Selected Publications


Doctoral Theses | SM Theses | Books and Book Chapters | Adaptive Optics | Luminescence in YAG | MEMS | Optical Information Processing | Neural Co-Processors | Optical Materials | Optics | Spatial Light Modulators and Displays | Spectro-Polarimetric Imaging Sensors | Miscelanious Selected Publications | Patents |



Books and Book Chapters

•  C. Warde, and A. D. Fisher, "Spatial Light Modulators: Applications and Functional Capabilities" in Optical Signal Processing , J. L. Horner, Editor, Academic Press, pp. 477-523, 1987.

•  C. Warde, J. Stamatoff, and W. I. Wang, Editors , Materials for Optical Information Processing , Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 228, 1992.

•  C. Warde, "Spatial Light Modulators for Optically Controlled Phase Array Radar Signal Processors," in Photonics Aspects of Modern Radar , H. Zmuda and E.N. Toughlian, Editors, Artech House, PP. 163-200, 1994.

•  C. Warde, "Charge-Transfer-Plate Membrane Mirror Light Modulators," in Spatial Light Modulator Technology , U. Efron, Editor, Marcel Dekker, pp391-414, 1994.

•  C. Warde, " Optical Signals, Devices and Systems " Class notes for 6.161 and 6.637, February 2015 (13 Chapters in progress).

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Adaptive Optics

•  C. Warde and A. D. Fisher, "Adaptive Phase Compensation for Low-visibility Optical Communication," in Optical Signal Processing for C 3 I, Boston, MA, October 1979; in Proc. SPIE 209 144-151, 1979.

•  A. D. Fisher and C. Warde, "Simple Closed-Loop System for Real-Time Optical Phase Measurement," Optics Letters 4 , 131-133, May 1979.

•  C. Warde "Atmospheric Optical Communication," Guest Editorial, Optical Engineering 20 , 62, 1981.

•  J. H. Shapiro and C. Warde, "Optical Communication through Low-Visibility Weather," Optical Engineering 20 , 76-83, 1981.

•  A. D. Fisher and C. Warde, "Technique for Real-Time High-Resolution Adaptive Phase Compensation, Optics Letters 8 , 353-355, 1983.

•  P. V. Mitchell, C.J. Gaeta, T.R. O'Meara, D.M. Pepper, C.M. Schiller, T.N. Horsky and C. Warde, "Single-Pixel demonstration of innovative adaptive optics by use of a charge-transfer membrane light modulator," Opt. Lett. 18 , 1748-1750, 1993.

•  J. R. Hui, X. Wu and C. Warde, “Addressing large arrays of electrostatic actuators for adaptive optics applications,” Proc. SPIE 5553 , 17-27, 2004 .

•  T. Simpkins, J. Hui, J, and C. Warde C, “Optimizing stochastic gradient descent algorithms for serially addressed adaptive-optics wavefront modulators,” Applied Optics, 46, 7566-7572, 2007.

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Luminescence in YAG

•  C. M. Wong, S. R. Rotman and C. Warde, "Optical Studies of Cerium Doped YAG Single Crystals ," Appl. Phys. Lett. 44 , 1083-1085, 1984.

•  S. R. Rotman and C. Warde, "Defect Luminescence of Yttrium Aluminum Garnet," J. Appl. Phys. 58 , 522-525, 1985.

•  L. Y. Liu and C. Warde, "Surface-Charge-Induced Electric Fields in Anisotropic Crystals ," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, ED-33 , 1593, 1986.

•  S. R. Rotman, M. Roth, and H. Tuller and C. Warde, "Defect-Property Correlations in Garnet Crystals . IV: Optical Properties of Ni-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet," J. Appl. Phys. 66 , 1366, 1989.

•  S. R. Rotman, C. Warde, H. L. Tuller, and J. Haggerty, "Defect-Property Correlations in Garnet Crystals : V. Energy Transfer in Luminescent Yttrium Aluminum-Yttrium Iron Garnet Solid Solutions," J. Appl. Phys., 66 , 3207, 1989.

•  S. R. Rotman, G. E. Aizenberg, E. S. Gordon, H. L. Tuller and C. Warde, "Mechanisms for the Cathodoluminesce of Cerium-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Phosphors," Proc. SPIE 1442 , 1990.

