Sean Robinson, Academic Staff

Name: Sean P. Robinson
Title: Lecturer in Physics & Associate Director of the Helena Foundation Junior Laboratory
Phone: (617) 253-5082
Office: MIT Department of Physics
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 4-362
Cambridge, MA 02139
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Area of Physics
Theoretical Particle Physics, Physics Advanced Laboratory Instruction
Research Interests
Sean P. Robinson’s primary research interests are in quantum field theory, general relativity, and the various points of connection between these subjects. Current work involves the use of quantum anomalies to understand black hole thermodynamics. He is also heavily involved in physics education, focusing on advanced laboratory instruction in experimental physics.
Biographical Sketch
Sean P. Robinson received an SB in Physics from MIT in 1999 and a PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics from MIT in 2005. He has held staff positions in the MIT Physics Department since 2005, with a focus on education and academic programs administration. From 2005-2007 he represented the Physics Department as Space and Renovation Manager in the PDSI project management, leading to the construction of the Green Center for Physics. He is currently the head laboratory instructor in the MIT Physics Helena Foundation Junior Laboratory.
He was awarded the 2022 Jonathan F. Reichert and Barbara Wolff-Reichert Award for Excellence in Advanced Laboratory Instruction by the American Physical Society for “leading and helping to develop Junior Lab, MIT’s advanced physics laboratory, and for pedagogical excellence that extends to the broader advanced physics laboratory community”.
Selected Publications
- “Gravitational anomalies: a recipe for Hawking radiation,” Saurya Das, Sean P. Robinson, Elias C. Vagenas, Int.J.Mod.Phys.D 17, pp. 533-539 (2008)
- “Gravitational correction to the running of gauge couplings” Sean P. Robinson, Frank Wilczek, Phys.Rev.Lett. 96:231601 (2006)
- “A Relationship between Hawking radiation and gravitational anomalies,” Sean P. Robinson, Frank Wilczek, Phys.Rev.Lett. 95:011303 (2005)
- Full listing at SPIRES.