG's method of melding the mean & synoptic fields with its method for melding the climo & data mean fields. If different, consider making uniform. Consider translating that algorithm to the local OA.

  11. Allow the OA(G) to read the mean field. Either in an existing OA(G) output file (like GRIDS) or some other means.

  12. Enable the masked correlation.

    Blasts from the past

  1. "The diagnostics of the observed field with flagged (-9999) values is not handled the same in OA and OAG." Check this out.

  2. (11/94, PFJL) getobs.F:

  3. (11/95, PFJL) In OA code, using idhopt=4 will yield different results if done with one level or many.

  4. (11/95, PFJL) Also concerned that OA(G) codes extend horizontally. Might give unreasonable results for points beneath topography. This could be a factor when PE_initial has to interpolate.

    Really "off the cuff" stuff

  1. Instead of interpolating data in the vertical, consider optionally averaging data in boxes.