Improvements for the Plotting codes

    Current suggestions

  1. An interesting misbehavior is occurring when plotting difference fields. Is the area map failing to reset between windows?
  2. Unify plotting field codes (No QG vs PE input card).
  3. When plotting multiple fields, need to allow separate max/min limits for each field.
  4. Just revised the "derived quantities from transport streamfunction" section in get_cdf2dat. Needed to ensure the correct data was in array f1
  5. First determine which variables are directly present in the netCDF file. Then determine which can be computed.
  6. Need to enable clipping to allow "zooms".
  7. Include plot version number in plots (the tiny text area).
  8. SACLANT icon code has 2 problems
  9. Horizontal Codes: Examine the overlay option.
  10. Vertical Codes:
  11. Alex Warn-Varnas would like the ability to plot shears and bulk Richardson numbers.
  12. When overlaying fields, the max/min reported are for the overlay. Generally would prefer the statistics from the underlying field.
  13. Determine whether the codes can plot the following:
  14. Labeling issues:

    Blasts from the past

  1. From PFJL:
    In the title, sometime it writes the depths, some times the level numbers. I haven't been able to understand the logic, but there might be one. That seem to occur when one ask for more than one variable per page.