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Jun 16 - 20, 2025
Live Online
Course Length
5 Days
Course Fee
4.0 CEUs
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Anticipate where your industry is headed—and secure a competitive advantage—by mastering the latest discrete choice models and techniques. In this five-day course, you’ll work with leading MIT experts to discover how to apply discrete choice techniques; analyze challenges related to data collection, model formulation, estimation, testing, and forecasting; and assess online applications that drive optimization and personalization of results.


Course Overview

Discrete choice models are widely used for the analysis of individual choice behavior and can be applied to choice problems in many fields such as economics, engineering, environmental management, urban planning, and transportation. For example, discrete choice modeling is used in marketing research to guide product positioning, pricing, product concept testing, and many other areas of strategic and tactical interest. Recent applications to predict changes in demand and market share include areas such as choice of travel mode, coffee brands, telephone service, soft drinks and other foods, financial services, internet access, and choice of durables such as smartphones, tablets, automobiles, air conditioners, and houses. This program also covers methods for online applications where predictions of individual choice behavior are used as inputs for the online optimization and personalization of advertising, recommendations and promotions.

The methods covered include discrete choice models (logit, nested logit, generalized extreme value, probit, logit mixtures, hybrid choice models), data collection, specification, estimation, statistical testing, forecasting, and application. The covered topics include analysis of revealed and stated preferences data, sampling, simulation-based estimation, discrete panel data, Bayesian estimation, discrete-continuous models, menu choice, and integration of choice models with latent variables models.

The course includes lab sessions where participants are provided with discrete choice software to learn how to use real databases to estimate and test discrete choice models taught in lectures and gain hands-on experience in using new discrete choice techniques for practical applications. By examining actual case studies of discrete choice methods, students will become familiar with problems of model formulation, estimation, testing, and forecasting.

Certificate of Completion from MIT Professional Education

Discrete Choice Analysis

The type of content you will learn in this course, whether it's a foundational understanding of the subject, the hottest trends and developments in the field, or suggested practical applications for industry.

Fundamentals: Core concepts, understandings, and tools - 35%|Latest Developments: Recent advances and future trends - 40%|Industry Applications: Linking theory and real-world - 25%
  • Fundamentals: Core concepts, understandings, and tools - 35%
  • Latest Developments: Recent advances and future trends - 40%
  • Industry Applications: Linking theory and real-world - 25%
Delivery Methods

How the course is taught, from traditional classroom lectures and riveting discussions to group projects to engaging and interactive simulations and exercises with your peers.

Lecture: Delivery of material in a lecture format - 80%|Labs: Demonstrations, experiments, simulations - 20%
  • Lecture: Delivery of material in a lecture format - 80%
  • Labs: Demonstrations, experiments, simulations - 20%

What level of expertise and familiarity the material in this course assumes you have. The greater the amount of introductory material taught in the course, the less you will need to be familiar with when you attend.

Introductory: Appropriate for a general audience - 20%|Specialized: Assumes experience in practice area or field - 50%|Advanced: In-depth explorations at the graduate level - 30%
  • Introductory: Appropriate for a general audience - 20%
  • Specialized: Assumes experience in practice area or field - 50%
  • Advanced: In-depth explorations at the graduate level - 30%