#!/afs/athena/contrib/perl/p # Idle display program Seth Finkelstein (sethf@athena.mit.edu) # When run, it retrieves a filename from a specified list, then calls # an X display program to write the image to a window. If run as # root, daemon, or nobody, it assumes it's being used as an idle display, # and attempts to write to an Athena idle screensaver window. Otherwise, # the root window is used. # # Version of May 26 1992 $idlefile = "/afs/athena/contrib/graphics/images/idle/esg/display.list"; # List of images. Format: Full path names, one per line. # is a comment char. $credit = "/afs/athena/contrib/graphics/images/idle/credit.xwd"; # Additional image to be added to all pictures $errlog = "/usr/tmp/idle.errs"; # Where to log error messages $xlswins = "/usr/athena/bin/xlswins"; # Location of xlswins $xload = "/afs/athena/contrib/graphics/@sys/xloadimage"; # Xloadimage program $expand = 1; open(ERRLOG,">> $errlog") || die "Can't open errlog"; $fatal = 1; $warn = 0; &init; if (!defined(@files)) { &logerr("No files to show",$fatal); } $hname = `hostname`; chop($hname); $display = "$hname:0"; $errs = 0; getafile: srand; $which = int(0.5 + rand($#files - 1)); if (!(-e $files[$which])) { $errs++; if($errs < 10) { goto getafile; } else { &logerr("Couldn't get a file to show",$fatal); } } $command = "$xload -display $display -border black -center -fullscreen -quiet"; if ($expand == 1) { $picinfo = `$xload -identify $files[$which] 2>&1`; if ($picinfo =~ /\s+(\d+)x(\d+)\s+/) { $width = $1; $height = $2; } } $saved = 0; $root = 0; @wins = `$xlswins -l -d $display 2>&1`; for (@wins) { if (/^0:\s*(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\D*(\d+)x(\d+)/) { $winid = $1; $screenx = $2; $screeny = $3; $root = 1;} if (/2000x2000/) { $saved = 1; split(' '); $winid = $_[1]; last; } } if ($> == 0 || $> == 1 || $> == 32767) { if ($saved == 0) { &logerr("No screensaver window",$fatal); } } else { if ($root == 0) { &logerr("No root window id",$fatal); } } # DWIM if ($expand == 1) { $efactor = &min($screenx/$width,$screeny/$height); $efactor = int($efactor); if ($efactor > 1) { $command .= " -zoom ${efactor}00"; } } $command .= " -windowid $winid $files[$which]"; if (defined($credit) && (-e $credit)) { $xpoint = int(0.5 + rand(400)); $ypoint = 500 + int(0.5 + rand(200)); $command .= " -zoom 100 -merge -at $xpoint,$ypoint -invert $credit"; } $x = `echo Showing $files[$which] 2>&1 >> /dev/console`; if ($x !~ /^\s*$/) { &logerr($x,$warn); } $x = `$command 2>&1`; if ($x !~ /^\s*$/) { &logerr($x,$warn); } close(ERRLOG); sub init { if (defined($idlefile) && (-e $idlefile)) { open(IFILE,"< $idlefile") || die "Can't open idle display list $idlefile\n"; while () { s/\s+//g; s/#.*//g; next if (/^#/); # Comments next if (/^$/); # Skip blank lines if (m![^-+=~a-zA-Z0-9,._/ ]!) { print STDERR "Illegal char $& in image display file, line:\n$_\n"; next; } # Only allow certain chars, to avoid shell meta-chars push (@files,$_); } } else { # @files = ("an","array","of","your","favorites","here"); } } sub logerr { local($errmess) = $_[0]; local($isfatal) = $_[1]; print ERRLOG join(' ',localtime(time))," "; print ERRLOG "Error: ",$errmess,"\n"; if ($isfatal == $fatal) { exit; } } sub min { if ($_[0] < $_[1]) { $_[0]; } else { $_[1]; } }