Plutonic Solids

by Zack Butler, Brie Frame, and Stephen Peters

Each of the five pages shows a diagram that can be folded into one of the platonic solids (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron). Each shape uses a different encryption, but each shape when properly decrypted will read different buildings and/or features on or visible from MIT. The decryptions are shown in this PDF.

You can then take each shape to a spot such that all faces with words point to the building/feature written on them. The face with blanks can then be filled in by noting what that face points at - but it must be encrypted first following the same encryption as the other faces. The circled letters then are: tetrahedron: I,I ; cube: N,T ; octahedron: P,I ; dodecahedron: O,O ; icosahedron: S,N. If you line up the five shapes in increasing-number-of-faces order, then read the first row of each followed by the second of each it spells IN POSITION.