
ooking through a freebie newspaper, you discover several ticket sellers nearby. Trying one at random, you head over to a marked apartment two blocks away. When you get there, you knock on the door and wait nervously.

“Password?” says a voice behind the door.

“Ummm–. Listerine gets your breath minty clean.”

“Close enough.” The door opens slightly and you step inside. Clearly this is an apartment that has seen better days. A tattered divan with springs sticking out of it occupies most of the living room, and several passed-out dopers lie around the room. One is conscious, and is ready with some tickets. “Looking to go to the Two Times Three concert? Should be good.” You take the tickets, and debate asking him how he knew what group you wanted to see.

To ask him, go to 46.
If you have the beer and would like to go to the concert, go to 53.
If you do not have the beer, go to 70.