•  S. R. Rotman, H. L. Tuller and C. Warde, "Defect-Property Correlations in Garnet Crystals : VI. The Electrical Conductivity, Defect Structure and Optical Properties of Luminescent Calcium, Cerium-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet," submitted J. Appl Phys. 1991.

•  X. D. Feng, and C. Warde, "Influence of surface charge on the cathodoluminesce of Ce:YAG," J. Appl. Phys. 73 , 3926-3931, 1993.

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•  C. Warde, J. McCann, V. Shrauger, H. Ieong, A. Ersen, X-Y. Wang and J. Hubbard, “Membrane-Mirror Light Modulator technology,” Proc. SPIE 3951 , 191-199, 2000.

•  V. Shrauger and C. Warde, "Development of a high-speed, high fill-factor phase-only spatial light modulator," Proc. SPIE 4291 , 101-108, 2001.

•  X. T. Wu, J. Hui, P. Kayatta, D. Kenneth, M. Young, and C. Warde, ”Characterization of Electrostatic Micromembrane Actuator Performance Using A Mass Probing Method,” Proceedings of Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Vol. 782 , A4.2.1, 2003.

•  X. T. Wu, J. Hui, M. Young, P. Kayatta, J. Wong, D. Kennith, J. Zhe and C. Warde, “Electrostatic Micromembrane Actuator Arrays as Motion Generator”Appl. Phys. Lett., 84 , 4418-4420, 2004.

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Optical Information Processing

•  T. N. Tsakiris, R. L. Hillman, and C. Warde, "Adaptive Multi-Spectral Image Correlation," 23rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, October 1989, Maple Press, pp. 307-313.

•  J. E. Ludman, B. Javidi, F. T. S. Yu, H. J. Caulfield, and C. Warde, "Real Time Color-Pattern Recognition," SPIE Los Angeles Technical Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, January 1984 in Proc. SPIE, 465 , 143-149, 1984.

•  C. Warde, H. J. Caulfield, F. T. S. Yu and J. E. Ludman, "Real-Time Joint Spectral-Spatial Matched Filtering," Optics Communications 49 , 241-244, 1984.

•  J. A. Kottas and C. Warde, "Versatile Optical Circuits," in the Conference Digest of the 13th Congress of the International Commission for Optics , Sapporo, Japan, 1984, pp. 160-163.

•  C. Warde and J. Kottas, "Hybrid Optical Inference Machines: Architectural Considerations," Applied Optics 26 , 940-947, 1986.

•  J. A. Kottas and C. Warde, "Trends in Knowledge Base Processing Using Optical Techniques," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Cambridge, MA, November 1989, pp. 1250-1257.

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Neural Co-Processors

•  H. Lamela, J.R. Lopez, M. Ruiz, P. Acedo, D.H. Kim and C. Warde, "Large-scale Optical Network Based on Electronic Integrated Circuits: First Prototype", Proceedings of XIII Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference, Madrid, Spain, Nov. 1998, pp. 548-552.

•  M. Ruiz, H. Lamela, A.J. Varo and C. Warde, "Reconfigurable Optoelectronic Neural Network Based on a Microcontroller System", Proceedings of XIV Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Nov. 1999, pp. 447-480.C. Warde, "Compact Optoelectronic Signal Processors", IEEE LEOS '99 Conference Proceedings , Vol. 1 , pp 325-326, 1999.

•  M. Ruiz-Llata, H. Lamela, A.J. Varo and C. Warde, “Comparative optoelectronic neural network processor based on diffraction interconnections,” in Proceedings of XV Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference, Montpellier-Le Corum, France, Nov. 2000, pp 578-582.

•  H. Lamela, C. Warde, M. Ruiz-Llata, A.J. Varo and C. Macias, “Fully interconnected neural network by using electronic and optoelectronic architecture,” in Proceedings DCIS 2000, Montpellier-Le Corum, France, pp 587-590.

•  M. Ruiz-Llata, H. Lamela, C.Warde,”Fully interconnected neural network based on an optical broadcast system,” in Algorithms and Systems for Optical Information Processing V, Proc. SPIE, 4471 , 2001.

