• Rusty Ryan
  • Reuben Tishkoff
  • Livingston Dell
  • Linus Caldwell
  • Luxor (Solution)

    by Charles Steinhardt and Robyn Speer

    The clue answers are:
    TOSHIBA     Square      Taken in by Macintosh I bagged another computer
    SPECIFIC    Square      Having distinguishing quality: second largest ocean, reportedly
    CREDIT      Square      Co-author heartlessly cut acknowledgement
    CIGARETTE   Square      Having taken drug, tragic to return to the odd rollie
    EXTRA       Square      Out at the start (or, the middle) of the next race
    SANDMAN     Square      Legendary Yankee elf
    COPYRIGHT   Square      Type correct IP
    QUARTER     Square      Portion of game - piece of buck
    AIRFIELD    Square      Headless president, I interjected, found a landing strip
    ENFORCEMENT Square      Mixing con with freemen, Peg?  Sounds like a job for the police
    NUMBER      Square      Digit with fewer nerve endings?
    SUMMERTIME  Square      To some, January, when the living is easy
    STRETCH     Square      Prison time for Armstrong?
    HURRICANE   Square      Overheard: "Get a move on, Herman, it's windy!"
    CONFERENCE  Square      Meeting criminal concerning imprisonment in enclosure
    AEROSPACE   Triangle    Career evenly at very large speed - this is the place to do it
    BEAK        Triangle    No right to break nose
    BIGGER      Triangle    Huge bust held by stand, even more huge
    BUCKET      Triangle    Gamble without luck, losing 50 to pot
    CASTLE      Triangle    Make mold of the Parisian château
    CHAIRMAN    Triangle    Mariachi band loses a bid to become number 1
    CHESSMEN    Triangle    Gambit-makers hatching new schemes
    CHIC        Triangle    In Zurich, ice cool
    CARD        Triangle    Starts to consider another raise, drawing high one of these?
    CONFRERE    Triangle    Fellow professional musician's with loud notes
    COTTON      Triangle    Increase kid silky fibers
    COURAGE     Triangle    Canada's capital, at our age, is bravery
    CRISP       Triangle    High-definition Chrome Internet service provider
    DEAN        Triangle    Involved in alumna education, going back!
    DEMON       Triangle    Cardinal follows exhibition example created by Maxwell
    DUMBEST     Triangle    Bottom of the class finds honour in Ashes
    DUNK        Triangle    Dip stick in basket
    ELEMENT     Triangle    A shirt last sounded like the middle of the alphabet ingredient
    ENIGMA      Triangle    Cracked German encryptor, finally overcome by intelligence!
    FIGURE      Triangle    Shape cipher
    FORK        Triangle    Choice between two temperature units could go either way?
    GILLETTE    Triangle    Revolution's home sounds like a spewer of bullshit
    GOODYEAR    Triangle    Tire company's classic vintage
    GOURD       Triangle    Bottle arises from the middle of fury, with god around
    GRIMACE     Triangle    Glowering one's expression!
    GULF        Triangle    Disconnect from Guam, connect 100 kilohertz
    GUMBO       Triangle    Glue smell accompanying soup
    HAND        Triangle    One is employed by farmer to measure horse?
    HERD        Triangle    Bunch of cows heard on the radio
    INERT       Triangle    When nitre is mixed, the result is chemically inactive
    INFERNAL    Triangle    Nan fire-cooked with sambal ultimately diabolical
    INFERTILE   Triangle    Unproductive to deduce part of Scrabble rack?
