Patricia Ireland to Speak

4 April 2001, 12:30 pm
La Sala de Puerto Rico
(2nd floor, Student Center, Bldg. W20)

Patricia Ireland, President of NOW, will speak to the MIT community on April 4th about preserving rights during the Bush administration. The talk comes two and a half weeks before the April 22nd Emergency March for Women's Lives in Washington D.C.

About Patricia Ireland

Patricia Ireland has led the National Organization for Women since 1991. During her tenure, she has led efforts to elect women to political office, defend abortion access, and collaborate with other social justice and civil rights groups. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun credits her campaign success, in part, to NOW's early support. Ireland has also worked to unite women's rights with welfare, racial, and gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender rights groups. A lawyer, she has also contributed to recent legal victories against violence at abortion clinics.

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