•  M. Ruiz-Llata, H. Lamela, C. Warde, ”Neural network hardware based on optoelectronic devices and electronic techniques,” in Algorithms and Systems for Optical Information Processing VI , B. Javidi and D. Psaltis, Eds., Proc. SPIE 4789 , 106-114 (2002).

•  C. Warde and C. Fonstad, "Compact Optoelectronic Neural Co-processor Project," in Proc. of the International Conf. on Opto-electronics and Laser Applications, ICOLA '02, Jakarta, Indonesia, pp B07-B11, 2002.

•  H. Lamela , M. Ruiz-Llata , C. Warde, ”Prototype Optoelectronic Neural Network for Artificial Vision Systems,” Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Sevilla, Spain, Nov 2002, pp. 1434–1438.

•  M. Ruiz-Llata, H. Lamela, C.Warde, “Functionality evaluation of a hybrid electronic-optoelectronic implementation of a neuroprocessor,” Proceedings of the XVII Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Santander , Spain , Nov 2002.

•  H. Lamela, M. Ruiz-Llata, C. Warde, “ Optical broadcast interconnection neural network,” Optical Engineering Letters 42 (9), 2487-2488 (2003).

•  M. Ruiz-Llata, H. Lamela and C. Warde, “Design of a Compact Neural Network Based on an Optical Broadcast Architecture,” Opt. Eng. 44, 055401-1-10, 2005.

•  J. M. Perkins, T. L. Simpkins, C. Warde, and C. G. Fonstad, Jr., "Full Recess Integration of Small Diameter Low Threshold VCSELs within Si-CMOS ICs," Optics Express 16, 13955-13960, 2008.

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Optical Materials

•  C. Warde and R. G. Wheeler, "Optical and Structural Properties of Solid Oxygen Films," J. Phys. C 11 , 1717-1732, 1978.

•  D. A Temple, R. S. Hathcock and C. Warde, "Tensor Photovoltaic Effect in BaTiO3, "Proceedings of Symposium O of the 1985 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, in Nonlinear Optical Materials , D. A. B. Miller, Editor, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 33-35.

•  D. A. Temple and C. Warde, "Anisotropic Scattering in Photorefractive Crystals," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 3 , 337-341, 1986.

•  C. Warde, D. A. Temple, P. Schunemann, R. S. Hathcock, H. L. Tuller and H. P. Jenssen, "Photorefractive Effect in BaTiO 3 :Fe" Proc. SPIE 825 , 101, 1987.

•  D. A Temple and C. Warde, "Anisotropic Scattering in Photorefractive Crystals: Response to Comments," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B4 , 1335, 1987.

•  R. S. Hathcock, D. A. Temple and C. Warde, "Photorefractive Properties of BaTiO 3 :Cr," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-23 , 2122, 1987.

•  D. A. Temple , Chang, J., and C. Warde, "Amplified Reflection via Anisotropic Scattering in BaTiO 3 ," Optics Letters 13 , 764, 1988.

•  D. A. Temple and C. Warde, "High-Order Anisotropic Scattering in Photorefractive Crystals," JOSA B5 , 1800, 1988.

•  P. G. Schunemann, D. A. Temple, R. S. Hathcock, H. L. Tuller, H. P. Jenssen, D. R. Gabbe and C. Warde, "Role of Iron Centers in the Photorefractive Effect in Barium Titanate", J.O.S.A., B5 , 1682, 1988.

•  D. A. Temple , R. S. Hathcock and C. Warde, "Intensity-Dependent Photorefractive Properties of BaTiO3:Fe," J. Appl. Phys. 67 , 6667, 1990.

•  D. A. Temple , and C. Warde, "Photo-Induced Optical Absorption in BaTiO 3 :Fe," Appl. Phys. Lett. 59 , 4, 1991.

•  M. H. Garrett, J.Y. Chang, H.P Jenssen and C. Warde, "A method for poling Barium Titanate, BaTiO 3 ," Ferroelectrics, 120 , 167-173, 1991.

•  M. H. Garrett, J.Y. Chang, H.P. Jenssen and C. Warde, "High Photorefractive Sensitivity in an n-type 45 0 -cut BaTiO 3 Crystal," Opt. Lett. 17 , 103-105, 1992.

•  T.P. Dougherty, G. P. Widerrecht, K. A. Nelson, M. H. Garrett, H.P. Jenssen, C. Warde, "Femotsecond Resolution of Soft Mode Dynamics in Structural Phase Transitions," Science 258 , 770-774, 1992.

