Q3. Managing my life overseas. Lost Great
Q5. Receiving the Weekly Straits Times. Not at all Regularly
Q6. Browsing the NCB Homepage (www.ncb.gov.sg). Not at all Regularly
Q7. Please rate following information. IT Focus Not useful Very useful Press Release Not useful Very useful Issues Not useful Very useful Merger News Not useful Very useful
Q8. What other information would be useful to you?
Q9. What is your expectation of an ideal Scholars' Homepage?
Q10. Please suggest ways you could contribute towards the Scholars' Homepage?
Q12. Getting a response from the NCB Scholarship staff on my queries. 1-2 working days 3-5 working days 7 working days No reply at all
Q13. Please rate the overall service level of the NCB Scholarship section. Very Dissatisfied Very Satisfied
Q14. Share on one area that you feel the scholarship section needs to improve on the most.
Q15. Please suggest if there are other services that the scholarship section can provide.
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen sparrow?