current suggestions
thank you for mailing me the AFMISOPS packages. It works well - all profiles are stabilized after using it, but --- the oag output is still gravitationally unstable, and I suppose I have found out, why: The instabilities are produced by the OA acting on climatological T and S profiles of different vertical extent. In order to understand what I mean, please run the attached short MATLAB script STAB.M. It illustrates what the OA might produce from input profiles of different vertical extent. - green: long (> 2000 m) profile , stable - blue: neighbored short (< 2000 m) profile, stable - red: OAed profile (in this case only the mean profile) located in the neighborhood of the green and blue profile ---> unstable below 2000 m! This is because below 2000 m the OA "sees" only the green profile. I suppose that there are only two methods to overcome this problem: 1. Stabilizing the OAG output or 2. performing the OA on potential density surfaces instead of horizontal. But before doing that, it has to be checked, to what degree cabbeling effects might create instabilities as well.
Blasts from the past