Letters from Max and Leo

Song Titles

A Circus Line
  1. Every Tightrope Is Useful
  2. Live Nude Introverts!
  3. Entertainers Need Tiaras
  4. Plastic Helpless Acrobats!
  5. Hello, New Trapeze!
  6. Any Unicyclist’s Expertise
  7. Now, Real Tumblers!
  1. Crazy Universal Deductions
  2. Only Elementary, Oklahomans
  3. Real Overland Sleuthing
  4. Improbable News
  5. Young Solutions
  6. Criminal Incompetence
  7. Olfactory Logic
Into the Woodstock
  1. Only One Lollipop, Rapunzel
  2. Wow! Hendrix’s Axe!
  3. Princesses Love America
  4. My Stepmother’s Unhinged
  5. Never Overdose Accidentally
  6. Fairies Sing Zeppelin
  7. The Enchanted Rock
Mayan Fair Lady
  1. Never, Henry Higgins
  2. Holy Apocalypse, Eliza!
  3. Rain Over Acapulco
  4. The Vision’s Real!
  5. Eliza’s Uxmal Travels
  6. Sacrifice Some Men!
  7. Happy Transformation
Phantom of the Operator
  1. Dial Each Telephone Twice
  2. Opera Really Is Irritating
  3. Verizon Always Eliminates Value
  4. Christine’s Usually Lovely Essence
  5. Tweeting Is Trending
  6. Yes, They’re Overcharging
  7. All New Employees
Ogre Of la Mancha
  1. Donkey’s Doing Ketamine
  2. Which Ogre Stinks?
  3. Every Night
  4. King’s Ransom
  5. Everybody’s Hero
  6. Yesterday’s Battles
  7. Reality’s Overrated