Name | Department | Grad. | Thesis Topic/Interest | Position |
Alan Afuah | Sloan School | 1995 | Strategic management of pharmaceutical R&D | Univ. of Michigan | Frank Basa | Sloan School | 1995 | Pharmaceutical industry project | management consulting | Linda Bui | Economics | 1993 | Measuring health outcomes-adjusted pharmaceutical price changes | Boston Univ. Dept. of Economics |
Bart Clarysse | Sloan School | 1996 | Pharmaceutical industry structure | academic position in Belgium | Gillian Currie | Economics (Yale) | 1998 | Economics of antidepressant medicines | Rebecca D'Amato | Operations Research | 1998 | Outcomes research | Christopher Dowd | Chemical Engineering | 1997 | Growth factor transport through basement membrane | Morten Engel | Chemical Engineering | 1999 | Benchmarking the manufacture of pharmaceuticals | Varghese George | Sloan School | 1996 | Interfirm relationships in the pharmaceutical industry | Rutgers Univ. | Arni Hauksson | Operations Research | 1997 | Outcomes research | Charles King III | Economics | 1997 | Economics of the anti-ulcer drug market | Harvard Business School | John Konz | Chemical Engineering | 1998 | Effects of oxygen on recombinant protein expression | Kornelia Krajnyak | Economics | 1997 | Pharmaceutical industry structure | International Monetary Fund | Michael Laska | Chemical Engineering | 2000 | Benchmarking the manufacture of pharmaceuticals | Per Lindell | Chemical Engineering | 1992 | Strategic issues in pharmaceutical manufacturing | Boston Consulting Group | Gerald Lumer | Economics | 1995 | Risk and return in pharmaceutical R&D | U.S. Dept. of Justice | Michael Miller | Operations Research | 1996 | Reexamining drug trials | consulting | Mark Moore | Economics | 1997 | Economics of industrial organization | Kaivan Munshi | Economics | 1995 | Investment behavior and financial structure | Boston Univ. Dept. of Economics |
Gil Preuss | Sloan School | 1997 | Human resource incentives and physicians' prescribing behavior | G.K. Raju | Chemical Engineering | 1997 | Early involvement of FDA advisory committees to speed up the drug evaluation process | MIT/CAMP | David Reily | Economics | 1996 | The economics of a new industry: the diffusion of modern anti-ulcer drugs | Vanderbilt Univ. Dept. of Marketing |
Daniel Rodriguez | Economics | 1997 | Economies of scale in the pharmaceutical industry | Fiona Scott Morton | Economics | 1994 | Barriers to entry, brand advertising, and generic entry in U.S. pharmaceutical industry | Stanford Univ. Grad. School of Business |
Christoper Voisey | Sloan School | 1998 | Pharmaceutical R&D in the new environment | Stefan Weissflog | Chemical Engineering | 1997 | Benchmarking the manufacture of pharmaceuticals | academic position in Germany | R. Steven White | Sloan School | 1998 | Pharmaceutical R&D project management |
Name | Department | Degree | Thesis Topic/Interest |
Adi Alon | Sloan School | MS | Pioneering in the pharmaceutical industry | Tetsuya Araki | Sloan School | MS | Japan's pharmaceutical industry: Transformation in response to recent environmental change | Peter Bittinger | Sloan School | MS | The effects of price and profit regulation on the international competitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry | Gary Brackenridge | Sloan School | BS | Public-private interaction in pharmaceutical research | Sean Campbell | Sloan School | MS | Benchmarking the manufacture of pharmaceuticals | Thomas Flanagan | Sloan School | MS | Management of clinical research | Roland Franke | Sloan School | MS | The role of combinatorial chemistry in drug development | Christopher Howe | Sloan School | MBA | Financial modeling of drug R&D | Pai-Feng Paul Hsu | Sloan School | MS | On the measurement of price-quality relationships in anti-hypertensive drugs using hedonic price analysis: A feasibility study | Shehla Imran | Economics | BS | Economies of scale in the pharmaceutical industry | Tim Kaps | Sloan School | MS | Managing and organizing for higher performance in drug development projects | Zhara Kherani | Economics | BS | Intellectual property issues in biotechnology | Jong Kim | Economics | BS | Generic entry and competition in the pharmaceutical industry | Peter Latham | Sloan School | MS | Benchmarking the manufacture of pharmaceuticals | Steven Lipari | Sloan School | MS | A medical device as a new business opportunity | Michele Lombardi | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | BS | Marketing issues for anti-ulcer therapy | Christophe Malaterre | Technology & Policy | MS | An economic development strategy for the biotechnology industry in Massachusetts | Andrew McCraith | Mechanical Engineering | BS | Economies of scale in the pharmaceutical industry | Eyal Meltzer | Management of Technology | MS | The order of entry of a drug and market share | Christine Moore | Chemical Engineering | MS | Strategic issues in pharmaceutical manufacturing | Albert Morales | Sloan School | MS | Benchmarking pharmaceutical manufacturing | Jose Pacheco | Economics | BS | Quality adjusted pharmaceutical price indexes | Helen Park | Biology | BS | Intellectual property issues | Andria Pomponi | Chemistry | BS | Barriers to entry, brand advertising, and generic entry in the U.S. pharmaceutical industry | Lisa Prosser | Sloan School | MS | The effect of increased competition on human resource strategies in pharmaceutical R&D | Paolo Radaelli | Management of Technology | MS | Strategic alliances among pharmaceutical firms | Jordan Rubenson | Sloan School | MS | The emerging strategic role of manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry | Bonnie Scouler | Sloan School | MS | A segmentation analysis of the ulcer drug market | John Swen | Sloan School | MS | Use of IT by start-up biotechnology firms | Francois Thomas | Sloan School | MS | Outsourcing research in the pharmaceutical industry | Matt Verlinden | Sloan School | MS | The effect on isolation technology on aseptic pharmaceutical processing technology | Jeffrey Williams | Sloan School | MS | Benchmarking manufacturing costs in the biotechnology industry | Hyun-Sook Woo | Sloan School | MS | The effect of project management structure on new drug development |
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