•  T.P. Dougherty, G. P. Widerrecht, K. A. Nelson, M. H. Garrett, H.P. Jenssen, C. Warde, "Femotsecond time-resolved spectroscopy of soft modes in structural phase transitions of perovskites," Phys. Rev. B. 50 , 8996-9019, 1994.

•  M. H. Garrett, J.Y. Chang, H.P. Jenssen and C. Warde, "High Beam-Coupling Gain in Cobalt-Doped Barium Titanate, BaTiO 3 :Co," JOSA B8 , 1407, 1992.

•  M. H. Garrett, P. Tayebati, J. Y. Chang, H. P. Jenssen and C. Warde, "Shallow-trap-induced positive absorption two-beam coupling gain and light-induced transparency in nominally undoped barium titanate," J. Appl. Phys. 72 , 1965-1969, 1992.

•  M. H. Garrett, J. Y. Chang, H. P. Jenssen and C. Warde, "Photochromic Enhancement of the Photorefractive Effect in Barium Titanate," in Materials for Optical Information Processing ," Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 228 , 1992, pp 147-155.

•  J. Y. Chang, M. H. Garrett, H. P. Jenssen, C. Warde and P Tayebati, "Photorefractive Properties of Cobalt-Doped Barium Titanate," in Materials for Optical Information Processing, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 228 , 1992, pp 157-164.

•  J. Y. Chang, M. H. Garrett, H. P. Jenssen and C. Warde, "Intensity-dependent absorption/transparency of a reduced BaTiO 3 crystal," Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 , 3598, 1993.

•  M. H. Garrett, J.Y. Chang, H.P. Jenssen, and C. Warde "Self-pumped phase conjugation and FWM in 0 and 45 0 cut n-type BaTiO 3 : Co, Optics Lett. 18 , 405-407, 1993.

•  J. Y. Chang, M.H. Garrett, H.P. Jenssen and C. Warde, "Intensity-dependent photorefractive properties in an n-type BaTiO 3 crystal," J. Appl. Phys. 75 , 43, 1994.

•  T. W. McNamara, S.G. Conahan, I Mnushkina, M.H. Garrett, H. P. Jenssen and C. Warde, "Fixing and IR Response of Doped barium Titanate," in SPIE Critical Review Proceedings , P. Yeh and C. Gu, Editors, Vol. CR-48 , pp 100 - 120, 1994.

•  Chang, J. Y., M. H. Garrett, P. Tayebati, H.P. Jenssen and C. Warde, "Light-Induced Dark Decay and Sublinear Intensity Dependence of the Response Time of Cobalt-Doped Barium Titanate," JOSA B12 , 248, 1995.

•  Y. Takamatsu, D. Dunmeyer, E. L. Thomas, and C. Warde, "Preparation, characterization, and heat resistance studies of a holographic photopolymer based on SU-8 epoxy resin," Opt. Lett. 33, 7-9, 2008.


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•  C. Warde, "Lummer-Gehrcke Interferometer Modified for the Spectroscopy of Thin Dielectric Films," Applied Optics 15 , 2730-2735, November 1976.

•  D. M. Reilly and C. Warde, "Temporal Characteristics of Single-Scatter Radiation," J. Opt. Soc. Am. 69 , 464-470, March 1979.

•  C. Warde, "MIT's Modern-Optics Project Laboratory," IEEE Trans. Education E23, 105-108, May 1980.

•  J.E. Ludman, and C. Warde, "Angle Measurements of Scanners by Interferometry," Proc. SPIE, 299 , 106-111, 1981.

•  V. Shrauger, L.L Erwin, J.L. Ahn and C. Warde, "Computer-generated multiple-phase-level holograms using color-printer techniques" Appl. Opt. 33 , 5318-5327, 1994.


Spatial Light Modulators and Displays

•  C. Warde, and J. C. Sheppard, "Resolution of Electro-Optic Spatial Phase Modulators; Measurement Techniques,” Digest of Technical Papers, International Electron Devices Meeting , Washington , D. C., December 1976, pp. 232-234.

•  C. Warde, A. D. Fisher, D. M. Cocco, M. Y. Burmawi, "Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," Optics Letters 3 , 196-198, 1978.

