A recent paper by Tomy Jensen, JMS, 16,297,1998 (mercifully for us) tests various boundary conditions for a multi-layer model; and finds out, among other things, that under relatively hostile situations relaxing to an almost correct boundary conditions [nudging on a band of a few points], the (3) layer model responds adequately.
The fine grid does have the potential access to the 'almost' correct values. These values are provided by the coarse grid. Under these circumstances, the boundary values can be nearly be approximated in the fine grid as one approaches the boundary. The nudging can be accomplished, say inside a band with a width of about half wavelength of the coarse grid (4-8 points).
The implementation can be done in various ways. The strictly correct one [ keeping track of terms, energetics, etc.] is:
The idea can be used as well for the standard nesting. Here the almost correct values at the boundary can be constructed using a simpler schema. The gain is the smoothing properties of the algorithm. The smoothing is derived from the spatial scale in the relaxation.