    JESSICA     Triangle    A short strap, I see, a Simpson
    JUST        Triangle    It's only fair
    MARTYR      Triangle    To mutilate a Norse god is cause to suffer on account of religion
    MASSACRE    Triangle    Defeat heavily and accumulate quantity of land
    MENTAL      Triangle    In one's mind, books in dinner for example
    MINUTES     Triangle    They are written in record time
    MISLED      Triangle    Smiled crookedly but gave the wrong idea
    MISSISSAUGA Triangle    Situated in Southern Ontario, young woman is solver, it is said, in Norse story
    MISTER      Triangle    1001 Eritria Street: prior address
    MISTS       Triangle    Fail to see, taking time - these restrict visibility
    MYSTIC      Triangle    Nostradamus, for example, among alchemy stickers
    NIPPLE      Triangle    Cored pineapple got mixed up in bottlecap
    OREGON      Triangle    State gold gone, having prioritized economy first
    PECAN       Triangle    Cape Canaveral's harboring a nut
    RESINIFER   Triangle    Bearer of sticky substance rarely transported in ferries
    SCHOOL      Triangle    Educate a bunch of mullets
    SEMINAR     Triangle    Course for Marines at sea
    SERF        Triangle    Slave on board at sea, we hear
    SHTICK      Triangle    Henry featured in Rod's contrived performance
    SIGN        Triangle    E-mail ending with hint of negative omen
    SIMILAR     Triangle    Interchangeable junk mail delivered to baronet
    SIMON       Triangle    Zealot heard to breathe deeply, mon
    SLIM        Triangle    Amarillo tycoon, in Mexico
    SQUARE      Triangle    Straight equals bent when switching sides
    STILL       Triangle    Even so, it's a speakeasy requirement
    TERM        Triangle    Sentence requirement
    UNLESS      Triangle    Except if lacking weapon, beheaded
    WURST       Triangle    Minced meat is the most defective, I hear
    The dividing line in the puzzle is made of the same 24 hieroglyphs.  These are
    the hieroglyphs used in the puzzle for their phonetic values.  Each glyph
    stands for one, two, or three consonants. Most vowels are omitted, but we
    follow Egyptologists in supposing that Y can also represent "ee" sounds (/i:/)
    and W can represent "oo" sounds (/u:/).
    We start with these _uniliteral_ characters, representing individual phonemes.
    They appear in a reasonable order you could use to transliterate them.
    B   leg
    CH  rope
    D   hand
    F   horned viper
    G   jar
    H   reed shelter (spirally square)
    J   snake
    K   basket with handle
    M   owl
    N   water (zigzag)
    P   stool (small rectangle)
    R   mouth; used for /r/, /l/, and /ɚ/
    S   folded cloth (vertical bent thing)
    SH  pool (wide rectangle)
    T   loaf (semicircle)
    W   quail chick; used for /w/ and /u:/
    Y   Double feather, which could be /i:/ or /j/.
    The puzzle also uses 7 biliteral symbols and 1 triliteral, which stand for
    sequences of phonemes. Their phonetic values would be represented as MN, MR,
    MS, SP, WR, YR, and NFR.
    With these symbols:
    - You can spell the triangle clue answers with three glyphs each.
    - You can spell the square clue answers with four glyphs each.
    - You can combine each square with four triangles, in arbitrary orientations,
      to make a pyramid where the glyphs align at the corners.
    K + T SH Y B   TOSHIBA, shtick, chic, beak, bucket
    R + SP S F K   SPECIFIC, aerospace, serf, fork, crisp
    MS + K R D T   CREDIT, massacre, misled, dumbest, mystic
    MS + S G R T   CIGARETTE, Missisauga, grimace, mister, mists
    J + K S T R    EXTRA, Jessica, just, Gilette, courage
    Y + S N D MN   SANDMAN, sign, dean, demon, Simon
    N + K P R T    COPYRIGHT, pecan, nipple, inert, cotton
    S + K WR T R   QUARTER, school, worst, still, square
    G + R F YR D   AIRFIELD, gulf, figure, goodyear, gourd
    R + NFR S MN T ENFORCEMENT, resinifer, seminar, element, infertile
    G + N M B R    NUMBER, enigma, gumbo, bigger, Oregon
    R + S MR T M   SUMMERTIME, similar, martyr, term, slim
    MN + S T R CH  STRETCH, minutes, mental, chairman, chessmen
    D + H R K N    HURRICANE, herd, card, dunk, hand
    R + K NFR N S  CONFERENCE, confrere, infernal, unless, castle
    If you read the tops of the pyramids in the phonetic system you used to solve
    the puzzle, you get three phonetic clues:
    K R MS MS          chromosomes
    J Y N S            genes
    (G R G R MN D R)   Gregor Mendel (in a cartouche, indicating a proper name)
    You have a pentagon marked "N S R", indicating that the answer can be expressed
    in five hieroglyphs. The appropriate answer clued by those words is GENETICS.