•  C. Warde, A. D. Fisher, D. M. Cocco, and M. Y. Burmawi, "Development of the Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," Proceedings of International Optical Computing Conference, London , September 1978, pp. 31-34.

•  C. Warde, A. D. Fisher, "Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator as a Storage Medium," Proc. SPIE 177 , 67-70, 1979.

•  C. Warde, A. M. Weiss and A. D. Fisher, "LiNbO 3 and LiTaO 3 Microchannel Spatial Light Modulators," Proc. SPIE 218 , 59-66, 1980.

•  C. Warde, "Performance Limitations of the Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," Proceedings of the 1980 European Conference on Optical Systems and Applications , Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 1980; in Proc. SPIE 236 , 389-397, 1980.

•  C. Warde, A. D. Fisher, J. I. Thackara and A. M. Weiss, "Image Processing Operations Achievable with the Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," SPIE Annual Technical Symposium, San Diego, CA, July 1980, in Proc. SPIE 252 , 25-32, 1980.

•  C. Warde, A. M. Weiss, A. D. Fisher, and J. I. Thackara, "Optical Information Processing Characteristics of the Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," Applied Optics 20 , 2066-2074, 1981.

•  C. Warde and J. I. Thackara, "Oblique-Cut LiNbO3 Microchannel Spatial Modulator," Optics Letters 7 , 344-346, 1982.

•  C. Warde, "Applications of Ferroelectrics in Optical Information Processing," Ferroelectrics 49 , 127-139, 1983.

•  C. Warde and J.I. Thackara, "Operating Modes of the Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," Optical Engineering 22 , 695-702, 1983.

•  C. Warde and J. I. Thackara, "Materials Limitations of the Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," Proc. SPIE, 388 , 96-105, 1983

•  A. Schwartz, X. Y. Wang and C. Warde, "Electron Beam Addressed Spatial Light Modulator," SPIE Los Angeles Technical Symposium, Los Angeles , CA , Jan. 1984, in Proc. SPIE, 465 , 23-27, 1984.

•  A. R. Tanguay, Jr. and C. Warde, "Optical Information Processing Components," Guest Editorial, Optical Engineering 24 , 91, January/February, 1985.

•  A. Schwartz, X. Y. Wang and C. Warde, "Electron Beam Addressed Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," Optical Engineering 24 , 119-123, 1985.

•  C. Warde and U. Efron, "Materials and Devices for Optical Information Processing," Guest Editorial, Optical Engineering 25 , 197, February 1986.

•  C. Warde, H. Lamela-Rivera and H. K. Liu, "High-Gamma Spatial Light Modulator for Non-linear Optical Processing, "Proc. SPIE 254 , 255-259, 1986.

•  R. F. Dillon and C. Warde, "X-ray Imaging Characteristics of the Vacuum-Demountable Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," Optical Engineering 25 , 269-273, February 1986.

•  S. Lau and C. Warde, "Bistable Operation of the Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," Appl. Opt. 27 , 2954, 1988.

•  C. M. Schiller, T.N. Horsky, D.M. O'Mara, W.S. Hamnett, G.J. Genetti, and C. Warde, "Charge-transfer-plate deformable membrane mirrors for adaptive optics applications," Proc. SPIE 1543 , 120, 1991.

•  D. M. O'Mara, C.M. Schiller, and C. Warde, "Membrane Light Modulators: Engineering Design Considerations," Proc SPIE 1527 , 110, 1991.

•  T. N. Horsky, C. M. Schiller, G. J. Genetti, D. M. O'Mara, W. S. Hamnett, and C. Warde, "Electron-beam addressed membrane light modulator for IR scene projection," Proc SPIE 1540 , 527, 1991.

•  R. L. Hillman, G. A. Melnik, T.N. Tsakiris, F. Leard, R. Jurgilewicz and C. Warde, "Electron-beam-addressed lithium niobate spatial light modulator," Proc SPIE 1562 , 136, 1991.

•  G. A. Melnik, G. C. Gilbreath, T. N. Horsky, D. M. O'Mara, T. N. Tsakiris, R. Jurgilewicz, and C. Warde, "Operating Modes of the Electron-Beam-Addressed Liquid Crystal Phase Modulator," Appl. Opt. 31 , 3892-3897, 1992.

