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George B. Benedek Group
Alfred H. Caspary Professor of Physics and Biological Physics in the Department of Physics
Professor of Physics and Health Sciences and Technology in the
Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology

Contact Information

Mailing Address:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
77 Massachusetts Avenue,
Rm NW 13-242
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

Phone: (617) 253-2861



Boris Khaykovich
Research Scientist
Research Projects

Related Papers

Khaykovich, B., Hossain, C., McManus, J. J., Lomakin, A., Moncton, D. E., and Benedek, G. B., "Structure of cholesterol helical ribbons and self-assembling biological springs" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104, 9656-9660 (2007) [PDF].