The Undiscovered Underground (solution)

by Andrew Lin, Elan Pavlov, and Jit Hin Tan

You are presented with a text adventure which resembles Zork. The mapping of the maze actually matches the network of underground tunnels below MIT. You begin your adventure in Lobby 7 (where the mystery hunt began) and descend into the basement.

As you pass through the various tunnels, you are given features to match the actual features in the physical tunnels. In particular, four types of features are highlighted:

Furthermore, money is located in nodes containing “GetFit@MIT” markers, which each have a different label.

Seven of the locations with treasure have additional in-game features that do not appear in real life. Sort these, and only these, by increasing treasure amounts (copper is worth less than silver, which is worth less than gold, which is worth less than platinum), to obtain the answer, FOGBOUND. (The duplicated O is obtained by having two separate piles of treasure at that location.)

F (5 copper): extra blue light
O (3 silver): extra blue light
G (1 gold): extra blue light
B (3 gold): extra vending machine
O (7 gold): extra blue light
U (2 platinum): extra bathroom
N (4 platinum): extra Athena cluster
D (9 platinum): extra bathroom

Charles L. Dodgson
Charles L. Dodgson