•  C. Warde, C. M. Schiller, J. Bounds, T. N. Horsky, G. Melnik and R. Dillon, "Charge-Transfer-Plate Spatial Light Modulators," Appl. Opt. 31 , 3971-3979, 1992.

•  T. N. Horsky, C. M. Schiller, G J. Genetti, R. Jurgilewicz, D. M. O'Mara and C. Warde, "Electron beam-addressed Membrane Light Modulator Projection Display System," Appl. Opt. 31 , 3980-3990, 1992.

•  C. Warde, J. E. Hubbard, Jr, G. Genetti, L. Lerman and W. Loizides, "Membrane-mirror light valve for high-definition projection display," Proc. SPIE 1910 , 270-279, 1993.

•  C. Warde and J. E. Hubbard Jr. "Membrane-mirror-light-valve-based IR scene Projector," Proc. SPIE 2223 , 544-557, 1994.

•  Wu, X.T., J. Hui, M. Young, P. Kayatta, J. Wong, D. Kennith, J. Zhe and C. Warde, “Electrostatic Micromembrane Actuator Arrays as Motion Generator”Appl. Phys. Lett., 84, 4418-4420, 2004.

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Spectro-Polarimetric Imaging Sensors

•  D-H. C. Kim, C. Warde, K. Vaccaro, C. Woods, and A. Drehman, “Development and characterization of an integrated multi-spectral polarimetric sensor: A discrete approach,” Proc. SPIE 4036 , 256-265, 2001.

•  Kim D.H-Y, K. Vacarro, C. Woods and C. Warde, “Imaging Multispectral polarimetric Sensor: Single Pixel Design, Fabrication and Characterization,” Applied Optics-OT, 42 , 3756-3764 , 2003.

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•  C. Warde, "Conservation by Communication and Technology Transfer by Replication," in Proc. of the Energy Policy Conference , E.N.C. Osakwe, Editor, Jos, Nigeria, August 1978, pp. 669-676.

•  C. Warde,"Communications and Information Technologies: Opportunities for Economic Development in the Caribbean" Proceedings of the 10th annual meeting of the Caribbean Academy of Sciences, Mount Hope, Trinidad, 23 September 1998, pp 187-195.

•  C.Warde and D.W.Y. Sah, "STEM Pathways to Economic Development for the Caribbean" in Signs of Competitiveness in the Americas 2014, RIAC Inter-American Competitiveness Network, pp 71-76, 2014.


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•  C. Warde and J. H. Shapiro, "A Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," U.S. Patent Number: 4, 481,531, November 6, 1984 .

•  C. Warde and R. Dillon, "Charge Transfer Signal Processor", U.S. Patent No. 840,684, April 27, 1987 .

•  R. Dillon, and C. Warde, "Completely Cross-talk Free High Spatial Resolution 2-D Bistable Light Modulator," U. S. Patent No. 4,800,263, January 24, 1989 .

•  R. Dillon and C. Warde, "Low-Cost Substantially Cross-Talk Free High Spatial Resolution 2-D Bistable Light Modulator," U. S. Patent No. 4,822,993, April 18, 1989 .

•  R. Dillon, and C. Warde, "High Spatial Resolution 2-D Bistable Light Modulator," U.S. Patent No. 4,851,659, July 25, 1989 .

•  C. Warde, R. Dillon and B. Hill, "Charge Transfer Signal Processor and Charge Transfer Feedthrough Plate Fabrication, Assembly and Method," U.S. Patent No. 4,863,759, September 5, 1989 .

•  F. Leard, T. N. Tsakiris, and C. Warde, "Improved Spatial Light Modulator Assembly," U.S. Patent No. 5,196,767, March 23, 1993 .

•  V. Shrauger and C. Warde, "Method and Apparatus for Creating Multiple Phase Level Optical Elements," U.S. Patent No. 5,262,893, November 16, 1993 .

•  C. Warde, T. N. Horsky, C. Schiller and G. Genetti, "Membrane Light Modulating Systems," U.S. Patent No. 5,287,215, February 15, 1994 .

•  C. Warde, T. N. Horsky, C. Schiller and G. Genetti, "Membrane Light Modulating Systems," U.S. Patent No. 5,471,341, November 28, 1995 .

