Picture Time

by Ian Tullis, Mike Selinker, and Zack Butler

Matching the concepts to the pictures gets an animal phrase. Indexing by the phrase's category number in picture order gets the phrase BEING AROUND YOUR NECK. The animal around your neck is an ALBATROSS.

  1. Bats in the belfry (B) [Nuttiness]
  2. Elephant in the room (E) [Undiscussed issue]
  3. Fish in the sea (I) [Potential mates]
  4. Snake in the grass (N) [Untrustworthy friend]
  5. Pig in a poke (G) [Fraudulent sale]
  6. Toad in the hole (A) [Sausage dish]
  7. Bird in the hand (R) [Possessed item]
  8. Fox in the henhouse (O) [Untrustworthy guard]
  9. Butterflies in one’s stomach (U) [Stage fright]
  10. Ants in one's pants (N) [Restlessness]
  11. Dog in the manger (D) [Grudge bearer]
  12. Fly in the ointment (Y) [Snag]
  13. Wolf at one’s door (O) [Impending doom]
  14. Bull in a china shop (U) [Oaf]
  15. Frog in one’s throat (R) [Rasp]
  16. Monkey on one’s back (N) [Addiction]
  17. Bee in one’s bonnet (E) [Obsessive notion]
  18. Cock of the walk (C) [Important person]
  19. Ducks in a row (K) [Proper order]