
by Dan Katz, Mike Selinker, and Foggy Brume

Each card has a printer's devilry of a word that may be broken up in several places in the phrasing. Each word is half of a brand name which contains a central ampersand.

The matching brands are Abercrombie & Fitch, Arm & Hammer, Ben & Jerry's, Black & Decker, Crate & Barrel, Shake & Bake, Good & Plenty, and Spic & Span. Overlaying the two cards which contain matching halves reveals only one letter in the same position on each card.

Each card's corrected text goes with one of the locations on the map. At the midpoint of the halves is an intersection. There is one intersection on each street from 2nd to 9th. Mapping the extracted letters in left to right order spells REUNITES.

1st half1st store1st address2nd half2nd store2nd addressmidpointletter
SHAKELe Petit Mortuary1st & GBAKEThe Right Angler3rd & A2nd & DR
SPICThe Loan Arranger1st & DSPANSnap Judgments5th & H3rd & FE
CRATEPuzzlvaria4th & HBARRELThe 39 Steps4th & B4th & EU
GOODSmooth E's2nd & IPLENTYFrappe-Tastic!8th & C5th & FN
BENLegal Beagles10th & EJERRY'SClothes But No Cigar2nd & C6th & DI
ARMThe Plane Truth8th & HHAMMERKoolhaus Lodges6th & B7th & ET
ABERCROMBIEHotLines6th & AFITCHGee, Suits!10th & G8th & DE
BLACKVeganomix10th & CDECKERTip-Top Toppings8th & I9th & FS