•  X. Wu and C. Warde, “Tunable Optical Filter,” U.S. Patent No. 6,822,798, November 23, 2004

•  X. Wu and C. Warde, “ High Angular Deflection Micromirror System,” U.S. Patent No. 7,116,463, October 3, 2006.

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Doctoral Theses

•  Fisher, Arthur, "Techniques and Devices for High Resolution Adaptive Optics," August 1981.

•  Rotman, Stanley, "Defect Structure of Luminescent Garnets," September 1985.

•  Temple , Doyle Anthony, "Photo-Induced Absorption and Photorefractive Grating in Barium Titanate," September 1988.

•  Hathcock, Ronald Scott, "Optical and Photorefractive Properties of Iron-Doped Barium Titanate," September 1989 (Materials Science & Engineering).

•  Kottas, James, "Limit Cycles in Optical Neural Networks," September 1991.

•  Chang, Jenq-Yang, "Effects of Cobalt-Doping, Oxygen Reduction, and Crystallographic Orientation on the Photorefractive Properties of Barium Titanate," June 1992.

•  McNamara, Thomas, "Non-volatile Hologram Storage in Barium Titanate," September 1996.

•  Shrauger, Vernon , "Development of a Silicon VLSI Optically Addressed Liquid Crystal Smart Spatial Light Modulator," June 1997.

•  Dong-Hyun Kim, “Design, Development and Characterization of an Integrated Multispectral Polarimetric Sensor System,” May 2001

•  Ruedlinger, Ben, " Fundamental Building Blocks for a Compact, Optoelectronic, Neural Network Processor," May 2003

•  Simpkins, Travis, “Architecture and Circuits for the Compact Optoelectronic Neural Coprocessors“, September 2005.

• Dunmeyer, David, “Polarization Dependent Wavelength Selective Structures for Multispectral Polarimetric Infrared Imaging,“ January 2007.

• Herrington, William F, “Micro-Optic Interconnection Elements for Compact Opto-electronic Integrated Neural Co-processors,” September 2014


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S.M. Theses

•  Reilly, David, "Atmospheric Optical Communications in the Middle Ultraviolet," May 1976.

•  Sheppard, John, "Resolution of Voltage-Addressed Electro-Optic Spatial Phase Modulators," July 1976.

•  Burmawi, Mohammed, "Resolution and Imaging Characteristics of a Proximity-Addressed Electro-Optic Plate," August 1976.

•  Cocco, Dennis, "Speed and Resolution of a Microchannel-Addressed Optical Modulator," August 1977.

•  Jarve, John, "A Digitized Wavefront Twyman-Green Interferometer," January 1979.

•  Harton, Austin, "Apodization by Defocusing in Infrared Detecting Systems," February 1979 – (Also used for B. S. degree).

•  Timp, Gregory, "Photoemission of Excess Electrons from Caesium Iodide," August 1979.

•  Weiss, Aryeh Moshe, "Development of the Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," December 1980.

•  DeSmith, Michael, "Transistor-Addressed Membrane Light Modulator for Projection Display," May 1981 (Also used for B. S. degree).

•  Thackara, John, "Image Processing Characteristics of the Mircochannel Spatial Light Modulator," August 1982.

•  Wong, Chon Meng, "Cathodoluminescence and Photoluminescence of Undoped and Ce-Doped YAG," May 1982.

•  Schwartz, Andrew, "Electron-Beam-Addressed Microchannel Spatial Light Modulator," October 1983.

•  Nicoli, Anthony Michael, "Dynamic Range of Microchannel Plate Photomultipliers, September 1985.

•  Kottas, James, "Optical Pattern Processors for Matrix Multiplication and Symbolic Inference," February 1986.

•  Lau, Suzanne, "Variable-Gamma Spatial Light Modulator," May 1987.

•  Douwes, Alexander Inigo Xavier, "The Design of a Microchannel Plate Imaging Detector," June 1989.

•  Hinman, Roderick Thornton, " Dynamic Range Behavior of a Microchannel Plate Detector Utilizing a Hybrid Meaurement Scheme," June 1989.

•  Chin, Brenda L., "Contact Properties of Hydrogenated Amorphorus Silicon for a Photoconductive Array Used in an Artificial Neural Network," June 1989.

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