Improvements for the surface forcing codes

    current suggestions

  1. Include some revised standard method for converting FNMOC data. This should include automated searching for a file based on the desired time and the designations.

    FNMOC Fields

    Field Resolution Frequency Duration File
    Surface Pressure (mb) Twice Daily 4.5 Day A01mddxx.hhT
    Air Temperature (C) Twice Daily 4.5 Day A07mddxx.hhT
    Precipitation (1/10") Twice Daily 4.5 Day A62mddxx.hhT
    SST (C) Twice Daily 2.5 Day B10mddxx.hhT Analysis
    ACImddxx.hhT Forecast
    Wind (knots) Twice Daily 5.5 Day AWGmddxx.hhT
    Relative Humidity (%) Twice Daily 4.5 Day C34mddxx.hhT
    Cloud Cover (1/10) Twice Daily 5.5 Day Z12mddxx.hhT
  2. Will need similar for Unidata.
  3. The current scheme is to combine the above fields according to standard formula (including one for incoming solar radiation) to produce net heat flux, E-P, wind stress and shortwave radiation. A more sensible approach might be to grid the above fields and combine them in the PE model. The immediate advantages I see are: